Sunday 10 May 2020

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 12

Greetings all you lovely people!! Thank you so much for all the love!! I’m extremely grateful, especially for the touching comments, and also for the dislikes. I’ll be able to appreciate that more if you also tell me where I’ve gone wrong though. Happy reading!

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 12

A quick recap: Twinkle manages to put the kids to sleep with great difficulty. She then reveals her pregnancy to Kunj, who is overjoyed, and they spend a lot of sweet moments together. Twinkle asks Kunj if he wouldn’t be the one telling Simmi.

Twinkle woke up to the aroma of coffee, and figured it was Kunj preparing it since he wasn’t beside her. She smiled to herself as she thought of the previous day, how eventful it had been! She wondered if Amaya’s baby had been brought out of the incubator, and hoped Amaya was doing fine. She got out of bed lazily, humming cheerfully to herself as she recalled Kunj’s excitement the previous night. She then took a bath, got dressed and went to the kids’ room, but was surprised to find them missing too. She walked down the stairs and saw the girls at the dining table, all dressed up, chatting happily. “Good morning!” She greeted cheerfully, and they hugged her, telling her that they had been very good girls, waking up as soon as Kunj called out to them, and she gave them a chocolate each in return, with kisses on their cheeks. “Breakfast is ready!!” Kunj announced, as he brought them pancakes that they had demanded to eat. They eagerly began eating, with Simmi dramatically praising him for being a great chef. “Hey!” he whispered to Twinkle with a peck on her forehead, while she hugged him and whispered “Can I take this chef with me?” tugging at his apron. They were jerked into the real world when they heard the girls giggling at them. Kunj laughed with Simmi as he tickled her and fed her a bite with his own hands while Twinkle fed Pari.

Simmi and Pari ran over to Amaya’s bedside as soon as they were led to her ward by Kunj. She was now sitting up supported by the headboard, and held out her arms for them. They hopped up quickly and sat on either side of her, giving her kisses on her cheek and a chocolate each. Simmi’s eyes then glanced carefully over all the medical equipment coming to a stop at the empty cradle. “Maami, where is the baby?” She asked anxiously, but Leela managed the situation by telling her that the baby had been taken by the doctors for a check up. It was then that Simmi saw that everyone else was already present there, they were the last ones to arrive. She murmured her disapproval of that to Pari, who was too busy telling her mother how much she had missed her to pay any attention to Simmi, but she earned everyone else’s giggle at it.

Kunj then slowly walked over to Amaya and squeezed her hand assuringly. “Are you alright?” he asked, carefully observing her tired eyes that still showed contentment. She smiled her best at him with a quick nod. “You would be! You are Papa’s little tigress after all!” He said, reminding her of how Manohar always encouraged her when she felt low. The two of them giggled as they recalled how that would always rile up Kunj when they were younger, and he would remain miffed the whole day long. “Of course! Bhabhi must have laughed when she heard how much she had scared all of us, especially Twinkle. She had made herself miserable by crying!” Rahul exclaimed, earning everyone’s glare, but he had managed to ease the tension in the air at least. “Speaking of which, where is your Mumma, Simmi?” Amaya asked as she cast a quick glance around the room, but there was no sign of Twinkle. “She came to the hospital with us, Maami! I don’t know where she vanished to though. She’s Siyappa Queen, you know? Papa calls her that!” Simmi began her cheerful prattle, but stopped when she noticed Kunj glaring at her. “Or, we can simply say that I don’t know.” She added quickly, making everyone burst out laughing.

“I’m here! I’ve brought you all something!” Twinkle announced as she opened the door and stepped in. She held the door open for Yuvi, who walked in with the little princess in his arms. Everyone watched happily as he handed the baby over to Amaya’s waiting arms. He sat down beside her himself and put his hand around her, while she placed gentle kisses on the baby’s forehead. The baby, who was asleep so far, opened her eyes and looked curiously at her parents, and their happiness knew no bounds. Simmi now ran to Yuvi and spread her arms, asking him to help her up. When he did, she looked at the baby with widened eyes for a minute quietly. Pari, though very happy to see her baby sister, touched her momentarily with a finger and then immediately withdrew her hand, as though she was worried she might hurt her. Simmi, on the other hand, seemed more confident. She touched the baby’s cheeks and tiny hands and legs softly, and spoke to it in a childish lisp. She even guided Pari to touch the baby. “Simmi is so ready to be an older sister!” Rahul whispered to Twinkle and Kunj, who had been standing in front of the bed. “She so is!” Kunj whispered back, but Twinkle knew exactly what was coming up. As everyone took turns to hold the baby, it began to cry, unused to the changing hands. Simmi jumped off the bed and ran to Twinkle. “She cries so much! I don’t like her!” She exclaimed, closing her ears with her hands. Twinkle now shot a glance at Kunj and Rahul, who were astonished by that reaction.

Twinkle took the baby back to Amaya finally and greeted her with “Congratulations, Bhabhi! She’s a doll!” Pari looked up at Twinkle immediately and asked, “What about me, Bua? Is she everyone’s favourite now?” Twinkle smiled at her and replied, “You are an angel. No matter who’s favourite she becomes, you will always be her favourite, and so..?” Pari smiled gladly now. “I’ll be their favourite too?” She asked, and Twinkle nodded. “Come here now!” Twinkle called out, holding her arms out to her. Just as Pari was about to jump into Twinkle’s embrace, Kunj caught her and swirled her around. “Don’t tell anyone, but you’ll always be my favourite, ok?” He whispered in her ear and was rewarded with a kiss on his cheek. Pari then jumped off his arms and ran to join the others leaving the ward. “And I’ll always be her favourite, ok? You can’t snatch her from me!” Twinkle said, imitating Kunj and then giving him a warning of sorts before walking out with a huff. He turned to look and Yuvi and Amaya, who wished him ‘Good luck’ with a thumbs up. He nodded at them and then followed her, muttering ‘Siyappa Queen!’

“Oh my God! Please tell me you are not miffed about that even now!” Kunj exclaimed as he walked into their room with two cups of coffee, only to find her ignoring him. She giggled at him, having had enough fun with giving him the cold treatment all day. He gave her a ‘You are impossible!’ look, making her burst out laughing. “You see, you have to also think about this little one now. I was just worried either of you might get hurt if she jumped at you like that.” Kunj explained, pulling her into a back hug, and placing his hand gently on her tummy. “I’m sorry, it’s just so much fun to tease you!” She replied, as they both ended up giggling. “Di’s younger daughter at least will call you Maami, right?” Kunj asked, recalling all his failed attempts at getting little Pari to call Twinkle ‘Maami’, but she stuck to ‘Bua’. He had tried to get her to change her mind by buying her chocolates and toys, but in vain. Pari just seemed to enjoy the pampering instead. Twinkle laughed as she realised what he must be thinking, and said, “You wish!” Kunj made his best puppy face, but Twinkle wouldn’t give in. “But that’s not fair!” He protested like a little child, and she turned around to him. “Everything’s fair in love and war, Kunj!” She replied like a pro, and he had to give up. She was his queen after all, her wish was his command, and there was no other way he would have it.

That’s it for now, guys. Lots of love!

The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 12 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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