Hi guys, this epi will be for two days. I won’t post anything on Tuesday as it is my birthday so hope you all enjoy this one.
Epi starts…
Vansh and Riddhima go for a walk nearby a town. She was so happy. Vansh was thinking whether he should confess to her that he loves her too but was not sure how to do it. He thought to wait until the right time but for a fact knew that he couldn’t live without her. Suddenly it started to rain and Vansh ran to a neaby shelter to take shelter but Riddhima loved the rain. She stood there spinning around in rain and there was a glow of happiness in her. She felt at peace and felt nothing could stop her.
Vansh calling to her: Riddhima..come here. You will get cold if you continue to stay in the rain.
Riddhima: I love the rain, it is so romantic and so peaceful. Come join me na..
Vansh continued looking at her as she glowed beautifully in the rain. He was so lost he didnt notice that he walked slowly towards her and held her close. Riddhima stopped and looked at him. She was happy and couldn’t think of anything better. They started to dance in the rain even without music just listening to each other’s heartbeat. Riddhima learnt into him and put her head on his chest. She could hear his soothing heartbeat that made her feel at peace.
Meanwhile out VR mansion.
The man was debating as to whether to go in or just stay outside. He decided to go in and walked up slowly to the door. He knocked three times as he always did and waited. He could hear footsteps maybe that of Dadi and waited. The door opened and infront of him was Anupriya. She was shocked to see him and asked him to go away. Dadi came from behind
Dadi: Who is it?
Anupriya: Koi nahi hai (there is no one)
Dadi didn’t believe and walked up to the door. One look at the person and she panicked. She started having a panic attack and fainted onto the floor. Anupriya came running to her and took her to her room. The man was still standing at the door. He put one foot infront of the other and walked in. The house was just like he remembered. Big, and full of people. He was glad to see Dadi again but expected the reaction. After all, that was how you would react after seeing a grandson return from the dead after 20 years.
Back to Vansh
Riddhima was getting cold and Vansh pulled out his jacket to give it to her. He hugged her close and said.
Vansh: I told you na, you will get cold. Let’s find somewhere to stay the night. The rain is too heavy to go back.
Riddhima nodded and followed him. They came to a neaby hotel and asked the receptionist for a room.
Vansh: Can we have two rooms please?
Receptionist: Sorry sir, but there is only one available. Our hotel is fully booked.
Vansh glanced over at Riddhima and then turned back to the girl: Yes, ok we will take it.
Riddhima walked up to him from behind and started to sneeze. He walked her into the room near the fire and sat down on the floor opposite her.
Riddhima: I..am..so..cold
Vansh: And you are getting a temperature. Here take this towel and dry your hair. You will feel much better.
Riddhima took the towel and smiled at Vansh. He disappeared into the bathroom and she dried her hair. She was so tired that she fell asleep near the fire on the sofa. Vansh came out of the bathroom and looked at Riddhima who was sleeping on the sofa in a sitting position. He gently put his palm on her head to make her lie straight but she laid on his shoulder. He checked her temperature and was glad it went down a little and spotted a blanket near the bed. He tooked it and covered himself and her up. They fell asleep hugging each other until the next morning.
Back in VR mansion on the same night
The man (whose name is Angad) was Dadi’s long lost grandson and Anupriya’s son. He was a negative character that always wanted what the other sons had. He didnt know what he was doing here and decided to go back home but Anupriya stopped him.
Anupriya: Where were you this whole time?
Angad: I don’t know ma, here and there. But I am back now and ready to rock.
Anupriya: You shouldn’t have come back. Look at everyone, they are shocked.
Angad: Chill ma, where is that dear stepson of yours?
Anupriya: Watch it son..he is just like my son.
Angad: Wow ma, you have changed.
He walked past her into the house and went upstairs to a bedroom.
Precap: Vansh and Riddhima return home and see Angad. Angad makes it a mission to get rid of Vansh and be the head of the family.
That’s all guys. Hope you liked Riansh rain scene. It was a surprise haha. But let me know of any suggestions if you think I should include
See ya’all next time
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