Thursday, 3 December 2020

Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 39: RUN AWAY! — A Problem or Solution!

Hello everyone!!

I know guys, I am early. Since I had completed the episode so I thought to post it and end your curio­sity 😉

Disclaimer: Y’all are allowed to throw anything at me but please don’t target well, I don’t want to get hurt 😭


Replies to comments from previous update:

Hello G, Ofcourse, kuch khichdi pak toh rahi hai😂. Let’s see how it comes out! Glad you enjoyed it 🙈 And what else to reply yaar, whatever I am supposed to that you gave in comment section only 🤷😍. But seriously, your comment actually made me smile🤗

Hello Jayashree, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. The actual suspense is revealed tomorrow maybe🥺 so wait for sometime.

Hello Riansh Lover, I agree, you have great imagination 🤭. She had said only for her Father, nothing else😲. Aryan has to be amazing, cause I really like him😍

Hello Astha, Glad to know that you liked the episode 🙈. But today it’s poor Vansh so be careful 🥺

Hello SUMISHA, Today Aryan will Rock and others get Shocked 🤞. Let me know about it😉

Hello Shivangi, Aryan is super amazing 😍, idky I don’t like to keep him wrong 🤯. But even better is that you liked the episode 🔥

Hello Den, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. In my brain, Khichdi, Pulao and Biryani is already cooked and it will be served to all of you, slowly😜🤭

Hello Riansh_fan, Marriage fix nahi hui, chill! I know what everyone wants and that will happen but wait for another day🤗. I will remember the underscore don’t worry.

Hello Poojitha, I am glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. And I will try to not end it soon😊, don’t worry!

Hello KV2711, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. And you really need to wait for next episode 🤯. You too take care 🔥

Hello Chaitanya, Glad to know that you liked the episode and headline😍. And what’s about today’s episode and headline?🤷

Hello Sahada, At first even i actually thought you are angry🥺 but then I realised you weren’t 🤗. You really need to wait for next episode to know the reason 😲

Hello TSA, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. Lekin baap rey, half-century, too much but let’s see💯

Hello M, Glad to know that you liked the episode 🙈 and the precap is very amazing! You can kill me but wait for 72 hours(JK)😭

Hello Riansh Fan, Not so soon babe! Wait for sometime🤷🥺

Hello Arti, Luckily, you enjoyed the episode 🙈. Their plans are always the best🔥 Ofcourse, something great is going to come but I wonder how it will be🤷.

Hello G_SQUAD, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈 and I hope you enjoy this too💯

Hello Aafrin, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. And whatever is cooked will be served by today or tomorrow 🤭. Wait for the dishes! 😋

Hello RiyaVaghani, Don’t worry babe, I will try not to spoil it💯. And it maybe Kabab mein haddi😁. Vaise mujhe pata nahi tha ki tujhe meri jaan ki itni parvaah hai💞

Hello AA, I really enjoyed your comment 😘. Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈. Thank you for understanding and not throwing anything 🤗

Hello Khushi123, Glad to know that you liked it😍

Hello Riaa, For everything to be revealed you need to definitely read today’s episode and the coming up💯. I hope you like this episode 🙈

Hello Rianshfan, Thank you babe💞.


The episode starts as…….

In the restaurant,

Vansh and Riddhima spend lovely time with each other forgetting everyone around them. They place an order for lunch and eventually have it together. They are just lost in a world where there is no place for someone else to come in between them, a world where they aren’t letting someone to drift them apart, a world of love for each other. Riddhima is just lost in Vansh’s embrace, words, eyes, talks that she completely forgot about Aarav, with whom she was actually about to be. After sometime, Aryan comes there and gets happy seeing them together, he has no interest to interfere in their romance but is forced to do so. He goes near them.

Aryan: Vansh, I think we should leave.

Vansh: But why so soon?

Aryan: It’s not soon, it’s been 45 minutes!

Riddhima: WHAT?! Now what will I tell Aarav that why didn’t I give a check to him?

Vansh: Don’t worry! You are amazing in convincing people, so I am sure you would come up with something.

Suddenly the trio notice Aarav walking towards the table so Vansh and Aryan rush out from there and Riddhima tries to normalize herself.

Riddhima: What made you take so much time?

Aarav: Actually, it took me 15 minutes to just remove the stain and then some fool just locked the door. I was stuck inside and now someone opened it.

Riddhima(irritated): This staff isn’t good at management. I don’t want to stay here longer. Can we leave?

Aarav: I was about to say the samething.

Aarav and Riddhima leave from there and drive to Mehra house. While, Vansh and Aryan come to VR mansion.

In Mehra house at 04:00pm,

Shaurya and Saanvi were eagerly waiting for the duo to arrive. Saanvi is really upset with Shaurya’s decision and is barely talking to him. Just then Riddhima and Aarav arrive in the house. Shaurya gets happy seeing them together and asks them to sit.

Shaurya: So how was your time?

Aarav: We enjoyed it, it was lovely.

Aarav recalled how Riddhima asked him to lie if asked. Riddhima was all quiet and calm, Saanvi noticed it and was about to question her but before she could do so, Riddhima went to her room. Aarav also left from there. Saanvi didn’t want to have a word with Shaurya so even she left from there and went to the kitchen. Shaurya went to the house garden.

In VR mansion,

Vansh and Aryan come to VR mansion and find Ishani, Sia and Kabir waiting for them. They walk towards them and everyone sits together. Ishani asks them the reason for their disappearance. Vansh narrates the whole incident.

Ishani: Oh God Bhai! Shaurya Uncle hates you so much!

Vansh: Even I think that. His hatred is too much towards me. But I forgot the name of the guy with whom Riddhima went.

Aryan: It’s Aarav!

Vansh(irritated): To be frank, I hate this letter ‘A’ , everyone from ‘A’ is behind my Riddhima. Ever since I met Riddhima, every guy from ‘A’ has interfered in our love story.{tbh, I wanted to use this sentence from the very start and this is the only reason why I named the guy ‘Aarav’.}

Aryan(confused and surprised): What do you mean?

Vansh(realizing what he said): I mean, first it was Armaan and now Aarav. What did you think?

Aryan: Nothing!

In Mehra house,

Shaurya was sitting in the garden and had dialled a number. The person answered the call. Shaurya went to a corner and answered,

Shaurya: Where were you? Aarav told me that they had a great time together.

Person: Nahh! He was locked up in the washroom by them.

Shaurya: So they lied. It’s okay, if they lied. But now let’s go ahead with the next step.

Person: I am sure what will happen but for you, I need to do it

Shaurya: Let’s see if the great Vansh Raisinghania fails now.

They hang up the call and Shaurya moves back to his room.

In VR mansion,

Vansh along with everyone is sitting and discussing Shaurya’s nature towards him. After a while, Aryan joins their conversation.

Ishani: Bhai, why don’t you tell Riddhima about the incident between you and uncle.

Vansh: I also want to say but…..

Aryan(interrupts): Vansh, don’t tell it. I am telling you. It won’t take a minute for Riddhima to leave. She met her Dad after years and there is nothing more precious for a daughter than her Father. I would go for negative.

Vansh: After listening to you even I feel that I shouldn’t say anything.

Aryan: Anyways, that’s on you. Guys, I need to leave since I have some important work.

Saying this Aryan leaves VR mansion.

One week later,

In this time, Shaurya has not changed his perception about Vansh. He has hardly let Riddhima and Vansh meet and spend time with each other. And Vansh has been very eager and desperate to meet his love. So along with Aryan’s help it had become easier for Vansh and Riddhima to meet and get closer without letting Shaurya know anything. Aarav has been to the Mehra house in the week but has not got any confirmation from Riddhima and Saanvi even after Shaurya trying to get them close.

At 06:00pm in Mehra house,

Riddhima, Aryan, Shaurya and Saanvi were sitting together in the living room. Shaurya had tried to get Riddhima and Aarav close but failed everytime.

Shaurya(firmly): Riddhima, I have decided one thing.

Riddhima(confused and feared): What is it?

Shaurya: That I am getting you and Aarav engaged in a few days.

Saanvi(shocked): Have you lost it? Are you sure you are my husband? We just got out daughter and you are sending her away.

Shaurya: I am only sending her away so that she stays away from Vansh and mingles with Aarav. And only engagement, about marriage let’s wait for a year.

Shaurya looks towards Riddhima. She is totally upset and runs outside the house. Aryan follows her and tries to pacify her.

Riddhima(crying): How could Dad say that?

Aryan: There’s one way to stop it!

Riddhima: What’s it?

Aryan excuses himself for a moment and messages Vansh about the decision of Shaurya. Vansh is surprised or more like a shock. He rushes to Mehra house. And after 40 minutes, he reaches there. He finds Riddhima crying, he goes towards her and hugs her. Riddhima hugs him back, cryingly. After a long moment, they get back.

Riddhima: Why does Dad hate you so much? Why can’t he notice the goodness in you?

Vansh: *silent*

Riddhima: I don’t know what will happen now?

Aryan: I have a way. But only if y’all agree.

Riddhima and Vansh: What is it?

Aryan: RUN AWAY!

Riddhima and Vansh both get surprised by hearing this suggestion from Aryan’s mouth. There is complete silence for 10 minutes and then Aryan speaks,

Aryan: Riddhu, what are you thinking? It’s the only way you can stay with Vansh. If not this option then you will never get Vansh in your life. If you guys run away and marry each other then return, no one will be able to do anything. Because you both are independent, and the constitution supports y’all. Think about it……

Riddhima goes in deep thinking and then,

Riddhima: I agree!

Vansh(surprised): WHAT!

Riddhima: Yes! Why wouldn’t I? I love you! I have always loved you! And I always will. I wonder why my Dad doesn’t understand that. But once we marry, none can do anything. I want to stay with you Vansh and live my life with you! (Looking at Aryan) Aryan, you are going to help us Run away. (Looking at Vansh) Vansh let’s go, right away!

Vansh still couldn’t believe his ears. Whatever Riddhima had said seemed impossible. But this time, he wasn’t upset but instead angry at her. Vansh slapped Riddhima and then shook her.

Vansh(angrily crying): Riddhima, come back to your senses. You are not at all stable. What’s wrong with you?

Riddhima(shocked):, but…..

Vansh(interrupting): The Riddhima which I have known will never dare to take such a drastic step. Riddhima, how can you even think of running away? That would bring nothing but just insult for our families. Riddhima, you just met your parents, don’t think anything that will get you away from there. (Holding her arms) Moreover, it’s my fault.

Riddhima: What’s your fault?

Vansh: You wanted to know why your Dad hates me, right? (Riddhima nods) it’s because I misbehaved with him, I back answered him. If I could have the smallest clue about him earlier, I wouldn’t have. (Joining his palms) Please Riddhma, don’t take such a major step. And just go according to your Dad. Forget Vansh Raisinghania.

Vansh hugged Riddhima, kissed her forehead and left crying from there. Riddhima couldn’t believe her ears. She was shocked. Aryan brought her back to reality and took her inside the house, silently and took her to her room. He made her sit. Shaurya and Saanvi were walking by and looked at Riddhima’s condition which made them surprised. They walked in.

Shaurya: What’s wrong with Riddhima? What happened?

Aryan: Actually, Vansh told her about his and your first meeting and then asked her to not meet him again.

Saanvi: Why?

Aryan(hesitantly): Actually, I gave them a suggestion to Run away, Riddhima accepted it and Vansh slapped her for that and asked her to follow her Dad’s commands.

Saanvi: What! (Looking at Shaurya) Still, you won’t accept Vansh.

Shaurya didn’t utter a word. Saanvi left the room in disgust.

Shaurya: I’ll call and inform Aarav about the engagement and then marriage we can carry it after a year. But for engagement, we’ll do it tomorrow morning.

Saying this he left the room. Aryan consoled Riddhima for half an hour and then he left back to his house. Meanwhile Shaurya went to a remote place and dialled a number and the person answered.

*On call*

Shaurya: You know right, what’s the next step?

Person: Engagement, right?

Shaurya: Yes!

Person: I’ll plan everything, don’t worry.

Shaurya: But you were right!

Person: I am always! But I still doubt if tomorrow’s plan will work.

Shaurya: All your plans worked and so will this one. Just chill.

They hang the call.


Precap: Riddhima hugs Vansh and kisses him on his cheek, in front of everyone. Shaurya watches it and gets furious.

The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 39: RUN AWAY! — A Problem or Solution! appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/03/2020 02:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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