Friday, 6 November 2020

Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 15: Did Vansh break Riddhima’s fast?!?!

Hello everyone!!

Replies to the comments from previous update:

Hello Rianshfan, I am happy you liked it. Keep supporting 🔥

Hello RiyaVaghani, I am glad you liked it💛. All the best for your upcoming exams🔥 and maybe Riddhima is making him jealous. Let’s see😜

Hello Mahi, I want you to always smile😊. Thanks for reading and do support!

Hello Ravi, Glad you liked the episode! Nope! Rishi didn’t tell it before the execution because he didn’t meet her and Rohan was due to autocorrect problem it’s actually Rishi.

Hello Lavanya1883, I am glad to know that you liked my episode. Please do show your support for the future updates as well💕

Hello Diha, I am happy to know you liked it 😁. Please do show your support one’s again 😊. And thanks for your appreciation ❤

Hello KV2711, I am happy to know that you liked the episode please continue showing your support 😉

Hello Riansh Lover, I am glad you liked it and are waiting for it☺. She’s fasting for her soul mate🤭

Hello Riaa, I am happy that you read it early but I am even happier to know that you liked it🤭😜. Please do show your support ❤ and post the next one soon!

Hello Shivangi, Your words mean alot 💕. Please continue supporting 😉

Hello Preeti Priyanka, Glad to know you liked it🔥. Please continue reading and showing love!

Hello M, I am glad you liked it! Please keep supporting 💯 and continue reading!

Hello Abhipsha Banerjee, Since I am the reason for the smile on your face, I am happy! I hope I can continue doing that 😸 continue supporting!

Hello Disco Priya Ravichandran, Glad to know you liked it. Please keep supporting 💯 🙈

Hello Darshika, Babe, you don’t deserve comment section, you directly deserve to be an Author of Fan Fiction. I mean it💛. Whatever you guessed is in proximity!

Hello SUMISHA, Glad to know you liked it! Please keep supporting 😉😁

Hello Naira U Singh, Well….. if you say so I can add a jealousy track as well. But you liked it that’s a good news🙈.

The episode starts as….

In VR mansion at 02:00pm,

Vansh, Kabir and Angre come back home. Uma says, “Vansh, it’s good you came at the right time🕑. Now you can join us for lunch.” Vansh says, “I am not hungry now since I already had my lunch in office and I am in my room.” Vansh leaves from there. Uma asks Angre, “Was the meeting not in our favour?” Angre says, “No! Infact it was better than we had thought.” Uma asks, “Then why isn’t Vansh joining us. What did he have for lunch in office?” Kabir answers, “Actually Riddhima had come to the office to meet Vansh and she had brought lunch for him, so they had it together.” Ishani and Sia who are sitting on the dining table hear this. Ishani whispers to Sia, “Riddhima has already started doing the wifey things. Wonder what all she would start after marriage?” Sia whispers back, “Exactly! But it’s good, there’s no issue in doing this.” And all of them sit together and have lunch. After lunch, Uma comes back to her room and finds it filled with yellow coloured balloons. Vansh comes from back and says, “I am sorry Mom, you asked me to stay at home today but I didn’t. And now you asked me to join in for lunch but I refused. I am sorry.” Uma says, “It’s okay Vansh.” Vansh says, “Mom, let’s go out for dinner. Just you and me.” Just then Ishani and Sia come inside. Ishani says, “If y’all remember, we also live in this house.” Vansh looks at Uma and asks, “Mom, who are they? Why didn’t you tell me that you are keeping paying guests?” Ishani takes a pillow and hits Vansh. Vansh does it back. And it ends up with a pillow fight. Uma asks all three of them to go out as she wants to sleep. They go out. Ishani says, “It was so much fun.” Vansh says, “Yes! Today I realised that y’all haven’t grown up.” Sia says, “Please bhai! Don’t say that. We are already grown up. It’s you who hasn’t grown up.” Vansh looks at her and says, “Anyways, I am not too free to argue with y’all. I have work, I am going.” Vansh leaves from there and enters his room. He takes his laptop out and starts working on a new project. Just then he recalls Riddhima. Now, he can’t focus on his work. So, he calls her.

Vansh says, “Hey! Where are you?” Riddhima says, “I am at the store. I came to buy some decorative items but now I am confused since I like them all.” Vansh says, “In this case, I can guide you.” He video calls her and asks her to show all the decorative items and he would help her choose. Riddhima shows him all the items which were there. Vansh helps her select them in proper order. Simultaneously, it gets done. Riddhima says, “Thanks Vansh! If you wouldn’t have been there, I would have taken almost two hours.” Vansh says, “You don’t need to say thanks, after all it was my duty to be there by you. Anyways, I need to go, I didn’t complete my work. Bye.” Vansh hangs the call. Riddhima packs all the items and leaves.

In Riddhima and Sejal’s house,

Riddhima walks in and shows all the items to Sejal. Sejal is surprised as all the items were just amazing. She asks Riddhima, “Who was with you while shopping these? Your choice is good, at times it can go better but these, they are just best.” Riddhima says, “Well…… because they are of Vansh’s choice.” Sejal asks, “You took Vansh with you?” Riddhima says, “No! We video called and that time he helped me to it. Now please don’t think about anything. Just place them at the right place, I will fresh up and come.” Riddhima goes to her room while Sejal differentiates between the items to be used for events and home. After some time, Riddhima calls Vansh and says “Vansh, the items which you selected are just amazing. Even Sejal loved them.” Vansh says, “Come on Riddhima! I did it to help you.” Just then Sejal calls Riddhima to have tea☕. Riddhima hurriedly goes out with the phone but forgets to hang the call. Sejal says, “It was a boring day, actually it is a boring day.” Riddhima says, “Well, then let me make it interesting. I saw a really cute guy outside the store I had gone to. And he was so handsome that I couldn’t take my eyes off him.” Vansh who was about to disconnect the call, now doesn’t but instead continues hearing what she’s saying. Riddhima continues, “I intentionally bumped into him and said that it was accidental and during this, his driving licence fell down. His name is……..” Vansh hung the call because he didn’t want to hear anything ahead. He closes his laptop. And goes to sit near the window. After he sits, he feels the cold breeze passing through him, his hairs following the directions of the breeze. He recalls how he first met Riddhima.

At 10:30pm,

There’s a knock on Riddhima’s window. She wakes up and thinks, “Did robbers start taking permission before entering someone’s room?” She goes to open the window and finds Vansh. She gets him inside. She tells him, “My house has a door as well. And surprisingly😲 people can enter from there too.” Vansh walks towards the window again. Riddhima asks, “Now where are you going?” Vansh says, “I realised your house has a door so I will enter from there.” Riddhima says, “But if you enter from there Sejal may wake up.” Vansh says, “Exactly! This is what I thought. And when someone enters your house, you should ask them to sit and offer water.” Riddhima says, “You came at 10:30 in the night to teach me basics?” Vansh says, “You!!!” Riddhima laughs and asks him to sit. He sits besides her. He asks her, “How was your day?” Riddhima answers, “Good enough!” Vansh asks, “What are all the things you did?” Riddhima says, “I met you, had lunch with you, went out and pranked Sejal and that’s it.” Vansh asks, “How did you prank Sejal?” Riddhima says, “I told her that I liked a guy whom I met outside the store today and then when I was about to tell the name I said ‘It’s a prank and I didn’t meet anyone like this.’ She got angry since she had imagined me falling for someone random.” Vansh recalls hanging the call right before that. Riddhima looks at him and asks, “Did you come here, at this hour to ask this? Seriously?” Vansh says, “No! I was just bored. So……… so I came here.” Riddhima says, “Alright! Get up! Let’s go! Dare if you ask anything just come with me.” Vansh and Riddhima leave the house. They sit in his car. Riddhima’s driving. Vansh asks, “Now atleast could you tell me where are we heading?” Riddhima denies. She continues driving and at last reaches her destination. They get down. It’s a cliff. Vansh asks, “Why are we here?” Riddhima says, “Just!” Vansh says, “What?!” Riddhima says, “I was bored and so were you. So just sit, don’t do too much drama.” They sit down there and continue talking about their days and lifestyle. After a point, both get tired and don’t have energy to drive. Riddhima walks towards the car and says, “I am not driving, I am sleeping in your car.” Vansh says, “Good idea. Cause even I don’t have the capacity to drive.” They sleep in the car. Vansh sleeps in the driver’s seat whereas Riddhima sleeps in the back seat.

Next morning at 06:00am,

Vansh opens his eyes and finds a thin layer of cloth over his face. He later realises that it’s actually Riddhima’s stole and came over his face during the night. But he’s still too lazy to wake up and so he doesn’t bother to wake up either. He just holds her stole and sleeps again. Just then Riddhima says, “Vansh! Wake up! We need to go. We are not in our house, we are in the car.” Vansh had to wake up and drive. He then stops outside a restaurant and says, “Rather let’s have breakfast and go.” Riddhima says, “You may have, I can’t have.” Vansh remembers it’s Karwa Chauth and says, “Oh, ya. So I will have breakfast at my house only. It’s okay.” Vansh drops her at her house and leaves. She silently sneaks in without making noise, goes into her room and freshens.

In VR mansion,

Vansh walks inside when Angre notices him and says, “Good Morning Boss!” Vansh says, “Good Morning!” Angre says, “Sir! We have an important meeting at 08:00 am. So I guess we should leave in half an hour.” Vansh says, “Oh… I completely forgot. I will just get ready and we’ll leave.” Vansh rushes to his room to get ready. He along with Angre hurriedly leaves the house for the meeting. After a while, Uma asks Sia, “Where is Vansh?” Sia answers, “Bhai had an important meeting so he left early. And he didn’t even have breakfast.” Uma says, “This child of mine! I wonder what will happen. Anyways we’ll have breakfast.” Sia says, “Ishani is not having breakfast. She isn’t interested.” Uma says, “I don’t have words to express. Just you and me will have breakfast. I hope atleast you are going to have.” Sia says, “Ofcourse Mom, let’s have.”

At 03:00pm,

Ishani calls Riddhima and says, “Hi Riddhima!” Riddhima answers, “Hi! How come you recalled me?” Ishani says, “Well because I wanted to invite you, Sejal and Aryan at our place for dinner. It’s always that we’ve been at your place for many events but we didn’t get a chance to serve you three. So, no questions, it’s decided that y’all are coming. Understood?” Riddhima asks, “Did you give any other option to say No?” Ishani denies. Riddhima says, “Don’t worry! We three will be there.” and they hang the call. Then Ishani calls Vansh and says, “Hello bhai!” Vansh answers, “Hello Ishani! What happened?” Ishani says, “Bhai, atleast today come early at home. I have invited Riddhima, Sejal and Aryan for dinner. For one day no excuses. Please!” Vansh says, “Alright! I will be there. Don’t worry.” Ishani asks, “Bhai, what did you have for lunch?” Vansh answers, “I had a lavish meal.” Ishani answers, “Great bhai, because I got the news that you skipped lunch for some other work office work. So was the work of having a lavish meal?” Vansh says, “Umm….. actually I was busy. But I assure you that I will have dinner.” Ishani hangs the call.

At 07:30pm in VR mansion,

Riddhima, Sejal and Aryan enter the VR mansion. Uma welcomes them. Ishani comes out and her eyes search for Aryan. But she doesn’t find him. Then she gets a tap on her back, she turns, it’s Aryan. He says, “Hey! Whom were you looking for?” Ishani says, “Well…. No one. I was just seeing who’s come.” Aryan says, “Okay. Come let’s go outside.” Sia comes out and asks Sejal to help her regarding her outfit. Uma goes in the kitchen to check the eatables. Riddhima is alone in the living room, so she uses her phone. Just then Vansh enters. Vansh notices Riddhima. He stops at the doorstep to glare at her as he can’t take his eyes off. Riddhima notices Vansh and walks towards him. As she’s walking Vansh gets to notice her red coloured outfit with the black border and says, “Gorgeous!” Riddhima says, “Thanks. But do you think I will get convinced?” Vansh asks, “What do you mean?” Riddhima says, “You should’ve come earlier. How can you come so late when you were already informed to come early?” Vansh says, “Sorry Mistress! I won’t repeat this mistake again.” Riddhima says, “Good for you!” And then both start laughing. Vansh goes to his room to freshen up. Riddhima goes out in the garden. Just then everybody completes their work and comes out as well. Vansh comes besides Riddhima and asks, “What did you eat today?” Riddhima says, “seriously! Didn’t I tell you that I am fasting? And you were about to break the fast but seen it didn’t happen.” Vansh says, “It’s because I was busy the whole day and didn’t come to meet you.” Vansh notices the moon and tells Riddhima, “Look, the moon is out. Now I think you can consume something.” Riddhima says, “Yes.” Vansh asks, “What would you like to have now?” Riddhima says, “Probably something sweet.” Vansh gets a plate of sweets for her and asks her to pick anyone. She does. Just when she’s about to eat, she sneezes and the sweet falls down. Vansh(grins) says, “Wow! You don’t even know to hold a sweet.” He takes a sweet and feeds her himself. She smiles and says, “Thanks.” and then coughs. Vansh gets worried and gets a glass of water for her and makes her drink. He says, “It’s scientifically told that one shouldn’t eat and talk at the same time. You don’t listen to me atleast listen to science.” Riddhima says, “Please Vansh! Not now! Everytime you come and teach me basics.” Just then Angre tells Sia, “Do you know, Boss didn’t eat anything since morning, forget eating he didn’t have a sip of water.” Riddhima hears this and is surprised. She says, “Do you know how important health is? How can you be so careless?” Vansh says, “I had too much work. So I didn’t bother to eat.” Riddhima says, “shut up!” She makes him drink water. Sia sees this and says, “Why don’t you feed him also?” Riddhima takes the sweet and feeds him and says, “Next time if you try to do experiments with your health I won’t leave you.” Vansh says, “As long as you are by my side, I can do every experiment, because I know you will be there.” Vansh and Riddhima share an eye-lock. Just then Aryan screams, “Ishani!” Vansh and Riddhima’s eye lock is broken and they run towards Ishani. Ishani fainted. Aryan had holded her. Sia says, “She didn’t eat or drink anything since morning.”Aryan splashes water on her face. He tries to wake her up. Ishani opens her eyes. Aryan makes her sit and makes her drink water. As Ishani is looking at the moon and then Aryan. He later feeds her the sweets which were brought by Vansh. Ishani thinks, “I didn’t know that you would break my fast. But I am happy now, atleast my fast has a meaning.” Aryan lifts Ishani up and takes her inside. Vansh and Riddhima watch Aryan taking care of Ishani. Vansh whispers, “Ishani had kept fast for Aryan only. She must be very happy since he broke her fast.” Riddhima says, “Yes!” Just then Vansh says, “Riddhima, didn’t I tell you that I would break your fast?” Riddhima recalls Vansh feeding her sweets and helping her drink water and says, “Well…….. it’s okay. I anyway had to break my fast now. No big deal! Even I fed you sweets and water.” Sejal hears their conversation and goes near Sia who’s standing right behind Vansh and Riddhima and says(audible for Riansh to hear), “Wives keep fast for their husbands during Karwachauth and the husband breaks the fast. But in some really romantic cases even husband can keep fast.” She says this and leaves with Sia. Vansh and Riddhima hear this, they get awkward but then Riddhima says, “Not a big deal! We are friends after all!” Vansh says, “Exactly! There’s no issue in breaking the fast of your friend.” Again their eyes go on Ishani and Aryan. Vansh says, “Let’s plan a surprise for them.” Riddhima in excitement agrees.

Precap:Vansh leaves from there and goes and sits on the dining table. Riddhima intentionally comes and sits next to him. He tries to get up and go sit somewhere else but there’s no vacant place.

Loads of love from me to y’all 💞

The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 15: Did Vansh break Riddhima’s fast?!?! appeared first on Telly Updates.

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