Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #16


Hello everyone!!

The words are in italic and the reason maybe y’all understand at the end.

Truth out?

The episode starts as……..

At 01:00am in the farmhouse,

  • In Room 1,

Shlok: Happy Birthday Ragini!

Sana: Happy Birthday Ragini!

Riddhima: Happy Birthday!

Ragini(smiles): Thank you Mom, Dad!

Shlok and Sana gave their gifts to Ragini while Riddhima had decided to give her gift in the morning. Afterall, it was just 12 in the night! Ragini opened their gifts and frowned. 

Ragini(upset): This is not what I had asked for!

Shlok(trying to make her understand): Child, we ordered it and your gift will come by day after tomorrow. 

Sana: Yes Ragini! This is just something small for now!

Ragini: No ways! 

Ragini threw the small glass idol on the floor and everyone watched the piece turn into pieces and shatter on the floor. 

Ragini: I don’t want something from which y’all make up! I want my gift, Today!

Her words held anger and her face clearly showed the hurt which her words couldn’t. She wasn’t hurt because she couldn’t get the gift which she asked for but instead was hurt by her own words. Still, she had no idea why these words were being flooded out of the mouth. 

Sana: Try to understand child! 

Ragini: It’s my 21st birthday! I thought that y’all would make it special but y’all couldn’t even get a gift. 

Ragini got up and ran to her room and locked the door from inside. She sat down on the floor crying. She had no idea why the tears were rolling down. She didn’t want those words to be out from her mouth, she hadn’t meant anything. But still it happened! She had only one question in her mind, “Would it be the same reason if Riddhima was at my place?” Shlok, Sana and Riddhima came and stood outside her room and were continuously knocking on the door after they got no answer they left from there. Shlok and Sana were about to leave the house. 

Riddhima: Where are y’all going at this hour?

Shlok: To get the gift for Ragini!

Riddhima: Have y’all lost it? It’s 12:15am! 

Sana: We can do it for her.

Riddhima: Her birthday would last for 24 hours and y’all can give her anytime in this span. What’s the need to go now?

Shlok: You won’t understand child!

Saying so, Shlok and Sana left the house and Riddhima was waiting for them. She watched the gift given by her parents to her sister. 

Riddhima knew that Ragini always had second thoughts about her since childhood. Ragini had started doubting the love of her parents after Riddhima came into their lives. Well, it wasn’t directly after her birth but gradually as she grew up. Riddhima knew her sister’s insecurity and she always tried to keep things neutral between them. Riddhima had never given a chance to Ragini to feel insecure, but Ragini purposely made a way out. 

After Shlok and Sana had gone, Riddhima’s eyes couldn’t move from the glass idol. She got up from her place and collected all the pieces of the article and placed them on the table. She couldn’t fix it even though she tried a few times but the particles were too tiny to get joined. 

At 01:30am,

Riddhima was still sitting in the living room, her parents hadn’t returned back. She was continuously looking at the door to see if her parents came. Ragini too hadn’t stepped out of her room. Riddhima’s phone started ringing. She didn’t want to attend the call but thought that it must be urgent since no one would call her at this hour for timepass. Riddhima answered the call and then she dropped the phone and started crying. She took her car keys and left for CITY HOSPITAL.

At 02:00am in City hospital,

Riddhima cryingly entered the hospital and went to the receptionist. She asked her about her parents and then she was guided to a ward. Riddhima walked there and met two men sitting outside.

Riddhima(crying): Hello! I am the one whom y’all had called. What happened to my parents?

Man 1: Their car met with an accident.

Riddhima: How?

Man 2: The truck driver was drunk and wasn’t driving in the right direction. The control snapped and their car landed on the divider. We were nearby and brought them here and few other men took the driver to the police station. 

Man 1: I guess, you too should pay a visit there.

Riddhima: I will! Thank you so much for your help and concern. 

Man 1: It was our duty to do so. 

Man 2: Don’t be thankful. Just take care of yourself and your parents. 

Saying so the men left and Riddhima couldn’t hold her tears within her. She let them out. Why couldn’t she convince her parents to stay back? Why couldn’t she convince her sister to not act stubborn? Ragini would have got the gift a day later, why did she do that? All this while, Riddhima was thinking about her parents’ condition and she realised she hadn’t informed Ragini about it. Riddhima felt disgusted to give a call to her because her parents are in this state because of her but still she did. She informed Ragini everything. Ragini felt devastated. She didn’t know that her parents left the house to get the gift. She had thought that they must have gone back to their rooms and may convince her tomorrow. Ragini also had started cursing herself under breath. She rushed to the hospital and found Riddhima waiting outside. She ran to her.

Ragini(crying): Where are Mom and Dad? Are they alright? Speak Riddhima!! (She shaked her a bit)

Riddhima(a dry look): It’s because of you!

Ragini(shocked): What?

Riddhima(tearful): If only you hadn’t acted stupid and stubborn for the sh*tty gift of yours, it wouldn’t have happened.

Ragini(trying to make her understand): Riddhima, I didn’t do it intentionally. I had no idea that they left the house. I would’ve stopped them. But why didn’t you try?

Riddhima: I tried! But they cared for you and your happiness and you cared for your gift!

Ragini: Riddhima try to understand! 

Riddhima: I can’t! 

The doctor came back, Riddhima and Ragini stopped their fight and went to him. 

Doctor: Their situation is critical since the impact of the accident was huge on them. They have internet injuries. If they aren’t conscious within 6 hours then I can’t say anything.

He went, but his words completely broke the sisters,Riddhima and Ragini. Riddhima gathered patience and some strength.

Riddhima: Let me tell you one thing, Ragini(looking straight in her eyes), even if Mom and Dad gain consciousness within 6 hours and they forgive you, I wouldn’t! Because of you, I would’ve lost them today!

Ragini: Riddhima! 

Riddhima didn’t want to pay heed to her words so left from there. Time passed, Riddhima and Ragini didn’t speak to each other. Luckily, their parents had come back to consciousness within 4 hours. They rushed to meet them.

Riddhima: Are y’all okay? We were so tensed!

Shlok(trying to speak): We are okkkayy! 

Ragini: Why did y’all do it? There was no need for y’all to leave the house and that hour!

Sana: We did it for our daughter!

The nurse came and asked the daughters to move out so that she can treat the patients. Ragini and Riddhima went out and Riddhima held her back to Ragini.

Ragini(crying): I know I am at fault! I guess my right place is in the orphanage, my parents abandoned me and the ones’ who gave me life, I was the reason for their life to be snatched. They adopted me and gave me a life but now I feel why did they do that? 

Riddhima felt some anger arise in her. She turned herself to face Ragini and slapped her tight.

Riddhima: What do you think of yourself? How the f*ck can you call yourself an orphan when you have parents? They never treated you as an option! It was your stupid thinking, and still you think the same. You dared to call yourself an orphan and an adopted child in front of me but you dare not do that infront of Mom and Dad. I don’t want them to feel upset because of your second thoughts! 

Ragini: But……….

Riddhima: Moreover, I always tried to be your sister but not anymore. You remember, the glass idol Mom and Dad gave you and it got shattered. I tried joining it but failed. Our relation now is the same. It’s completely broken and it can’t be joined the same way as it was before. 

Riddhima left and Ragini was standing there still looking at Riddhima’s figure going far with each step and then she moved her eyes to her parents.

At 10:00am,

Riddhima reached home and went to her room. She shut the door with a bang and started breaking things. 

Riddhima(loudly): Why Ragini? Why did you do it? 

Vansh(shaking her): Wake up Riddhima! It’s only 01:30am!

Riddhima opened her eyes and was crying continuously. Vansh took her in a hug and tried to sooth her and allowed her to cry and vent her words and feelings out.

Riddhima(crying): It had happened because of Ragini! I would have lost them that day.

Vansh(confused): whom?

Riddhima: My parents!

Vansh: And how because of Ragini?

Riddhima(crying): Ragini is my elder sister Vansh! The same Ragini who’s with us NOW!

Riddhima burst into tears and Vansh was shocked, trying to understand!


Hey Guys! 

Let me tell, this episode wasn’t planned by me, it was a sudden concept since everyone on Telly Updates and Wattpad wanted the truth out so it was decided on the last moment. Forgiveness needed if there are mistakes.

Moreover, I would like to thank Ravneet (Iyena) for the concept of revelation because if I would have used mine then y’all had to wait for another 5 episodes and then I would’ve received flying chappals by all😅.


Let me know about the episode, PLEASE!!!!!!

The post Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #16 appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/29/2020 12:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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