Friday 4 September 2020

Kundali Bhagya 7th September 2020 Written Episode Update: The inspector refuses to take the side of Karan

Kundali Bhagya 7th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sherlin is walking in the hall way, she checks out the window wondering that she thought that it si was Prithvi however when she turns she is shocked to find that Prithvi is standing behind her, she asks him what he is doing in the house, he mentions that he came to fulfil what she was not able to as she told him that Preeta’s was thrown out of the house but she is still present in the house, She asks her questions which makes Sherlin suspicious and she asks him who throw him out, he responds that no one ahs the power to do this to him, he hugs her asking that she should never leave him with his plans as she is all that he has got. He hug her, when Sherlin asks what has happened, he mentions that he will ruin the Auroras and make them realize that he was the person who wanted to accept their daughter and whom they rejected which he cannot bear, Sherlin is tensed when they hear the police coming which makes him nervous and he asks her why they have come, she mentions that they have come for Preeta as no one wants that she come into their house so Karan has called the police on her.
The police enter the house, the inspector exclaims that Karan has called them here, Karan enters the hall and the inspector is not able to take her eyes off him as she is a big fan of him, she also takes a selfie with him before being serious as she asks the reason, Maira jumps in exclaiming that Preeta is claiming to be the wife of karan but it is not the case as even the family members are not accepting Preeta, then Gaitri mentions that he has himself accepted that he married Preeta.
Karan stops them mentioning that he has called the police to tell them what kind of a girl Preeta actually is, he mentions that Preeta tried to kill his father and also tried to make sure that he did not get out of coma and she even tried to kidnap Rishab so she should be arrested for the both of these crimes, Preeta exclaims that both the crimes that have happened are true but it is not the case as she has no relation to it, she says that he always blames her for everything that is wrong with his family, she mentions that he married her with all the rituals while being in disguise, Karan says that she should forget that wedding as no one from his family was there, Preeta explains that her mother was present there and she even gave them her blessings, he is still adamant to refuse the wedding.
Preeta stops him saying that they both have been married twice and once she did not know who the groom was and this time, he was the one who did not know she was the bride. Preeta explains that this time his family tried to object to the wedding, but they all know that once the wedding happens no one can change it.
Sherlin refuses to accept that she has been married and tries to make an excuse by saying that there was only a party in their house, Preeta asks her then why did they setup a Mandap, all of them try to refute her but she stops Maira by saying that her sister was also present and she made a video of both their weddings which they are trying to refuse so she has been married to him, the inspector after seeing the video informs him that he has been married to her twice and so he cannot throw Preeta out of the house for which she can arrest his entire family, all of them are shocked and say that she cannot do this but the inspector mentions that according to all the articles she has been married and so they cannot do anything against her.
The inspector asks Karan to show her the proof that Preeta was the one behind each and everything wrong that has happened with his family, she asks him what proof does he have the Preeta got his brother kidnapped, Rishab jumps in mentioning that she was not behind his kidnapping as he knows that she is not capable of doing something so heinous, he explains that Karan is saying this as he loves him but this doesnot mean that it is the truth, Karan pulls him aside asking what he is doing, he explains that Karan should be the one to remove the misconception from his eyes as what he is doing is wrong.

Update Credit to: Sona

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