Hey guys , Here comes new episode.. Do give me your comments..
Episode 19:-
Aahil and Sanam’s nok jhok!
Night , Afeeza’s flat.
Everyone is sitting in the living area after dinner.
Seher – “ My first day was great. Initially team members weren’t much happy with my entry but Iam Seher and my charisma is something different!! They had to accept me “.
Afeeza – “ Ofcourse… So your job is fixed . Let’s go out tomorrow, we will celebrate “.
Sanam – “ Sorry, I can’t come .. I have work “.
Dilshad- “ Tomorrow is Sunday . You have work ? “.
Sanam – “ There is some urgent work , so I have to go.. Badi Amma. So you all go out and enjoy “.
Afeeza – “ Oho … Without you ? “
Seher – “ Yeah .. if we are going out then we will go together if not we will plan it for some other day “.
Afeeza- “ Yes “.
Sanam – “ But .. “.
Haya hugs her from behind. Afeeza and Seher looks her with smiling face.
Dilshad (thinks) – “ I feel like everything is falling into right place . I use to feel that this place isn’t good for my grandchildren but this is the real place they belong to.. “.
Next day, Morning.
Aahil’s home.
Sanam walks in . Lateef comes there .
Lateef – “ Sanam , you came “.
Sanam – “ What should I do today ?”
Lateef- “ Here is the list … “.
Sanam gets shocked seeing the list .
She reads it .
Sanam – “ Washing clothes – Dark and Light colours seperate ..
To get them dry
Cleaning kitchen
Cleaning the study room
Make breakfast
Iron my clothes … “.
Lateef- “ He will get up only after 11am “.
Sanam – “ Really! “.
Sanam (thinks) – “ It would have better if he had appointed me as house help .., atleast I could be happy thinking that Iam doing the jobs according to my post “.
Sanam goes to wash his clothes in washing machine . Then she a note on it .
It reads as – ‘ It’s not for you Sanam ‘.
Sanam (thinks) – “ He has done all arrangements to trouble me but indirectly he helped me . I was worried how to operate this machine now “.
Sanam goes to wash his clothes on the washing stone. There is pile of shirts.
Sanam gets tired of washing them.
Sanam wipes her sweat in between and takes a deep breath. Then she looks at the bucket , there are many more left.
She checks the size of all the shirts .
Sanam- “ Size is same ! I don’t understand haven’t he given his clothes to wash for years ? How can someone keep these much used shirts for so long won’t these sting ? “.
(Fb:- Aahil takes out all his old shirts which he doesn’t use and puts it the bucket )
Sanam continues washing the left ones. Then she puts it on the stand and ropes to get it dry.
She breathes heavily. She goes to kitchen . She gets shocked seeing fully messed up kitchen.
Sanam – “ It seems like yesterday this kitchen was hit by storm “.
Lateef peeps into the kitchen and see Sanam standing there being clueless thinking where to begin with. Lateef feels bad for her. She thinks.
( FB:- Aahil – “ Lateef , you should make our kitchen fully messy before Sanam arrives here .., she should get shocked “.
Lateef agrees.
She does the same ).
Lateef- “ Poor Sanam , I didn’t wished to do so but how can I disobey Aahil Baba. ‘ Mei toh ho hi chui Mui ( Afterall Iam so touch me not )“.
Sanam cleans up the kitchen . She then looks it happily.
Sanam – “ This is what called crystal clean kitchen!”
Then she sees time ,it’s 9.45am . She runs to study room. She cleans it as well . She comes back to kitchen.
Lateef gives a menu to Sanam. She gets shocked .
Sanam – “ This menu look like it’s for a feast instead of breakfast “.
Lateef – “Are you teasing our Aahil Baba ?
Sanam- “ No , but Iam shocked seeing this menu “.
Sanam makes all ready by 10.45am. Lateef comes there and gets surprised.
Lateef- “ Ya Allah ! ( O God ) what am I seeing? Everything looks so yummy ! “.
Sanam – “It will also taste yummy “.
Lateef – “ Smells really good! I think you will enter into Aahil baba’s good book by this food “.
Sanam (thinks) – “ Its impossible to get into his good book , he will find something wrong in this too “.
Sanam then remembers her last work. She runs and irons his shirts . Aahil wakes up by 11.15am . Aahil looks around .
Aahil- “ Lateef !!! … Sanam .. Sanam !! “.
Sanam hears it. Sanam goes to kitchen makes coffee and takes it to Aahil. Aahil looks her sternly.
Aahil – “ Why so late ?”.
Sanam – “ I had to make coffee, as Iam not magician to make it in a second by saying ‘Abra ka dabra ‘ ( magic words used in a old TV show) “.
Aahil- “ You got punished still your attitude is strong! “.
Sanam – “ Its in my blood.. thus it is impossible erase it from me . So relax and have Coffee “.
Aahil takes it from her and sips it. Sanam is about to leave.
Aahil- “ I want orange juice after 1hr “.
Sanam – “ Okay “.
Aahil- “ So make it fastly “.
Sanam- “ I will make it just before you want to have “.
Aahil- “ Do What I say ?”
Sanam – “ Really ? Do you have any sense or are you pretending to be senseless?”
Aahil- “ How dare you ?”
Sanam – “ If I make your orange juice now , it will turn bitter . Will you drink it? “.
Aahil – “ No … but …”.
Sanam – “ Then it is fixed “.
Sanam leaves . Aahil sits there being clueless.
Aahil – “ Who is she ? How can she show authority over me ? Weird ! Afterall Iam Aahil Raza Ibrahim, Iam her boss .. she is behaving like she is my boss “.
Aahil goes to swim in the pool infront of his room after his workout.
Sanam peels orange and keeps at aside.
Sanam(thinks)- “ Is this right time? Let me go check “.
Sanam goes walks towards his room. She reaches near the pool. Aahil suddenly come out of the pool. He hears his phone ringing and picks it up.
Sanam gets shocked by hearing the sound and the steps back.
Aahil walks out and takes the towel . He is wiping his head. Sanam closes her eyes seeing him shirtless again. Aahil doesn’t see her as he is facing other side and Sanam is standing behind.
Sanam- “ Allah ! Again .. who baths like this ? Doesn’t he has some shame ? Shameless ! “.
Sanam turns and opens her eyes . Just then Aahil turns and get to see her.
Aahil – “ What brought here now ? “
Sanam – “ I came here to check whether I can make your orange juice “.
Aahil – “ Oho .. why are standing there without facing me ? “.
Sanam – “ Nothing “.
Aahil – “ Oho really.. “.
He comes and stand infront of her.
Sanam closes her eyes seeing him. Aahil smiles seeing this .
Sanam – “ How many times should I say that I don’t want to see you like this? Why can’t you wear proper clothes ?
Aahil – “ Then why do you come when I not wearing proper clothes? Even, I can also say that you are interested to see me like this !”
Sanam – “ Never … this discussion is waste of time . Iam going “.
Sanam runs towards kitchen.
Aahil – “ Do open your eyes , otherwise you will fall down !! “.
Aahil goes to his room. Sanam goes to kitchen and makes orange juice. She reaches near his room with juice and she stops near door. She knocks on the door.
Sanam – “ Can I Come in ?”
Aahil – “ Yes “.
Sanam goes in . She gives him the juice . He drinks it and gives her that glass. Sanam stands there. Aahil looks her.
Aahil – “ What ?”
Sanam – “ What should I do next ?”
Aahil – “ Now go to kitchen and bring my breakfast to the table . I will tell you after that … “.
Sanam goes to kitchen while whispering.
Sanam – “ Is this a time to have breakfast? Some people are weird !“.
Sanam keeps the everything on the dinning table . Aahil comes there and looks at the food . Sanam looks him.
Aahil ( thinks) – “ Looks nice . But if I praise about this then Sanam’s attitude will increase “.
Sanam (thinks) – “ Seems like he liked it . But this Jalad won’t say that “.
Aahil changes his expression and sits on the chair. He starts to have it . Sanam stands there . Then Rassaq and Gazala comes there and gets the smell of the food.
Gazala – “ WOW .. this food smells so nice .. Aahil Beta .. can we join you?”
Aahil – “ What ? “
Rassaq – “ This food is so tempting.. Can we also have some ?”
Sanam feels happy. Aahil sits there in a fix .
Sanam – “ Sir .. sharing is caring! The one who cares for family members should practice sharing “.
Aahil looks her sternly. Sanam looks to other side holding her laugh. Before he could say anything, they sits . They smile at Aahil . They start to have it .
Ghazala – “ Who made this ?”
Sanam – “ I “.
Rassaq- “ This food is so tasty “.
Ghazala – “ Your hands have … “.
Rassaq- “ What ? “
Gazala – “ With which you can make everyone shocked .., “.
Rassaq – “ Blood ?”
Gazala – “ No.., that is “.
Aahil while having food .
Aahil – “ Magic !”.
Junoon Tere Ishq ka song plays…
Sanam gets surprised and looks him. She smiles happily.
Gazala – “ Yes.. Magic ! “.
Then Aahil realizes his slip of tongue. He regrets and turns his head to other side. Sanam feels proud.
Sanam – “ Thank you “.
Aahil doesn’t get much to eat as Rassaq and Gazala eats most of it. Sanam sees this .
Sanam – “ Sir , should I make it some more for you ? Just give me 10 minutes “.
Aahil – “ No .. Iam done , it was good that they had it . I was not going to eat more this “.
He gets up and goes .
Aahil (thinks) – “I couldn’t have food properly , it was really tasty “.
He goes to his room.
Sanam is walking towards kitchen. As she walks near Nazia’s room.
Nazia – “ What happened to this bulb ?”
Sanam – “ What happened?”
Nazia – “ Sanam .. come in “.
Sanam goes in .
Nazia – “ Aahil Bhaijaan made you work on Sunday too “.
Sanam – “ Mmm.. Leave it ! What is your problem ? “.
Nazia – “ This Bulb, isn’t working? I have to call electrician “.
Sanam – “ Maybe the bulb is fused . Do you have any new bulb? I need a ladder too “.
Nazia asks Lateef to bring ladder and bulb. Sanam climbs over the ladder and checks the bulb. Lateef and Nazia looks on .
Sanam- “ Didn’t I told you that it’s problem of bulb ? Please give me new bulb “.
Nazia gives it . Sanam removed the old one and gives it in exchange.
Nazia – “ How do you know all this ?”
Sanam – “ In our village we use to do everything.. its not because there is no other to do this . Badi Ammi taught us that one should be independent “.
Lateef – “ WOW.. you know to cook, drive , change bulb !! “.
Sanam is fixing the other one.
Sanam – “ I know many other such things too “.
Lateef – “ Ya Allah! I have kept something on the stove “.
Lateef runs . Aahil looks around for Sanam but doesn’t find her . He tries to find her.
Sanam – “Nazia just on switch , please “.
She switches it on. Bulb glows. Nazia gets surprised.
Nazia- “ Wow .. Sanam “.
Sanam – “ Now Switch it off . Let me see if there is any problem in the holder … “.
Sanam removed it and checks it . She keeps it back .
Suddenly Aahil comes there .
Aahil (shouts) – “ Sanam !”
Suddenly she gets shocked by his call and her leg slips . She is about to fall down. Nazia gets shocked .
Aahil suddenly runs towards the ladder and catches her in his arm.
( Junoon Tera ishq ka song played )
Sanam closes her eyes. Aahil and Sanam relaxes. Sanam opens her eyes .They have an eyelock.
Nazia gets relaxes .
Nazia – “ Oho Bhaijaan .. you saved her “.
Their moment breaks . He puts her down suddenly as he remembers her saying to him not to come close to her yesterday. She falls down . Nazia gets shocked and keeps her hand on her mouth.
Sanam – “ Ouch !!! Why did you drop me down all of a sudden?”
Aahil – “ Result of your words .. “.
Nazia – “ Bhaijaan! This is not done “.
Sanam gets up with Nazia’s help . Sanam gets angry.
Aahil – “ I was searching you all around .. what were you doing?”
Nazia – “ She came here to help me to change the bulb “.
Aahil – “ What ? One should not attempt things which they can’t handle . This will be result “.
Sanam – “ I fixed the bulb . I sliped hearing your shout suddenly.. who shouts like this ?“.
Aahil – “ You are always right , Iam always wrong ! Isn’t it ?”
Nazia – “ Please stop fighting.. Bhaijaan, Why were you searching Sanam ?”
Aahil – “ Sanam , come with me . We have to go out “.
Sanam- “ Where ? “.
Aahil – “ No questions.. just do what I say !”
Sanam – “ Okay “.
Aahil – “ Now will you come ?”
Aahil walks away and Sanam follows her.
Nazia – “ Bhaijaan and Sanam’s fight is so cute . There is something special between them “.
Precap :- Sanam walks behind Aahil holding many shopping bags in a shopping mall. Aahil is walking with attitude while Sanam is angry.
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