Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #2

Hello everyone!!




The episode starts as……

At 10:30am in VR mansion,

Ishani and Ragini were sitting and laughing together in Ishani’s room. When Sia and Kabir were walking by. They heard their laughter and joined them as well.

Ishani: Are you guys coming for the night out tonight?

Kabir: Where?

Ishani: The same club we go to.

Kabir: I can’t! I am busy tonight.

Ishani: *eyes Sia*

Sia: I am not coming, I have no mood.

Ragini: You guys are really boring! But Ishani and I are going. If y’all ever change your mind, please do join us.

Kabir: That would never happen! *Looks at the watch* I need to leave.

Ragini: Where?

Kabir: Actually Angre messaged me that he forgot a file at home and I need to get it to the office.

Ragini: If you don’t mind then, Can I go?

Everyone was surprised and eyed Ragini and then she realised what she had said.

Ragini: I meant if you have some other work then I can go to give the file.

Everyone’s facial expressions got back to normal and then,

Ishani: Ha okay, so you can go! Because Kabir is coming with me for shopping.

Kabir: *surprised* When was this decided?

Ishani: *casually* Just now, by me.

Kabir: Okay! I’ll get the file and you may leave then, because it’s needed.

Kabir and Ragini went out of the room. Ragini was waiting downstairs when Kabir came down to give her the file. She took the file and drove her car to VR Enterprises.

In VR Enterprises,

Ragini entered in and was searching for Vansh’s cabin. She accidentally bumped into a girl and then examined her from head to toe. The girl noticed it and felt awkward.

Girl: Excuse me Mam? Do you need something?

Ragini: I need Vansh.

Girl: I am sorry! I didn’t understand.

Ragini: I want to meet Vansh Raisinghania and give him the file.

Girl: Okay mam! Please come with me.

She took Ragini along with her in Vansh’s cabin. She knocked on the door and Angre opened the door. The girl and Ragini entered in. Vansh was facing his back to the door so he has no idea who has entered.

Girl: Good Morning Sir!

Vansh: Good Morning! What happened?

Girl: Sir, actually your sister has come to give you the file.

Hearing the word ‘sister’, Ragini was not only surprised but also angry.

Ragini: What the hell? I am not his sister!

Vansh turned back on hearing her voice. Ragini thought that Vansh would say something related to the word ‘sister’ but it didn’t bother him at all.

Vansh: Ragini, where’s the file?

Ragini: First tell her that I am not your sister, otherwise I won’t give the file.

Vansh eyed the girl present in the room and she nodded her head. The girl came closer to Ragini and snatched her bag, took out the file, gave it to Vansh and left the room. Ragini was surprised by this act.

Ragini: You can’t be so rude!

Vansh: Please leave!

Ragini: You didn’t even say a ‘Thank you’. I came to give you the file and you? Huh!

Vansh: Ragini, I didn’t request you to come and give the file and neither did Angre. It was your personal choice to come and give.

Ragini: But still!

Vansh: Ragini, do you want to know an amazing fact about this room?

Ragini: *not interested* What is it?

Vansh: You see that door? (Pointing towards the door)

Ragini: *nods*

Vansh: One person can not only enter from there, but also exit from the same door. So I hope you understand!

Ragini: That’s so sarcastic and mean.

Vansh: I don’t care!

Ragini angrily leaves the cabin, she finds the girl standing out and walks to her.

Ragini: Why did you say ‘sister’ you could have said friend also.

Girl: Because till today only Vansh sir’s sisters have come to the office to meet him and no other strange female was allowed.

Ragini: Hmm.. but I am not strange, I am his friend.

Saying so Ragini left, and came back to her car and recalled Vansh’s words. Then she remembers,


Ragini had entered Riddhima’s room while Riddhima was on call.

Riddhima: Why are you here?

Ragini: What are you doing now?

Riddhima: Having a conference call with Aryan, Sejal and Rishi, any issues?

Ragini: No, I don’t care! I wanted to talk to you.

Riddhima: I’m busy.

Ragini: I don’t care, listen!

Riddhima: My room has a secret, wanna know?

Ragini: What’s it?

Riddhima: That door(pointing towards it) one can not only enter but also exit, go give it a try.

Ragini: Huhhh?!!!! Whatever!!

Ragini left the room and Riddhima started laughing.


Ragini: Why were they so rude? I don’t care for that Riddhima but my Vansh, why are you so rude? I will make you mine and then that girl, huh! I will throw her out for calling me your sister.

Meanwhile in the office,

Angre: Bhai?

Vansh: What happened?

Angre: Actually the Oberois are calling you in their office.

Vansh(confused): For what?

Angre: For signing the upcoming contract. We told them that we’ll sign later but now he’s saying that today’s the last day.

Vansh: No worries, I’ll go in sometime.

In Riddhima’s house at 12:30pm,

Riddhima, Sejal, Aryan and Rishi were sitting together in the living room and talking.

Riddhima: Guys, I need to go out to get some gifts for the orphanage. So if any of you could help me.

Aryan: I’ll come babe! It’s fun to spend time with you!

Sejal: But you have an important meeting today, right?

Aryan: Yaaa! I had an important meeting. But it’s postponed.

Rishi: Okay! But when will yall leave?

Riddhima: Now!

Just then Ragini enters the house and tells Riddhima, “I won’t have lunch today.”

Riddhima: As if I asked you!

Ragini: And one more thing!

Riddhima: What’s it?

Ragini: I won’t be coming home tonight!

Riddhima: Great news! Any more good news?

Ragini ignores her question and heads to her room but bangs the door.

Rishi: If your house falls down, blame Ragini for banging doors. *Winks*

They all smile and leave the house to do their respective works.

At 10:00pm in the club,

Ragini and Ishani reach the club. Wearing outfits that are too revealing. Ishani starts drinking and Ragini supports her. They are highly drunk and do not have the sense to go home, though they want to party for the whole night. They meet new people, play games and continue dancing. The whole night is spent by drinking new alcoholic drinks.

At 07:00am in VR mansion,

Ishani had booked a cab and reached the mansion. She is still not in her senses but is scared since Vansh doesn’t allow her to party at night if she’s going to drink. Afterall, he knows her nature. But luck was not in her favour since the whole family was sitting in the lawn and had noticed Ishani entering. Uma(Vansh’s mom) felt disgusted on seeing her daughter’s state but couldn’t do anything since it’s her fault. Ishani tried to act sober and walk towards them but mistakenly dropped water on some papers. Vansh notices it.

Vansh(screams): ISHANI!!

Ishani: Sorry bhai!

Vansh(angrily): You are too interested to play with water right? Wait now.

He gestures Angre to come near him and whispers something in his ears. Angre is surprised on hearing this. He goes from there. The family wonders what is going to happen. Angre comes back with a bucket full of dirty clothes, soap and a pipe which is connected to the tap. He turns it on.

Vansh: Ishani, since you like to play with water and destroy my important papers, here’s your sweet punishment to wash these clothes.

Kabir: Vansh but she’s drunk.

Vansh: It’s okay Kabir, she’ll manage! And until Ishani doesn’t get back to her senses, keeping throwing clothes in this bucket, Ishani herself will wash them.

Saying so he walks a few steps, and again turns and speaks with a warning tone,

Vansh: If anyone tries to help Ishani then their punishment will be something else. If you don’t trust me then try me. *Smirks*

Vansh along with Angre leaves. And slowly each and every member leaves the lawn since they know Vansh’s anger. Kabir comes to Vansh’s room.

Kabir: Vansh, Ishani threw water on plain papers. There was nothing written then the punishment.

Vansh: I know Kabir! But I wanted her to come back to her senses and punish her for not informing me about the party. And if she knows to shop and wear those clothes then she should also know to wash them. Let her do it! (Eyeing him from head to toe) Do you have any issues?

Kabir: No! Why would I? Do whatever you want!

Saying so Kabir left the room. And Vansh was thinking something.

Angre: Boss, are you thinking about that girl?

Vansh: Hmm..


Precap:Ragini asks Riddhima to leave the house.

The post Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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