Previous epi link : Episode 46
Let’s start.
Everyone is waiting for them to tell the truth… Finally sanskar told
San:actullay Raj uncle wanted to make maa and arnav uncle should become one again.. So he told me that I should make excuses and bring u all here so I was thinking Hw then my sweet sis uttu told about holiday plan on ayu results day so we made plan and brought u all here and as we are planning how to start this topic but till then my lovely angel took this topic so we didn’t needed to do any work Bcz all thing is going smoothly. .. Everyone is shock of this revelation.
Swa:what if I didn’t talk about this topic? Sanskar smirked swara who saw this remembed her husband is the great SM who knws how to make accept his decision and she herself being strong and smart fallen in his trap that time when she didn’t know his truth and hated him but now she knows his in and out and most importantly she loves him so how cant she deny. She smiled and shook her head giving unbelievable look.. Everyone is seeing both who is talking with only by their eyes.. Everyone is confuse why swara smiled and giving that look..
Uttra:bhabi y are u smiling.?
Swa:uttra ur bhai knw hw to play his game and where to play his card very well..
Sona :what’s that mean.. ? We didn’t got u ..and u know his next plan already?
Swa:bhabhi ask ur bhai he will explain..and I don’t knw about his plan but I’m sure I m guessing right.. Is it right Mr SM
Sanskar smiled seeing his wife intelligence came near her and encircled his hand around her neck and pulled closer to him..
San:yes Mrs SM u r absolutely right.. Yes as u asked if u don’t talked topic then I will tell you and realise u that they both each other support ..Bcz I knw arnav papa and maa weakness is swara so by her help I thought to do this. For making that may I needed 3 to 4 days but unfortunately my wifey Is so intelligent so she got to know about my plan so she talked about this herself only and saved my 3 days and energy as well.. This is like shocking is small word to all..
Sona: shonahow u got to know about this plan.
Swa :the next day of our arrival papa took leave to spend time with us then
Flash back:
Everyone is sitting and talking ..swara who was sitting with ayush and Aryan noticed arnav is stealing glance of Shomi and even Shomi.. And arnav is making excuses to talk with Shomi.. So swara thought to tell this to sanskar but sanskar was not their. So she went to search sanskar she was passing by study room when she heard Raj voice.. She was about to enter the study but stood in mid after hearing.
Raj:are u sure sanskar can doll do this.
San: yes Raj uncle I knw swara loves maa lot for her happiness she can do this.
Raj:but how will she react after knowing this that it’s our plan to bring them all here and wanted to Shomi and arnav get married..
San:dont worry uncle I will handle her but act as plan bcz I’m not going to tell swara it’s our plan I ll act as I m just telling fact..
Flash back end
Swa:so that that day night only I told my plan to mend their relation and everyone agreed..
Sona:sankar u know that she knw about this plan already.
San:yes di when swara told all plan and we came back to room then I got to know that she knw the plan already.
Flash back
As swasan enterd room and got freshnup
Swara went and stood near window feeling cold breeze closing eyes sanskar who came from washroom saw swara back hugged her. Swara feeling his touch opened her eyes
San:u knw jaan u took best discion even I was about to tell this only.
Swa:o really when.. After completing ur plan?
After hearing swara sanskar jerk and saw swara who is giving him death glare.. Seeing her glare sanskar gulp his saliva.
San:what plan jaan..
Swa:o really u don’t knw about plan.. Then she showed her mobile by seeing that video sanskar was shock and seeing swara. With fear ..guys its video which Raj and sanskar was discussing about plan so swara recorded that video..swara angrily turned towards window and speak
Swa:wont u trust me sanskar.
Sanskar came turned her toward him. And put his both hands on her shoulder and encircled his hands back her neck and joined their foreheads.
San:swara I trust u more then my self. Never say that again
Swa:then y u hided this
San:bcz I don’t know hw u ll react after this ..i don’t know that u ll support or not bcz after Mr gadodia betrayal u became to much possessive about maa so that’s way.. I m sorry.. He said cutely holding his ears and giving puppy look.. Swara melt and removed his hand
Swa:its OK.. U r not wrong but next please inform me before doing any plan.
San: OK ur highness by saying this sanskar bow his head down ..swara laugh seeing his husband this shade for the world he is arrogant and ruthless but for his loved ones he is lovable person.
Flash back end..
San:so she proved that she is Mrs SM.
Son:ya true she proved she is Mrs SM who make dance Mr SM on her finger.. Everyone laughed hearing sona.. Swasan was embarrassed swara was blushing looking down who turned full red .and sanskar was scratching his head and ignoring everyone
They all teased them both and enjoyed lot.. Soon it’s night everyone had dinner and went to their room.. Everyone slept with smile welcoming new morning with happiness..
Precape :marriage preparation
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