Hi everyone here goes the 1st episode….
Alina had just completed her M.B.B.S….and had applied from M.S to become a surgeon(gynaecologist)….she went for her part time job….it was her first day…..she went on the sets….there she was told she had to give the costumes to the respective artists and help them dress…she was the assistant to the main costume dresser….she went and gave all and at the last went to the hero’s room ….
In The Hero’s Room
Alina: you….
Hero: yes me
(To know how they know each other let’s go in flashback)
Flashback: Alina went to a hotel to collect her order for breakfast….there she saw four kids begging for food…she had a soft corner for these kids…she took them inside the hotel and ordered food for them and gave them….when she went to pay
Alina: oh no!(she hit her hand o her head) I forgot to carry my purse
at that moment she saw a person waiting for his order ….an idea struck her
Alina(in her mind):I’ll make him pay ….lf I meet him in future I can pay him back…I’m so smart
Cashier: Madam the your bill
Alina: Give this bill to the person at the other counter , his my husband ….he will pay..
Cashier: ok ma’am
By then that person got his order an was clearing his bill when this cashier gave him another bill
Cashier: sir your wife said that you will pay
Man(shocked): Wife??
Cashier: yes sir your wife…there she is( pointing towards the entrance where she was saying bye to the children)
Man(sarcastically): Yeah my wife!!
He cleared her bill and went to confront her but before he could do that ….she had already left from there
Alina(screaming): You came till here following me for just 200rs….how cheap of you…after having so much money you can’t spare even 200rs ??
Man(sarcastically): Oh my sweet wife….why will I have problem in sparing 200rs for my wife…and about the following part….I’m not following you for your kind information miss whoever….I’m the hero of this show…Rrahul Sudhir….
Alina: I’m not miss whoever….I have a name that is Alina Fernandes…and for your info I’m not your wife….I had to say it to the cashier as I had forgotten my purse and you were waiting for your order across the counter…
Saying this Alina left the room in a huff murmuring something to her self
PRECAP: Alina was waiting for a cab when she saw Rrahul fainted near his car
Hope you all liked this episode….please comment and do give suggestions
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