Monday 24 August 2020

Pavitra Bhagya 24th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Pranati gives a fitting reply to Mallika

Pavitra Bhagya 24th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pranati, Reyansh and Jugnu start walking when Jugnu trips. Pranati holds her. Are you alright? Jugnu nods. Everyone looks at them. Mallika points at her feet. Pranati realises that she is standing in the plate in which alta was kept. Reyansh and Pranati look at each other. They are reminded of their past. Dadi is not at all happy. Mallika tells Riya that Pranati stole her limelight even here as well. She enjoys snatching everyone’s happiness. Reyansh asks Pranati to come. He nods reassuringly at her. Reyansh and Pranati enter in the house together. Dadi thinks the more I try to push her away, the deeper she is coming in my house. Riya looks unhappily at Pranati. Maan says it is okay. Reyansh and Prabhi are anyways going to marry soon. Dadi looks at him pointedly but then nods. Let’s go inside. Everyone heads inside except Reyansh, Pranati, Jugnu and Dadi. Dadi thinks of their agreement. She walks up to Pranati when someone takes her inside. Reyansh, Pranati and Jugnu go to their room.

Pranati is rubbing her feet angrily to clean the alta off her feet. Reyansh and Jugnu look on. Pranati asks Jugnu to bring more tissues. Jugnu goes. Reyansh tells Pranati to relax. She says Riya must have felt so bad. It was her ritual. He asks her why she keeps thinking about everyone else all the time. Jugnu gives her more tissues. She notices Pranati struggling with it and sits down to help. Pranati refuses but Jugnu insists. I am good at cleaning stuff. Reyansh smiles as Jugnu starts cleaning Pranati’s feet. Pranati is all emotional. She looks at Reyansh who smiles sweetly at her. Reyansh gives a tissue to Pranati to wipe her tears. Mallika comes there just then. She is such a sweet kid. She taunts Reyansh indirectly. Anyone may get diabetes if they see your sweet family together. Jugnu confronts her. You were calling me illegitimate a while ago. What’s your problem? Reyansh and Pranati look at Mallika. They stand next to Jugnu. Mallika says I dint mean it like that. I just said out loud what people are thinking. It does not matter to me whether you are legitimate or illegitimate. Pranati asks her how dare she is. I don’t care what you think but remember that I wont spare you if you try to harm my daughter even in your dreams! I will make your life hell if you say anything to her even by mistake. Keep your sick mentality to you and leave! Mallika asks Reyansh what Pranati is saying. Why don’t you say anything to her? She is saying anything. Just stop her! Reyansh supports Pranati. You have only seen my fun side till date but you will see my not so fun side if you try to hurt my daughter. Trust me, you don’t want to see that side of mine. Don’t push me! Mallika leaves in a huff.

Dadi asks Pranati why she is upsetting all the girls today. Do you remember my agreement? Pranati sends Jugnu with Reyansh. She wouldn’t have eaten anything and she will be more than happy to eat with you. Reyansh asks her what the matter is. She lies that it is nothing. Take Jugnu with you. She needs you very much right now. Dadi too tells him to take Jugnu. Jugnu asks her why she brought her here if she is illegitimate and a problem to everyone. Reyansh calms her down and take her with him.

Dadi tells Pranati to pack her bags and leave the house in next 30 minutes as per their deal. Reyansh is eavesdropping from outside and looks at them.

Reyansh thinks this is what is going on in reality. Dadi is pushing Pranati out of the house. I cannot feel bad about it. This is what we wanted! He finds a piece of Pranati’s cloth stuck in his shirt. It could have fallen on the floor but it fell here. Is God trying to send a signal? Ishq hai plays as he thinks of their past moments together. He throws it away. He is reminded of what Pranati had said about his mother. He tells himself to calm down. I am feeling bad as Pranati is being mistreated.

Jugnu begins to tie her wet hair. Pranati tries to dry them but Jugnu walks away. Pranati asks her if she is hurt. Jugnu declines. Pranati looks at the clock. She points at the food. It is your favourite. You must be so hungry. What do you want? Jugnu asks for freedom.

Reyansh gets Archit’s video call. Archit says you don’t deserve Pranati. I agree she trusted you for 10 minutes but she is finally leaving that house. Reyansh asks him how he knows this. Archit tells him not to worry about Pranati. I will hold her hand the moment she steps out of your house. I have looked after always and will continue to do so. You don’t have to worry about her. Reyansh tells him to do whatever he wants. Archit smiles. I know. Why do you care? I know you and your family well. Remember it well that Pranati is not alone. I am with her and will always be with her. I will always take care of her unlike you. I will clear all the hatred from her life that you have given her. Reyansh says there is no hatred but Archit asks him what else he has given her till date. Reyansh asks him if he has no other work. You know nothing about my family. Do you have a CCTV at my home? Archit says CCTV is here at my place. He turns the camera at Maan. Maan avoids looking his brother in the eye.

Archit tells Reyansh he is coming to take Pranati. I will take her away from you and your family. Reyansh throws his phone angrily. He will take Prani? Take her! Why do I care? He is threatening me!

Precap: in Progress

Update Credit to: Pooja

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