Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 18th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Riddhima messages Kabir

Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 18th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Riddhima asking Aryan did Vansh kill Ragini. Anupriya says Ragini… Vansh stops playing music. She says I know you are thinking about Ragini, Riddhima asked about her and didn’t let it stay a secret. Aryan asks Riddhima who will pay for it, the world is selfish. Riddhima says what can I expect from you, let it be. Aryan says you are giving up so easy, when the secret is big, then price will be big too. Mrs. D’souza drops tea on him and warns him. Aryan says threat is on those who made a new relation with devil. He goes. Riddhima says tell me, did Aryan tell the truth, is Vansh a big devil.

Mrs. D’souza says don’t talk about it, its like inviting death. Riddhima asks did Vansh murder Ragini. Mrs. D’souza says if Vansh gets angry, he can go to the level of murder. She goes. Riddhima thinks did Vansh kill Ragini. Anupriya says why is Riddhima so curious, I will handle her. Vansh says I told her that Ragini was my fiancee, nothing else. She says no need to tell her anything, its better if this secret stays a secret. Riddhima thinks I should talk to Vansh. Anupriya warns her again.

She makes her arrange roses. Riddhima gets hurt. Anupriya says I also get hurt when you roam around and reach the places where you shouldn’t, you may get hurt by going to wrong places. She removes the thorn. Anupriya asks her to forget about Ragini, she was past. She says life partner makes life easy, not tough, I get hurt when Vansh gets a little scratch, I don’t want anyone to become reason for his pain, its last warning, stop troubling Vansh. Riddhima says I don’t want to hurt Vansh, I saw a statue of an alive person and got curious. Anupriya says statues aren’t made for people who are alive, hope you mind your own business.

Riddhima goes and says it means Aryan wasn’t saying wrong. She sees Vansh’s pic and says he is a murderer, I need to calm down and inform Kabir. She goes to take the landline. She finds it not working. Ishani asks whom do you want to talk so desperately. Riddhima says none of your business. Ishani says Vansh is your hubby, he may talk. She calls out Vansh. Vansh comes and asks what. Ishani says she is secretly calling someone, don’t know what info she wants to give. Riddhima says its nothing like that. Ishani says you just look innocent, you are cunning. She says Vansh deserves someone better. Vansh asks Ishani to learn differentiating between his wife and servants, she has to respect his wife, fix the phone wire and just go. Ishani says don’t know why you can’t see it. She fixes the wire and goes. Vansh says sorry Riddhima, Ishani gets rude sometimes, you had to make a call. Riddhima says its okay. He says tell me the number, I will dial. Ishani smiles.

Riddhima tells some number. Vansh dials. Ishani thinks now her history will open. They hear the number doesn’t exist. Riddhima says I was calling my physiotherapy professor, maybe I forgot the number, its time for Siya’s therapy. She goes. Ishani says liar, why aren’t you saying anything. Vansh says so that I reach the truth, keep an eye on her. Ishani says you are just so unpredictable.

Riddhima says just last exercise. Siya says sorry, I m tired. Riddhima thinks to contact Kabir. Siya teases her. Riddhima asks can I use your phone to write a poetry. Siya says no phone calls. Riddhima takes her phone. Siya asks her to read it to her. Riddhima types the message for Kabir. Ishani looks on and says she is messaging someone, once she types the message, it will become a proof against her. She asks are you messaging your professor, I should see his right number. Siya says no, she is writing poetry for Vansh, its private. Kabir gets messages. He says I don’t entertain unknown numbers. He checks again. Ishani snatches the phone. She sees the poetry and reads.

Kabir gets the message from Riddhima. Riddhima thinks seeing Ishani and changing the message. She thinks did Kabir understand my message, did he reply. Mishra says someone sent you poetry. Kabir says its Riddhima’s message, not poetry. He reads and says it means Riddhima got a proof against Vansh, she wants to meet me at the place where we last met. Mishra says Riddhima is a great spy. Ishani says rubbish poetry. She gives the phone and goes. Kabir says she is taking much risk, she isn’t bound by duty, she got some big evidence, I m very curious, what will happen tomorrow.

Precap will be added later

Update Credit to: Amena

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8/18/2020 05:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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