Qurbaan Hua 28th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Neil prepares for his first show, he thanks Bopho for all that he has done, Bopho mentions that it was Chahat who has done it all, Neil get angry mentioning that he will never do it and so would also hit him with a pan if he insists, they get a call from the producer, Neil shows him the set and he also approves of it. They ask if he has an assistant to which Bopho exclaims that he is the one, however the producer wants that the assistant be a girl as it would create a lot more traffic, Neil assures then thinks of who he should make his assistant, Bopho mentions that he can talk with Chahat as then he would also be able to thank him.
Naveli advises that Chahat stay out of her matter as she doesnot want to create problems for her, They both are talking when Neil comes asking what they both are talking and what does Naveli want Chahat to stay out off, Chahat exclaims that she came to Naveli seeking the advise of sarree and he should also help her, Neil mentions that he has no idea about the dressing of women but is looking for an assistant as the producers feel it would create a lot of traffic for his show, he goes to Chahat exclaiming that they desire a women from whom people could not be able to take their eyes off, and who is so beautiful that even her eyes glow in the dark so he wants Naveli to come with him, Naveli also says that she is aware that there would be no one who would be better than her, Naveli asks about the timings of the show, Neil responds that it is going to be live really soon she must prepare herself, so she goes to get ready.
Neil asks Chahat is she was feeling he would call her, Chahat mentions that she has no interest in these kind of things but it would have been nice if he had just said thankyou after all that she did for him, he exclaims that in order for him to say it she would have to earn it and so would act as a helper, she agrees and they both leave the room.
Chahat is waiting when Naveli comes dressed in modern attire, Chahat exclaims that she is looking gorgeous, and when the show starts Naveli turns it into an informative show about clothes, Neil stops her asking that she come and stand with him, he shows the ingredients that they will use to prepare a traditional dish that is regional and not made in the plain areas of Punjab and the like.
He starts preparing the dish asking Chahat to bring flour for the roti, she instead brings flowers and stumbles while giving it to him, he catches her, the both start to stare into each other’s eyes while being live, Naveli calls Chahat asking what she meant and why did she bring it, Chahat mentions that she was told to bring Flour and it is aata, Neil takes the opportunity to clear the air, Chahat thanks him as otherwise she would have fallen in front of the live audience, Neil asks her to leave as Naveli will help him.
Jamuna is really amazed by the smell of the food mentioning that he has not seen such good cooking since the time Saraswati was alive, Viyas jee also comes asking that jamuna knows how to operate a mobile phone, he demands that he be shown the show of Neil, Jamuna asks that he not scold Neil after it, Viyas jee says that he will not as he also wants to see the talent which his son had which only his sister was able to see. They both sit to see the show, Viyas jee is really happy with his son,
Neil accidently gets something in his eyes, Chahat immediately comes to his aid and helps him remove it meanwhile the entire dish burns, Chahat asks that he leave and clear his eyes with water while she will handle everything, Chahat takes over the show and starts preparing the dish, Bopho sees a comment in which the person recognizes Chahat, Bopho says that he would kill the person who made this comment, Jamuna calls Bopho outside and when he goes to him, he asks that he show them the comments as they would like to see how much comments Neil got, Bopho wonders what he should do as if they both see the comment where it is mentioned that Chahat is the daughter of Dr Rahil Baig they all would be in a lot of trouble. Viyas jee asks why he is so lost as he must tell them what the people have said about Neil, Bopho is wondering what will happen now if they find that Chahat is the daughter of Dr Baig. Jamuna starts reading the comments which says things about both Neil and Chahat.
Bopho comes to Neil mentioning that there was a comment about Chahat being the daughter of Dr Rahil Baig, Neil also gets worried asking if he has deleted it, Bopho exclaims it has been done Neil gets a call from the producer who wants that he keep Chahat as his assistant, Neil wonders how he can do it, then Bopho says that it is because of her that he has gotten the show so he must be nice to her as she is not that bad, and why is he angry with her when it was her father who was behind the death of Saraswati.
Neil reaches back to the station, Naveli asks Chahat to leave however Neil stops her explaining that the producers want her to be the assistant and also apologizes with Naveli who is forced to leave, Neil takes Chahat by her hand showing her how to prepare the flour, he mentions that it is because of the audience, They both prepare the dish and when it finally done, Neil comes with a cover asking her to show the audience how the dish has been made, she lifts it and there is written a thankyou note on the dish, he exclaims that it is because of her and this was because she is the one to do all that he has been able to do. Bopho mentions that he has finally said thankyou to Chahat.
Neil gets a call from the producer who exclaims that show is a hit so he will make the show throughout the week with Chahat. Chahat wonders how she would be able to come on the show throughout the week as someone might recognize her.
Precap: Baleq is wondering where his malla is, he realizes that it got lost the night when Saraswati died as she pulled it, Chahat finds the malla in the store room and wonders who it belongs to, she realizes that Saraswati put something in her pocket, she runs after it but Neil takes it from him, they both start to quarrel and she gets hurt with something exclaiming that there is something in the pocket of her lab coat.
Update Credit to: Sona
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