Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 20: The third person

Hello everyone!!


Replies to comments from previous update:

Hello TSA, Glad to know you liked the episode. Please keep supporting 💯

Hello Rianshfan, Glad to know you liked it and there are many things that can happen 🙈

Hello M, Glad to know you liked it and don’t worry for Riansh, everything would get settled but let’s take time đŸ˜Č

Hello Riansh_fan, I hope I am on time. Many things are about to happen because of Armaan, stay updated 😁. I would try give a spoiler if no Precap 😊

Hello RiyaVaghani, You are praising me so much, it’s like ‘chane ke jhaad par chadana’😜. I hope I am on time.

Hello Xyz, I am sorry for that. I couldn’t come up with this episode yesterday and so there was no precap. I would make sure that doesn’t happen againâ˜č

Hello Shivangi, There are many things that will happen, stay tuned!â˜ș

Hello SUMISHA, Glad to know you liked it and if you want I will give the same precap(no Precap) as precap everyday [Just kidding]. đŸ€©

Hello Darshika, I had to add the jealousy track since it was in demand by all. Vansh will get jealous and irritated, stay tuned! Well, I am not on twitter but I am on instagram. I wonder if it’s a spelling error, if it means Indian then Yes💛

Hello Sandymsdian, That you would understand in next episode, as why her behaviour is changed🙈

Hello KV2711, Well, Dude y’all only wanted some jealousy so Armaan is come to do that only. He will be a hurdle for sometime đŸ˜Č. Thanks for your appreciation and I hope I can improve moreâ˜ș

Hello Riansh Lover, That you would realise in tomorrow’s episode. Stay tuned!đŸ€ž

Hello Naira U Singh, Glad to know you liked it. Please keep supporting 💯 and there’s no issue in writing because all the love and support which y’all give makes me enthusiastic to write the updates💕 Don’t mind, only if you wanna answer you can but, which class are you in?

Hello Riaa, Let me tell you I love❀ your FF so don’t tell it’s crap. But I am glad you liked mine. Please keep supporting 🙈

Hello Diha, Glad to know you liked it. Please keep supporting 😉 and reading đŸ€­.

Hello Inaaya, Atlast you got my FF! Glad to know you liked it 😊 please keep supporting 💯

Hello Saanjh. A., I don’t think the differences will settle soon. Hope so it does. But you should know what happens ahead so please keep reading đŸ€­đŸ’•


The episode starts as

Riddhima goes behind Armaan to get him back.

Ishani: What happened bhai? Is everything alright? Riddhima is never rude to you.

Aryan: Forget Vansh, she has never been like this for me also. I wonder what happened to her.

Kabir: Maybe she’s going through mood swings. It happens!

Sejal: We all understand that. But she has never taken these talks seriously.

Sia: What do you mean by these talks?

Sejal: By these talks, I mean pairing her with Vansh. It’s not for the first time Kabir said that they make the best couple. Riddhima always used to smile and let go. But today she got irritated.

Vansh: Even I got irritated with that Armaan.

Aryan: Even I don’t like him. But he’s about to stay here for a few days.

Vansh: WHAT! WHY?

Aryan: It seems he’s upset with something. And he was talking about suicide and all.

Sia: He knows Riddhu is an emotional person. She would get convinced with these talks.

Kabir: Exactly! Anyways I guess we should go and sleep.

Ishani: Ya. We shouldn’t break our head over that blockhead.

Just then Riddhima and Armaan enter the living room. Armaan is staring at Vansh and Vansh at Riddhima.

Aryan: You came back?

Riddhima: It’s my house.

Aryan: I was talking about Armaan.

Armaan: It’s my friend’s house.

Aryan: It’s even my friend’s house.

Armaan: But I know her before than you do.

Aryan: And I know her better than you do!

Armaan ignores it and goes to the guest room. And so does everyone else go to their rooms except Vansh and Riddhima. Riddhima is about to go when Vansh wraps his fingers around her wrist to stop her.

Riddhima: What happened?

Vansh: Exactly! What happened to you? Why are you just behind that Armaan? Can’t you just let him be alone?

Riddhima(sternly): I don’t know about letting him be alone but I can definitely let you be alone.

Vansh: Seriously?

Armaan comes there, though he didn’t hear anything. He comes near Riddhima.

Armaan: Can I sleep with you in your room? I am scared to sleep alone.

Vansh: No need. If you want, you can sleep with Aryan, Kabir or me.

Riddhima: Why do you always interfere in others’ matters? He asked me right? Let me answer. Armaan, you can sleep.

Vansh is surprised. Armaan leaves from there, smilingly.

Riddhima: You just don’t need to interfere everytime. Understood?

Riddhima leaves from there and goes to her room. Vansh is hurt by her words and her behaviour. He goes to his room. He recalls all her words which she said in the past few hours.

Vansh(talking to himself in an upset tone): I don’t know why but I am not getting positive vibes from that Armaan. How do I explain it to you? I don’t know why, but you being with Armaan is affecting me. What’s happening to me? Even Rishi is your friend but your closeness with him didn’t matter to me. I had no issues if you were with him. I enjoyed his company too, but this Armaan, he affects me. He affects us. He affects your relationship with me. How would you understand that?

Vansh lies in bed but is not feeling sleepy. As everytime he tries to sleep, he recalls Riddhima. He gets up, takes his laptop and decides to complete his office work.

Riddhima is in her room. She lies in bed and recalls her behaviour with everyone but especially Vansh.

Riddhima(thinks): I am sorry Vansh. I know my words have hurt you and you must be upset. But I don’t know why hurting you, hurts me as well. Why can’t I just let go of you. I guess I should apologise.

Riddhima gets up, leaves her room and comes outside Vansh’s room. She doesn’t knock but instead just walks in. She finds Vansh working on a laptop. She goes near him.

Riddhima: Vansh, it’s not good to work late at night. You can do it tomorrow as well.

Vansh: I know to take care of myself. You don’t need to be with me, I guess Armaan needs you. You should be with him instead.

Riddhima: Vansh please, I am just come to mend things between us.

Vansh: It’s completely broken and cannot be mended. It’s better you leave.

Riddhima: Okay, if you say so. I’ll leave.

Riddhima sadly leaves the room and comes back to her room. Vansh recalls his rude behaviour with her.

Vansh(talking to himself): Why did I talk to you like that? I don’t know what happened to me at that moment? I just remembered Armaan and yelled at you. I am Sorry. I will definitely do something to lift your mood tomorrow.

Morning at 09:00am,

Everybody wakes up and comes into the living room. The breakfast is already set up at the table.

Aryan: Where’s Riddhima, Sejal and Armaan?

Vansh: Why do you wanna take the name of that idiot in the morning? Who even wants to know where he is?

Aryan: Okay, I am sorry. But where’s Riddhima and Sejal.

Ishani: The three aren’t even in their rooms.

Just then Sejal enters the house. She’s tense. Everybody noticed it.

Kabir: What happened Sejal? Why are you so tense?

Sia: And where had you gone?

Sejal: The neighbour slipped in the washroom, she needed groceries so I had gone to get it for her.

Vansh: Is that the reason behind your tension?

Sejal: You didn’t allow me to complete. So as I was coming back, I met a college friend, Sonam. She was also in our class. We met after a long time, so I told her that Armaan’s staying with us. She later disclosed that Armaan has always been attracted to Riddhima. He broke up with his girlfriend because he thought Riddhima would be with him. But she hardly spoke to him. Moreover, she told that Armaan’s a fraud and that we shouldn’t believe him. That’s why I am tense because Riddhima’s gonna have a day out with Armaan.

Sia: Maybe even Riddhima likes him.

Vansh: NO! That’s not possible!

Sia: How can you be so sure bhai?

Ishani: Exactly bhai! Maybe she likes him too but never told it to anyone and that’s the reason she’s roaming with him.

Vansh: I am telling y’all right, that she doesn’t like him. She would never like him.(silence) I don’t wanna have breakfast.

Vansh angrily leaves from there and enters the room. He’s worried. His eyes show the fear of losing Riddhima. He never wanted that to happen.

Vansh(thinks): Why? Why do you trust him? I am telling you right, that he’s not meant for you? You are his obsession and not love. You are my

 wait, what was I about to say? She’s my best friend. I can’t think all this. But I won’t let her be with him.

Sejal: We all know that Riddhima doesn’t like Armaan then why did y’all say that she likes him too?

Ishani: To see bhai’s reaction. And yes, it affects him. Seeing Riddhima with Armaan affects him.

Kabir: Isn’t Vansh aware it’s love?

Sia: Maybe bhai thinks it’s friendship.

Sejal: Then let’s make him realise.

Ishani: Done!

Aryan walks in Vansh’s room. He notices his eyes. Wonder instead of retina he noticed fire in his eyes.

Aryan: Vansh?

Vansh(irritated): What happened?

Aryan: Why don’t we tell Armaan’s truth to Riddhu?

Vansh: You think she would believe?

Aryan: I doubt. But we can give a try. What do you say?

Vansh: Done! I am in.

Precap: Aryan gets angry and holds Armaan’s collar. Aryan is at his worst mood.

Loads of love from me to y’all 💕💕


The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 20: The third person appeared first on Telly Updates.

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