SCENE 1: Riddhima leaves in her car after watching Vansh speaking with someone…
Riddhima: Why was he talking to him? Which murder were they talking about? So was my doubt correct on Vansh? Did he kill Abhi? I need to find out soon….
Riddhima is going on the road when suddenly a truck hits riddhima’s car…and the car is upside down….
Riddhima: I can’t die this soon! Not without knowing who killed my abhi…
She comes out of the car and falls on the road…vansh is also coming on the same way…
Vansh: No one can know that truth! Never, i need to finish him off, before he becomes a bigger threat and reveals the truth…..*he sees a car* Looks like there has been an accident, i think i have seen this car but where? Riddhima?! YES! It was Riddhima’s car, but wait is it her?
He sees a girl on the road….
Vansh: Excuse me? Are you alright?…….RIDDHIMA?!! What was she doing on this road? Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead….her pulse is there but its getting slow, i need to take her to my home…
Vansh calls angre…
Vansh: Angre, get a medical team with all equipment required to treat a accident case, to the house immediately, i will be there in 20 minutes, do it fast, i don’t have any time to lose…
He takes her to his home and calls the doctors….
Dadi (grandmother): Vansh who is she?
Vansh: Dadi, i can’t say anything right now, please inform the doctors that i have brought her here…
Dadi: Yeah ok!
Vansh: Riddhima! Open your eyes! Riddhima look at me damn it!
Doctors: Sir, please leave the room…
Vansh: yeah..
Vansh comes out…
Dadi: Now will you tell me who is she? And what happened to her
Vansh: She is my employee dadi, she met with an accident, and our house was near by, so i brought her here…
Dadi: Oh…
Ishani: Dadi, don’t you remember, i told right, one girl rejected Vansh bhai’s offer, that was this girl….
Dadi: Oh she is that girl, who challenged vansh?
Ishani and Vansh: Yes Dadi…
Dadi: I hope she is alright Vansh…but where did you find her?
Vansh: Dadi, i will tell all the details later, for now i have to make a call!
Dadi: Ok….
Vansh calls that person whom he was talking to earlier…
Vansh: I told you right! Stay away from her! Then why did you harm her?
That guy: Oh is she hurt? I didn’t do it, but trust me, now i wish i should have done it, atleast next time you would bring in the correct amount atleast…
Vansh: Don’t you dare!! Just try to hurt her and i will kill you IDIOT!!
Vansh cuts the call…
SCENE 2: Riddhima is in the guest room after the treatment and is resting, the same day….
A guy: I know you would do this…
Riddhima: You knew? Ok send me a picture of yours…
A guy: Why?
Riddhima: First send na!
Suddenly there is a flash and the scene shifts…
That guy: Riddhima! I love you…
Riddhima: I love you too abhi…
A lady: I am sorry but abhi is no more….
Riddhima wakes up..
Riddhima: ABHI!! *cries* I will bring justice, i will find out who killed you! And i will not take rest until i find out…
Vansh: Find out what Riddhima?
Riddhima: Find out the one who tried to kill me!
Vansh: Oh! Don’t worry about that, it has been handled, it was not intentional, the truck driver was drunk, so he just happened to……you know what never mind, it’s good that you came out safe and sound! Anyway, what were you doing there, i mean on that road, in the outskirts of the city, that too at office time…
Riddhima: I will tell, if you tell me how did you find me there? I mean you brought me here, because you found me on that road right, what were you doing there at that time….i mean that too was office time right!
Vansh: It’s not important, how are you feeling now? Better?
Riddhima’s pov: I feel better only when i find out what truth you are hiding and why were you talking to him?
Vansh: Riddhima?*waves a hand in front of her face* Where are you lost? Are you alright?
Riddhima: Yes, i just need some rest!
Vansh leaves…
Riddhima: The more i try to solve and know about Vansh and his intentions, the more i get entangled in all of this! What kind of a puzzle are you vansh?! But after today i am damn clear that you are involved in Gautam’s murder, but when Vansh and gautam don’t know each other, then why will Vansh try to kill gautam?! I need to even enter Vansh’s office for the files i am looking for! NITHYA!!! I forgot to tell her all of this…
Riddhima calls Vansh..
Riddhima: My phone!
Vansh: Oh don’t worry about that, it is with me, i found it near you…*hands over the phone* There you go…
Riddhima: Thanks…
Vansh: But if you are informing your parents, don’t tell them, otherwise they will be worried unnecessarily!
Riddhima: I know…
Vansh leaves and Riddhima calls Nithya…and tells her about the chain of events…
Nithya: But why is he blackmailing him? If he is blackmailing, then he might have the proof about what happened to Abhi, you need to somehow get that proof!
Riddhima: I know, but before that we need to find where is Vansh hiding Rishabh and if our guess is correct, then we will get to know that soon…as soon as i get out of here, i have to check his office…
Nithya: Ok! The key is also almost ready it will done by tomorrow, until then try finding something in his home, in his room..
Riddhima: Yeah good idea..
SCENE 3: Riddhima slowly goes to Vansh’s study room, to find any files….
Riddhima: I need to find something, come on!!
Vansh is in his room…and talking on the phone…
Vansh: Yes doctor, yes i have the old reports even, wait let me check and tell you… give me 5 minutes, i will call you back, the reports are in my study room..yes, ok!
Vansh is on his way the study room…
Vansh: But before, i go i need to check on riddhima, she doesn’t know what tablets she should take right…
He goes to the room…
Vansh: Where has this girl gone, she is not on the bed and she is not in the washroom….why is she always soo restless? Anyway, i will go and send those reports to the doctor, then i will check on her
Vansh goes to his study room…
Vansh: What did you think? That you will come here and i won’t even know?
Vansh: I have got the proofs against me! now you can’t blackmail me anymore…( a scene shift here, guys)
Riddhima: More how many people will you kill? Do you even have a thing called humanity?!
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