Aapke hai kaun hum Part 1
Naina dressed her dearest sister Avni.
Naina:Wah jeeji…wah…you look so pretty now.Neil will be flattered when he sees you now.
Avni blushed.
Avni:By the way my dear sis..Neil is already flattered.
NAINA:Oh..ya…Neil is already mad about you and that’s why he is bringing his parents here to show his beloved to them.
Avni:Naina…Neil is your jeejaji.Don’t call him by his name.
NAINA:So considerate towards him.Ok agreed.I will call him jeejaji.
Avni smiled.
Rano came:Are you not done with dressing?Maheshwaris will reach now.
Naina:Let them come mom.Jeeji is ready.
Rano smiled at Avni.
R:My daughter is so beautiful.Let no evil eyes fall on you.
Avni smiled.
NAINA:Mom…only your eldest daughter is beautiful?I have also dressed up as jeeji’s future in laws are coming.Am I not looking pretty?
Rano:You are always pretty my naughty daughter.That’s why you won beauty contests in your college.But today more than your beauty Avni’s beauty is more significant.Because the boy’s family is coming to see Avni,not you.
They giggled.
Naina:Ok ok…
Maheshwaris reached.Mohit and Rano recieved them happily.
Mohit-Rano:Welcome welcome…
Avantika:Where is Avni?
Rano:She will come now.
Rano went inside.
She saw Avni wiping the stain on Naina’s dress.
Avni:Naina was drinking juice and it fell on her dress.
Naina:I wore it so happily.It got spoiled.How will I come out like this?
Rano:Avni…they are waiting for you.Naina…no problem.You change your dress and come.
Harish was eating the snacks which were served.
Avantika whispered:Harish..we are here to see Avni,not to eat.Don’t eat as if you have not eaten anything since many days.
Harish:Let her come first.Till then let me enjoy.Very tasty.
Avantika gave him a weird expression.
Rano brought Avni to the drawing room where all were sitting.
Neil and Avni’s eyes stuck up to each others.They smiled at each other.
Harish and Avantika blossomed seeing Avni.
Avni touched their feet.They blessed her.
Avantika:Neil…I must say.I never thought that your selection would be so good.
All were happy.
Harish:Avantika,he is my son.So his selection would be good.It’s natural.
Avantika stared at him:Don’t take credits for that.
Harish::Did I say anything wrong?
Harish had a naughty smile on his face:My selection was always good.Remember…I only selected you for myself.Don’t you remember those days?
Avantika blushed.
Avantika caressed Avni:I liked Avni so much that I want to take her home immediately.
Mohit said seriously:How can you decide alone to take Avni home?Even I have the right to voice my opinion as her father.
All became dull.
Suddenly Mohit smiled:Have patience and wait.Let the wedding happen and then you take her home.
Everyone smiled.
Harish:You scared us Mohit.
Mohit:No need to be scared Harish.I had decided that Neil would be my son in law the day I met him first through Avni.
Rano:Yes.How can we get a better boy for our Avni?
Harish and Avantika smiled.
Harish:What more do we need?
Neil and Avni smiled at each other.
Sameer whispered in Neil’s ears:Till now you guys were having eye lock and still you are both continuing it?That also in front of others.Shameless.
Neil was embarrassed and he broke the eye lock.Avni became shy.
Avantika:Rano..you have one more daughter.Right?
Rano:Yes.Naina.Her dress became wet.She went to change it.
Avni and Rano served them sweets.
Rano:Sweets are Avni’s weakness.She only made them.
Harish:Wah…what a tasty sweet!I loved it.
Avantika:Avni has made it very well.
Avni smiled:Thank you very much.
Avantika:You did Home science.Right?
Avni:Yes.Cooking is my passion.
Harish:At least now we will get nice food to eat.
Avantika stared at Harish:What do you mean Harish?That I don’t cook well?
Harish:When did I say that you don’t cook well Avantika?I am talking about my servants’ food which we eat these days.
You know guys…before marriage Avantika used to make sweets for me.That’s how I really fell in love with her.Immediately I proposed to her.But after marriage she stopped cooking special dishes for me especially sweets.
Avantika stared at him:I stopped making your favourite food as you were eating too much and putting on weight.See how you look now.
Harish was embarrassed.
Everyone laughed.
Neil:Whatever this is how we like our dad and he looks so cute like this.
Harish smiled.Avantika also smiled.
Sameer:At home dad and mom keep joking like this.Avni bhabhi can laugh always at home.
Everyone giggled.
Harish was eating sweets.
Avanti:Harish…have a control over yourself.Stop eating sweets.You are gained too much of weight.
Harish:Today don’t stop me darling.Today is the day of happiness and I want to eat.
Avanti:Everyday you need a reason to eat.
Sameer:Rano aunty,I want to wash hands.Where is the wash room?
Rano:It’s on the left side beta.
Sameer walked to the left side room mistaking it for the washroom.It was Naina’s room.
SAMEER:This is not a washroom.Typical lady’s room.May be bhabhi’s room.
Naina came out of the dressing room and they both bumped into each other.Naina slipped and fell on Sameer. Sameer too lost his balance because of that and both of them ended up falling on the bed with Sameer on top of Naina.
Something got them attracted to each other and they were lost in each other’s eyes.
Suddenly Naina tried to get out of his hold and Sameer left his hand from her.
Naina:Who are you?
Sameer:I am Sameer.Neil’s brother.
Naina:Why are you here?
Sameer:I thought that this was the washroom.
NAINA:Washroom? This is my room.I will show you the washroom.
Sameer:Thank you.
Naina led him to the washroom.He washed his hands.
They both went to the drawing room.
Mohit:This is Naina.My youngest daughter.
Naina:Hello uncle…hello aunty.
Harish and Avantika smiled:Hello Naina beta.
Sameer:Now also bhaiyya and bhabhi are standing here?You guys did’nt go to talk like we see in movies?The boy comes to see the girl and the elders sent them to talk in movies.
They all smiled.
Harish:They have already talked a lot and that is how they chose each other for themselves.Now what is left there to talk?
Neil and Avni were embarrassed.
Sameer:Lovers have more to talk dad.They have never ending topics to talk.Who knows that better than my dad and mom?Still in love…still talking non stop.
Harish Avantika became shy.
Harish:Mohit…please let your Avni talk with Neil.
Mohit:Why not?
Neil and Avni went out to talk.
Sameer and Naina were hiding behind the wall and listening.
Neil:What a fragrance!Which perfume are you using?
Avni blushed:Same perfume.I have not changed my perfume.
Neil:But it smells new and fresh.
Sameer and Naina laughed overhearing it.
Avni’s hair blew in cool breeze and a few hair strands fell over her face.
Neil tucked her hair strands behind her earlobes.
She was very shy.
They shared a romantic eye lock.
Neil said in a shy tone:Avni…can I tell you something?
Avni was shy:Yes Neil.Tell.
NEIL:Please don’t say no.
Avni smiled.
NEIL:After marriage you pin your hair properly.Otherwise your hair will keep falling on your face and I will have time only to keep your hair properly to see your beautiful face properly.
Avni:Please don’t force me to do so Neil.I love open hair.Please let me keep open hair.
NEIL:Ok..as you wish.
Sameer and Naina could’nt control their laughter.
Sameer:I wonder how they fell in love.
Naina:I wonder whether this was how they talked through out their courtship.How did they fall for each other?
Sameer:Because they both are alike.Similarities in them made them fall for each other.
Naina:Why are you teasing them?
SAMEER:You were also doing the same thing.By the way why are you overhearing them?
NAINA:I came here to support my sister.
SAMEER:Supporting like this?Wow!Cool!
NAINA:Don’t comment too much.By the way why are you overhearing?
SAMEER:To learn how to talk romantically.
NAINA:Why do you want to learn to talk sweetly?
SAMEER:To talk to my girl friend.
Naina did not know why,but she did’nt feel nice when she heard about him having a girl friend.
NAINA:You have a girl friend?
She felt relieved.
NAINA:I knew that you don’t have a girl friend.
NAINA:Which girl will make you her boy friend?
Sameer looked at her eyes deeply:What is wrong with me for which girls do not want me to make me their boy friend?Don’t I look handsome?
She smiled.
She was lost in his romantic eyes.
She felt ashamed of herself for drowning in his eyes.
NAINA:You look funny.
Sameer was embarrassed:What?
Suddenly he smiled:No problem.I will get a funny girl like you as my girl friend.
Naina frowned:You find me funny?How dare you?You know I am a beauty Queen in my college.I won 3 beauty contests.
Sameer chuckled:Guess your college authority brought blind judges.
Naina got irritated:What?You…I am not saying anything.No use of talking to a duffer like you who does’nt know how to admire beauty.
Sameer laughed.
NAINA:Anyways…if you don’t have a girl friend why did you say that you are overhearing Neil jeejaji and Avni jeeji to learn to speak to your girl friend?
Sameer smiled looking at her eyes:When I get my girl friend I can talk to her sweetly.
She lowered her head.
SAMEER:Anyways if I learn from Neil bhaiyya how to talk romantically my girl friend will throw chappals at me.
Both of them laughed.
Avni slipped a bit and to get balance she held Neil’s shoulders tight.
They got lost in each others eyes.
The post Aapke Hai Kaun Hum? SamAina AvNeil SS Part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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