Hello everyone. Did you like the last episode
HOPE you liked it . Here comes the most awaited episode. Abhigya meeting. You all are waiting right. Before our favourite CoUple meeting let’s see another person. A story with out villans is boring right. So in this episode i will also introduce the villans with hero and heroine meeting
Let’s get into the story
Days and months passed by . Abhi left his thoughts of his family and started to concentrate on his work.
He is upcoming Rockstar. Slowly gaining fame . But sad thing is that he is known by none .
He didn’t give one concert also where people could see him all his concerts were theme oriental which he covered his face. And many of his albums were great hits but he never came to launch them.
He was simultaneously working as secret agent in a big detective company. He earned enough to live but he missed his family. But it never lasted long as his friends made him forget it , especially Karan.
One such day he started to go to college now he is in second year business administrations according to his friends. only he and Karan knew he is in fourth year. [Yes guys he completed his first year and second year in one year and now he is doing third year and fourth year. And decided to give his exams. ]
They were all in canteen. When Karan came running
K: abhi go fast and see in the notice board
A: what happened
K: that tanu has planned against you she put your pics in notice board . Go see yourself
Abhi went along with Karan. He saw in the notice board.
It was decorated with heart symbols and written “HAPPY LOVE ANNIVERSARY BABY” and at the bottom of the board it was written by Abhi
His blood boiled seeing it . He went to her class. He didn’t bother about the lecturer . Went straight to tanu
T: hi abhi. Thanks for the surprise. I loved it. I never knew you will tell about our relation to everyone in this way . I loved it.
A: I thought you will regret for doing this but proved me wrong. Once someone rejects you . You should prove your self before proposing them again. But you don’t have shame right I rejected you in all possible ways warned you also but no improvement in don’t know what to do with you. I am tellingyou again before coming to me again don’t mess up with me if you I will forget that you are girl.
(He left saying this )
K: Hello miss. Behave atleast now like a girl. He will never accept you. Don’t dare to mess with him I will kill you before he does if you do it again.
Tanu felt insulted but could not do anything as her plans are flopped
In London,
PRAGYA and her batch was enjoying like usual in canteen pulling arjun’s legs because he liked a girl.
In their class
ARJUN was sitting with pragya and discussing something when they were called to come home.
All were seated in the hall
Pragya : what happened mom that you called us all of sudden.
Prerana : Pragya and arjun we are arranging security to you both
Arjun : maa is everything all right you seem to be stressed
Depali : nothing much, some of rivalsthreatened Raghuveer. So she is tensed if they do anything to you.
Pragya : maa don’t worry about arjun I will take care of him
Depali : that is what we are scared of . You will do all stupid things, mess up things, don’t put arjun into it.
Pragya : seriously you are my parents or his.
Saying this she went to her room. And got back studying. Her favourite thing is to sTudy. After knowing about herself she involved more in studying. She wanted to meet the person who wrote the letter. But could not.
Like this 5 years passed by.
Pragya completed her BTECH in computer science. She took up her father’s business after her btech . Every one was shocked to see her handle things. She loved privacy so she never liked clicking pics. The business world knew only her name ” PRAGYA ARORA “. Just like abhi and also did her MBBS in cardiology AND AFTER THAT did her MD and MBA.
She is now a doctor practising medicine she put it highly confidential.
She did her fashion designing course too as she had a lot of time during her BTECH. She wanted to learn more things. But could not manage. She started a boutique recently. She grew up in ervery career she stepped into. But was always in third in business. She never knew who the hell was APM.
Pragya entered her cabin when her PA came inside
PA: mam here is the list of top 10 companies in the world
Pragya : where do we stand
PA: mam that. ….
Pragya : tell me I don’t have time
PA : we are in third place.
Pragya :what the hell. From last 4 years we are struggling between2 and 3 position. Who the hell is in first position
PA: mam it’s again KL group of companies .
Pragya : who the hell is its CEO I want an appointment right now with him or her
PA: mam i will fix an appointment and inform you.
PRAGYA : get out now
PA ran out in fear.
Pragya went back home disappointed. She bashed everyone possible. Seeing her like this none came to her.
Next day,
PA: mam he gave an appointment after 6 months
Pragya : what is he crazy. After 6 months
PA: his schedule is planned for next 6 months so after 6 months when he visits London for a conference he gave an appointment
Pragya : okay fine. Go now
IN NYC , in KL group of companies
Karan : congratulations buddy
ABHI : man how long you want me to stay as CEO I am tired of this.
Karan : the great APM getting tired. Best joke
Abhi: am I looking like a joker.
Karan : cute joker. What are plans for tomorrow.
Abhi: nothing much should complete notes for last semester
Karan : you promised me no studies at weekends. What is this.
Abhi : okay tell me what’s plan
Karan : let’s plan in college come let’s go
They both left to college . They enjoyed perfectly. Everything was going well. Finally Abhi completed what he wanted to study. And pragya too.
Abhi was eager to meet Pragya and same with pragya.
In NYC, at the airport.
Karan: abhi take care I am going to miss you man
Abhi : hey man take care of everyone. Don’t worry I will be alright
Rachel : abhi I have my boyfriend in London. He may help you. This is his number
Abhi : no need buddy. I can manage
Vin: what you will manage. It’s helpful if you have it .
Karan : guys, please he is going to stay there permanently. So it’s better if he finds things himself.
Abhi : thanks for your concern. I am leaving now. Karan don’t forget you need to come on 15th
Karan : fine man
Abhi: guys if you are free come along with him on this month 15 to London. It’s a big day for me.
Vin: what so special
Karan : abhi you go I will explain them
Abhi bided bye to them and left to London.
Next day, at the airport. He was collecting his luggage.
He called someone .
Abhi: Hello. This is abhi….. Yes I have landed. ….. what you are still in the campus . ………… no need I will come by myself. …………okay fine come fast I am waiting. ……… hate you
AT university canteen,
Pragya and her batch were talking when her phone began to ring. She smiled seeing the id.
Pragya : Hello. ………okay. have you landed………sorry I am still in the university . I will come wait……….aRey wait I will come. If you come by yourself i will not talk with you. ……,..
15 minutes I will come. Love you. ………bye
Pragya rushed to airport. She bought some flowers to welcome him. Rushed to receiving area she found him finally. And rushed to him but she bumped into someone and all the flowers fell on him.
Pragya : hey idiot don’t have eyes can’t you see.
Man: Hello miss I am coming in right way you are the one jumping and running like a monkey.
Pragya : how dare you to call me monkey. You are king of monkeys then.
Man: look how handsome I am and you calling me monkey.
Pragya : this is called self certification. Others need to tell how you are not yourself.
Just then they heard 2 people calling them from 2 sides “abhi”, “pragya “. Pragya left cursing him . While abhi just admired her face, her eyes, her lips. He just fell for her. But was not ready to accept it. So left to meet his friend.
Abhi : hi MAYA how are you
Maya : finally after 6 long years you came back haa
Abhi: so how is everyone. Uncle , auntie and arjun
Maya: we will talk at home all this so when are you going to meet your family?
Abhi : this month 15th.
Maya: let’s go home. Come
Otherside with pragya.
Pragya : hi baby (she hugged a guy)
Guy: i am not your baby.
Pragya : someone seems to be angry
Guy: Haa I am angry. How can you come this late . You know I am coming. It’s after 3 long years but you are least bothered. I sent all my crew members away to be with you
Pragya : I am sorry. Please forgive me. Please come with me Sid
Sid: okay princess come let’s go home.
They reached their destinations. In Maya’s house
MM {maya’s mother}: abhi beta how are you
Maya : mom don’t ask your routine dialogue. He is tired talk after he takes rest. Abhi come I will show your room
Abhi nodded his head and went with maya after greeting her parents and taking their blessing.
Depali : bhabhI this girl told she will get her friend. What if she loves him.
Prerana : come on bhabhi you are behaving like soap heroine mother. Trust your bringing up.
Depali : don’t know if she says she loves him . We cannot go against her. What if she runs away like abhi.
Prerana: bhai look at your wife just tell her to relax and believe our princess
Just then Pragya and Sid came in
Pragya : hi everyone. (Every one smiled ). Mom , dad, mama, papa, bhai, bhabhi this is Sid, Siddarth Malhotra. He is from India. Sid this is my maa, papa and bhai . This mom, dad and bhabhi.
Sid: hi auntie and uncle
Pragya : aRey don’t call uncle and auntie. Call them ma and pa. My parents are like your parents right.
Sid: fine baby
Pragya : you go and take rest. I will come after some time with your food. Robin (she shouted) put his luggage in guest room. Sid go with him. I will come
Sid: if you don’t mind will you get me my favourite coffee
EVERYONE shouted “ pragya you know how to make coffee”
Sid smiled and mouthed sorry. Pragya glared at him. Just then she got a call from unknown number she talked something and in middle held her head and fainted. Sid held her before she fell down.
Sid : Pragya, open your eyes. Ohhh God (he saw day ). This girl will never change. Auntie don’t worry she will be alright. Just give me some water.
(He sprinkled water) . What is this pragya. You are told not to fast right. Why are you doing it again.
Pragya: I had food.
Sid: when you had
Pragya : yesterday.
Sid : idiot have it now otherwise I will feed you..
Pragya : I will have it myself but after 8 please
Sid : okay. I will freshen up and don’t need to prepare coffee take rest.okay (he kissed her forehead and left. Every one was shocked by his action. Pragya was smiling. She left to her room. )
NEXT DAY, IN MORNING. Every one was in the hall Pragya and Sid came down. They both left and bided bye to her family.
Every one in the family didn’t likePragya being close with sid . But Pragya was least bothered. One such day Pragya was not at home sid was there in garden talking in phone.
Sid: hi baby……missing you so much. What is my son saying. ……Papa too misses you my champ…….okay give phone to mama………you are coming right, otherwise my dead body will come back . When ………..seriously you are at airport. ………..oh God we will Rock this weekend and I hope everything goes well. ………. Yes haaaa she is still believing that. …………don’t know how many days still. If she finds that we came to know. ……………she will not don’t worry. Bye come fast SHE should be surprised. Bye.
He turned back and was shocked to see ………
What is that sid is trying to hide ?
How will pragya react if she knows what he is hiding?
What is relationbetween Sid and pragya?
What is special on 15th?
Will abhi meet his family or leave themlike before?
To all this question answers will be in next episode.
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Thanking you all
Signing off
Byee everyone. ……
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