Internet is a boon as well as a curse. Comes with it a million opportunities to tap the world and comes the world of trolling wrapped in a soft blanket. Trollers or online bullies use their freedom of expression in the most disgusting way possible on social media platforms. Recently when Sushant Singh Rajput passed away, we saw that the netizens took out their wrath on stars whom they felt were guilty of forcing Sushant. Those stars were trolled mercilessly and even given rape and death threats.
So what’s the escape from this world full of faceless trolls. Here are some celebs that have spoken on the topic and have also suggested how cyberbullying can be tackled with, read on to know more:
Shashank Vyas: Cyberbullying is a crime, because we don’t know how one comment can harm a person. People freely post whatever they want on anyone’s profile. It only adds negativity and hatred. Few actress friends even told me what kind of vulgar comments these trollers write. The solution is just one, one account per person and that too after proper verification. If we do this at least the negativity on social media will reduce.
Jasmin Bhasin: Like other actors I have also experienced it, but I chose to ignore it. I feel if I get involved in this, I will waste my energies and that won’t be right. So I choose to ignore it and stay from such negativity. Honestly speaking there is no solution to it as we can’t stop people from writing and expressing what they feel. But I feel we can choose what we want to give attention to and we can definitely choose how we want to react to all those things. I believe if we don’t react and ignore them they will also somehow die because all that they need is the attention.
Vijayendra Kumeria: Trolling is an attention seeking behaviour, if they don’t get it then cyberbullying will definitely stop. These people, who get into bullying or trolling are too stupid to even understand the meaning of freedom of speech. They just want to give their opinion on each and everything as they don’t want to be left behind in this race of grabbing attention which unfortunately they are getting in abundance. When the media writes about them, they feel encouraged, so the best way to stop it is by not giving a damn about trolling. I haven’t been trolled but even if I get, it wouldn’t bother me, I have better things to concentrate on.
Kettan Singh: Bullying is the worst thing a person can go through, because in general the soft targets of bullying are sensitive and more vulnerable people. Bullying has a severe effect on them. As for cyberbullying, trollers not only misuse the medium, but I feel they are very petty, low life and wasted in their own life kind of people. They don’t have an intelligent opinion of their own. They are just blinded by the fact that nothing can happen to them on the internet. I don’t pay attention to any of them unless there is genuine feedback on my content. Abusers and trollers are meant to be ignored, but still there are people in our society who follow them because they enjoy such low life characters.
Vikas Sethi: Cyberbullying is a concept which is purely a matter of perspective. I don’t believe that the concept exists at all. When someone bothers or bullies someone on social media – it is pretty much like how we dealt with it during our childhood – one has to stand up and speak up against the bullies. Yes, the media is powerful and can actually make or break morale and lives. I haven’t experienced any of this, though.
Avinash Mukherjee: Cyberbullying has been there because the reach of the internet has become so huge. I would just want to say that precaution is always better than cure and we need to be really very cautious. We shouldn’t give attention to those people who are trying to create some nonsense in our life. I know things are totally different for a girl and a boy. Things are very difficult for any average Indian girl right now. It is better to be safe than sorry. Girls should be sure who they are talking to on the other side because most of the time we get to know that his or her Facebook was hacked.
Arun Mandola: Yes, recently I have experienced cyberbullying. I got a message from Instagram that my account will be disabled if I don’t remove a copyright video that I had posted. I was shocked for 30 seconds, and I asked them which video they were talking about, they sent me an Instagram link and when I clicked on it, a page similar to Instagram opened up. They were asking for my password, but luckily I did not log in and instead asked my friend who was expert. Then I found out that number was active in Turkey. If they had hacked my account that day, then I don’t know how they would have used it. God and my meditation saved me that day because these hackers are experts in Human Psychology, they will trap your mind, they talk very professionally and they will create a very official atmosphere. I watch news thrice a day but these types of news are very rare. However, I don’t think the media is encouraging them. There is only one way to stop these hackers and that is awareness through news channels, websites and social media platforms.
Aaira Dwivedi: Social media is such a strong platform if you use it properly to showcase your talent, raise your voice (in the right manner), learn new things, and connect with each other so easily. One should use this platform to spread positivity rather than pulling each other down. I have grown up using social media, so I find it comfortable, but those who are new to it or not used to it might get depressed because of cyberbullying. They say with great power comes great responsibility, I really feel that while the internet has given us the power to voice our opinion, there are a lot of people who do not use this boon wisely. Trolling is common nowadays, and one of the major reasons for it is the “need for attention”, but if one feels that one can hide his or her identity and use it as a platform to send inflammatory and off-topic messages and get away with it, it is absolutely wrong.
Khushbhoo Kamal: People used social media as a platform to express their opinion but nowadays people are using it in a wrong way. The internet has a good side as well as bad side and cyber bullying is the bad side. Sometimes people make personal comments because they feel they are right and they feel they have a right on us as we are public figures. They should understand we have a family, and they may also get affected by such bad comments. Media gives more hype to those comments because they need news. The best thing is to ignore it and if it goes to the next level, then you can take the help of the police. I got trolled by people, but I ignored them.
Meera Deosthale: Cyberbullying has become very common especially in case of actors. Any post can be misinterpreted, and netizens start commenting anything without thinking at times. Using abusive words in comments is the worst thing. Freedom of expression doesn’t mean anyone can write anything. Also, celebrities should not take every comment to heart. Few things in life need to be ignored or taken with a pinch of salt. Posts on social media don’t add or delete to our talent, and we need to remember social media is for us, we are not for social media.
Jhanvi Sethi: As a founder of My Zindagi Foundation, I believe any kind of bullying should be addressed starting at a very young age. We must make school students aware of the possible consequences of bullying behaviour throughout their lives. We must provide them strength to withstand by building confidence. Media does play a big role and hence must be conscientious with this aspect. It’s important to understand that not everything that is said is the truth. Every story has multiple versions.
Mou Das: Cyberbullying “an insidious form of virtue signaling” and said that it has taken the form of a competitive sport.“Cyberbullying is an arrow in the quiver of Cancel Culture. It is weaponized under the garb of ‘ liberal’ ethics. It has taken the form of a competitive sport in which the public court of opinion is swayed to dehumanize their opponents to prove their own ‘weakness’
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