Thursday 5 November 2020

Love Makes Life Beautiful Episode 46

Hai Friends I’m back with another episode. Thank you so much for your love and support. Please keep commenting and supporting me and this ff.

Naira,Abir,Mishti and Keerthi are in the kitchen speaking to Prerna on phone.

Just then Kartik enters the kitchen. Naira is shocked to see him and hides the phone.
Kartik: Hey my loved ones what’s going on here?

Abir: Nothing bhai….

Kartik: Acha….

Kartik goes to Naira and gets the phone. Everyone is shocked.

Kartik: Oh talking to bhabhi…Bhabhi if bhaiya is nearby please call him na

Prerna: Kartik….is it really you?

Kartik: Haan bhabhi…

Prerna calls Anurag there

Anurag: Waah Kartik what a performance you just nailed it..and Naksh too

Kartik laughs out loud while others are gazing at him in shock

Abir: Was it all acting ?

Anurag: Yes mera Chota bhai…

Naira: Kartik…you believe that Viren bhai didn’t do anything na

Kartik holds her close and: Of course meri jaan..

Mishti: BFF then why did you fight with Anurag jiju and your family ?

Naksh enters there

Naksh: To make our enemies believe that their plan has been a success.

Everyone except Kartik , Naksh and Anurag are confused.
Flash back rolls on 

Kartik is in college when Akash calls him

Kartik: Akash bhai..did you find out who filed the bail petition for Aditya?

Akash: It’s filed on Viren’s name. 

Kartik: What? That is not possible…why will he bail his opponent out?

Akash: Kartik…this looks like someone wants to

Kartik: Create rift in our family and tear us apart

Akash: The person capable of such thing is

Kartik: Mr.Bajaj…he tried to kidnap Naira and bhabhi to blackmail us when it failed but he knew that we brothers fought amongst us he is trying this and at same time posing threat to Naira and Keerthi

Akash: Still we don’t know his exact motive

Kartik: His illegal diamond import?

Akash: There are many companies here and he won’t go this much deep for just a smuggling deal. There must be something important than it..maybe an enemity 

Kartik: As far as I know there is nothing like that but…Akash bhai Naira told about some Mr.X will he have something to do with it

Akash: Maybe ..that’s why his name wasn’t revealed. 
Kartik: Now his plan has failed I won’t cause trouble then what will he do

Akash: Plan something worse than this…

Kartik: But….

Akash: Kartik…this plan won’t put any life in risk…if he fails in this he will plan something dangerous 

Kartik: What to do bhai?

Akash: Make him believe that this plan is a success..that will make him relax and we will reach the reason behind all this by the time he plans his next move….

Kartik: You want me to fight with Viren jiju?

Akash: Exactly…

Saying this Akash connects Naksh Anurag and Viren on a conference call and briefs the plan

Flash back ends.

Naira pushes Kartik and goes out.

Kartik: Bhabhi I’m so so sorry but whatever I spoke was part of our script and not from heart

Prerna: You 4 scared us to death..

Kartik: We didn’t intend that bhabhi

Anurag: Haan our motive was all your safety..even now we would not have told you but we saw you were planning to face Mr.Bajaj yourself to bring us together…what we feared occurred and

Kartik: We cannot hide it from you anymore….because

All 3 in chorus: We love you all.
Abir: Are we going home now?

Kartik: Hey budu…agar jaana hai toh will we tell this to you…

Anurag: You are staying in Vikram’s house for few days till we find the truth

Abir: Oh sorry I forgot the main motive ….

Abir hugs Kartik.
Kartik: Abir….I never expected that you will come out with me…I am really lucky my bhai

Abir: Sorry Anurag bhai, I left you alone

Anurag: It’s okay my chotu. I am proud of you.
Prerna smiles at their happiness. They disconnect the call

Naksh: Kartik…Naira has left in anger from here

Kartik: She will be angry with me…I’ll manage her you guys eat.

Kartik goes out of the kitchen to see Naira standing behind a pillar. He goes to her and holds her. Naira brushes his hands off and turns away. Kartik holds his ears and does sit-ups.

Kartik: Naira I’m sorry I should have informed you that is this was an act and there is no misunderstanding much earlier…

Naira: Do you even know how much scared I was?

Kartik: I know my jaan but I didn’t get time for it

Naira: We went to Goenka house together and you say you didn’t find time

Kartik: Sorry na Baba please…….

Naira doesn’t respond. Kartik pulls her close

Kartik: Kya hai kyu baav kaa Rahi ho?

Naira: Kartik promise me that you won’t fight with our family members anymore

Kartik: Naira….last time when I was fought I was blinded by love but now I promise that I won’t be foolish enough to get into traps of people like Mr.Bajaj and fight with anyone because even if I fight due to my concern on you that will hurt you..I have realised that you not only love me but love my family too.

Naira: Good that it was all an act..if not

Kartik: Sherni would have killed this Mendak

Naira chuckles and Kartik kisses her forehead.

Meanwhile Keerthi and Naksh are in the kitchen

Naksh: Keerthi sorry for my behaviour

Keerthi: Naksh…you are a great actor

Naksh: Is this praise or scolding ?

Keerthi: Of course a scolding

She holds his ear and twists it.

Naksh: Aahhh….sorry Keerthi..I won’t repeat it anymore

Keerthi laughs at his face turning red and leaves his ear

Keerthi: How dare you hide something from me?

Naksh: Just for few hours na…then I told you

Keerthi: If we hadn’t planned to investigate this issue you would not have told na

Naksh: If  not also we would have told the families very soon.

Keerthi: Naksh…I literally was scared to death when you dragged me out of Nani’s house

Naksh: I know how it would have felt but Mr.Bajaj is somehow watching the Goenka house and happenings first of all we must find it..that’s why Akash asked Kartik to come out so that we can execute the plan in the best way

Keerthi: I hope everything gets well soon

Naksh: When we are a family and together everything will get well very soon.

They share a hug and scene freezes.

The scene shifts to Lucknow.

Naina and Akash are investigating the garage where Aditya held Keerthi.

Suddenly a glass piece pricks Naira’s foot and she screams in pain. Akash runs to her and makes her sit down. He goes to remove the glass piece

Naina: Akash..stop it…wear the gloves may have fingerprints and we can’t lose it
Akash gives her a desperate look while he wears the gloves. Then he slowly removes the glass piece.

Akash: You are impossible Naina..

Naina giggles yet her eyes get wet due to pain. Akash wipes her tears and ties his handkerchief on her bleeding foot.
Akash: I’ll send these to the lab and find the fingerprints soon

Naina: Okay…

She spots something on the’s a chewing gum and tries to get up. But her foot hurts and she screams . Akash turns to her.

Akash: What do you want…I’ll get that to you..please don’t strain yourself

Naina points the chewing gum on the wall and a strand of hair sticking to it

Akash: Is that important ?

Naina: Very will have saliva and from that we can even find DNA samples. Hair strand is important too

Akash: That’s why we need a forensic expert.

He collects it carefully and sends it for DNA test.

Few hours later.

Akash: The DNA does not match with Aditya…then what do we do now? Hair strand is not his too

Naina: It can’t be

Akash: What?

Naina: This sample is a fresh one stuck there after Aditya was arrested then how can it be his sample?

Akash: Someone has visited the garage despite police custody there and stuck a chewing gum too

Naina: I guess it’s someone who took him on bail?

Akash: I too think so. But why will he visit the garage

Naina: To investigate it like us and maybe fabricate the evidence.

Akash: That means what we collected is all fabricated. Who is that person having so much interest in giving Aditya a clean chit and harming the family of Goenkas?




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