I am back with update. I just hope you all have missed me and my update.
Aryan is still in shock state but soon he come out from it listening his phone ring and he saw “Baby” on screen and immediately answered and spoke
Aryan: What happened baby? You called me at this time any problem?
(With concern in his voice)
Riddhima: Will you please calm down first? And I don’t understand one thing.
(With bit irritation in her voice)
Aryan: What?
Riddhima: Why everyone get concerned about me so much nowadays?
Aryan: Cause you’re problem magnet, you always ended up putting yourself in problem because of your stubborn.
Riddhima: Seriously!
Aryan: Yeah Baby but tell me one thing who you menat when you said everyone?
Riddhima: Ohh I mean you and both Ansh.
Aryan: Wait, did you just said both Ansh? But you told me about one only so who is 2nd?
And Riddhima realised she ended up blurting out which she supposed to keep secret. And she tried to cover up by saying
Riddhima: It’s just slip of tongue.
Aryan: Do not try to make me fool.
Riddhima: Shut up anyway I am feeling sleepy now. Bye good night.
And she disconnected call before Aryan can ask more questions. And she took breath of relief after disconnecting call as she is lucky to escape Aryan’s question which might ended up her revealing everything about Ansh and making her break promise she made to Ansh.
Scene shift to Raisinghania Mansion
Aryan was unaware of the fact Riddhima have disconnected call so he keep continues
Aryan: Baby don’t cut me like this, I heard both
and this can’t be slip of tongue so please…
And before he can complete his sentence he heard cold voice from door
“Are you talking to Riddhima at this time? “
And he turned around and found Vansh standing there and he silently prayed to God to save him from Vansh and open his mouth to replied
Aryan: Yeah but I have not called her she have called me.
Vansh: Why she called you? What happened to her?
Is she… (With worry and concern)
Aryan: Will you please calm down bhai? She didn’t said me anything but she disconnected leaving me in confused state.
Vansh: How?
Aryan: I mean in one of my question’s answer she said both Ansh and I know one but I don’t know about another and I was asking her but she disconnected my call.
Vansh: Ohh poor you let me help you second Ansh is me.
Aryan: What? I mean…
Vansh: Let me explain you…
And Vansh informed Aryan everything which have happened till now.
And forwarding shock to Vansh Aryan replied
Aryan: I know this Ansh only I mean earlier I don’t know that Ansh is you but I know.
Vansh: Interesting very interesting you’re her best friend and still you don’t know her other friends.
Aryan: And you’re her husband and still you don’t know it too.
And seems like he pressed wrong nerve of him and Vansh retort
Vansh:No doubt I am married to her for almost a year but that was not a normal one since last 3 days only I knows that she is my wife.
Aryan: Okay. But…
Stopping him Vansh said
Vansh: Look Aryan, Riddhima have already faced many problem and have not been treated the way she deserves so now I want to change everything for her.
Aryan: So you’re letting me participate with her!
Vansh: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I am giving you permission to do baby baby with her she is your bhabhi so…
Aryan: Sure but I want to know one thing?
Vansh: What?
Aryan: Why are you not telling her truth that you’re her husband?
Vansh: Initially I was scared of reaction and I want to know that whether she’ll accept me or not as her husband before telling truth to her? And now I know that she is ready to give chance to me, to us, to our marriage so I want to know her truth in grand way.
Aryan: Wow mighty VR is scared of a girl wait you’ll tell her your secret too right?
Vansh: What secret, I don’t have any secret.
Aryan:Seriously Bhai, please at least don’t lie now.
Vansh: I seriously don’t know, which secret you’re talking about.
Aryan: Bhai I know that you’re half-fire or something.
Vansh: How do you come to know about this? I know it must be Veer, I gonna kill him.
(in shocking and angry tone)
Aryan: No, I know it since long time.
Vansh: Wait how? And does your parents knows this?
Aryan: No they don’t. Actually I’ve listened twice you talking about it with someone over phone before I went abroad for study.
Vansh: Okay.
Aryan: Wait,you’re distracting me from main point, will you tell her? And what it is actually?
Vansh: I yet have not decided about it and it’ll be better for you to not dig much into it, just remember that don’t tell anyone about me being halfire.
Aryan: This is not fair I am keeping it secret since so long and…
Vansh: And going forward too you’ll keep it secret only else you very well know what can I do.
Aryan: Fine.
Vansh: Good for you that you agreed soon and tell me when your show is starting?
Aryan: Why?
Vansh: I want to reveal Riddhima everything on that day in front of world.
Aryan: I guess 20 days cause audition and mega auditions are going on and if I cleared it then on 20th day. (I don’t know in details how reality shows timeline works but I am going according to my story)
Vansh: Don’t worry you’ll be clearing both round.
Aryan: And what make you so confident about me clearing it? (And secretly he was wishing that he’ll praise him
Vansh: Raisinghania Industries are sponsoring show so.
Aryan: Seriously can’t you say something good about me?
And if you’re sponsoring it then why don’t you know timeline?
Vansh: I don’t keep track of such thing and I’ve many important business to look after.
Aryan: Okay make sense. But one problem is there.
Vansh: What?
Aryan: How Riddhima will be my choreographer? I mean whom they signed for participants are most of well known or assistant to well known so.
Vansh: I’ll manage everything.
Aryan: You’re best.
And he hugged him.
Vansh: I know I am best. And keep yourself away from Riddhima else I can make things worse too.
Aryan just make faces and hugged him back. And pushing him away Vansh spoke
Vansh: First change Riddhima’s contact name in your phone and saw me.
Unwillingly Aryan change name from baby to Riddhima. And rest of the night passed with both chatting over their favorite topic “Riddhima” actually it’s like Vansh asking everything about her to Aryan and just like human wikipedia Aryan answering every question of him.
Drama at Ishani’s engagement which will make Vansh angry. (What drama and angry on whom Vansh will be angry do drop comment your assumptions for it)
Done with update. Just let me know all your feedback how was it.
And stay home and stay safe and happy with family and friends.
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