Friday, 7 August 2020

Qurbaan Hua 7th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Neil applies Sindoor on Chahat

Qurbaan Hua 7th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Godambari demands that Neil take the Sindoor and fill the Mang of Chahat, she says to Baleq that they will surely make an excuse and not fill the Sindoor. Chahat thinks that after filling the Mang they would surely be married so how can she stop him. Godambari then mentions that he must do it but then when he does it, she is left startled.
He mentions that he would do it not once but everyday as it is the sign of their love, he then shows his love towards her while Godambari is really mad, then Jamuna exclaims that they all go to their rooms and let them have some time together, he explains that Neil should take her up in his arms and take her to the room.
Godambari goes to Baleq however he leaves, she then thinks that it was a really bad day and then when she sees the envelopes of money she takes them, jamuna thinks that he would never let her steal from the children and would have to do something.
Neil is taking Chahat when she asks that he leave her as no one is seeing them, she constantly asks him to leave her and he pushes her so that she falls but then she also breaks the buttons on his dess and it tears then he is left startled and gets angry wondering what she does, then immediately runs to his room.
Jamuna is standing thinking where Godambari would have hid the packet then thinks of the room of Naveli he is searching for them but when Naveli sees him she wonders if he finds the packet of Baleq then she hides it and reaching the hall wonders why Baleq had left the Condom with her, she hides it in the dress of Neil, Godambari asks her to come with her as she has something important to talk with her.
Chahat is sitting thinking that she doesnot know why Neil applied the Sindoor as it means that they both are husband and wife, she says to her mother that she is aware it should not happen but she has to make sure that they know the truth of her father and his innocence,
Ghazala enters the room where Mr Baig is busy doing calligraphy she asks him about Akram but he cannot answer, she calls Akram who says that he went to get the charger corrected, then she scolds him asking him why he left Mr Baig alone as he could have run away, she mentions that she was laid off as they said that her demands were that off a queen, she mentions that she used to lice like a queen but now is forced to live like a maid, cleaning dishes. She sees that Dr Baig still has the talent of calligraphy and so asks Akram to bring more wood boards.
Godambari is trying to listen to Neil and Chahat but is not able to, jamuna sees her and tries to take her away but it cannot happen, Neil listen to them and then tries to act as if he is with Chahat so they he can make them understand that they are in love, Chahat also comes from behind, he gets angry seeing that she is wearing his clothes, he immediately asks him to take them off, she starts arguing mentioning that she would never change her clothes in front of him so he should never think of anything like it, he runs after her, Jamuna standing outside mentions that Godambari’s parents also had the same problem of listening what others are doing.

He mentions that they both can also have fun as they are not that old but she explains that she is keeping a fast, he thinks of another plan to take her away then pulls her aside mentioning that he has something important to say, Neil gets closer to Chahat and she instead of being scared also comes closer mentioning that she has been waiting to get closer to him so that she can have some fun, he is not able to understand what has happened to her so pleads that she stay away however she constantly gets closer to him, he gets really scared she then sitting on top sees the mobile which she had placed as she heard him and thought that she should also make a video to blackmail him, Neil thinks that he had kept her as a prisoner but never thought that he would have to bear her such actions as he loves only Meera.

Update Credit to: Sona

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