Heyyaaa guyss!!!
Toh kaise hain aap log! . ( I so wish you understand this
Chaliye shuru karte hain bina kisi DERIII ke!!!!!!!
Recap – ragsan argue
The episode starts with swara coming towards ragini. Ragini smiles awkwardly. Abhay and pooja also comes there, being protective about ragini. Swara smiles.

Swara : ragini? It seems you don’t trust me anymore. Everytime i want to talk to you someone or the other comes. Its okay if you don’t want me around you.
Ragini : no swara it’s nothing like that
Swara : so you don’t have any problem na if we talk alone?
Ragini nods her head and turns towards abhay and pooja.
Ragini : abhay .. poo you guys go i’ll join you later
Pooja : but di..
Swara : don’t worry… ummm… whats your name?? Haan pooja… i’m also her sister.. wont harm her okay??
Ragini assures them and then swara took her from there.
Pooja : abhay what has happened to her? It feels like she has hypnotised her… she’s not even thinking about bhai.. you saw na?
Abhay : i know poo… even i don’t understand.. we have to find sanskaar and talk to him about this matter.
They go to find sanskaar.
Sanskaar comes to the pool side. He’s angry and sad. He throws the flower pot kept there and sat on the chair clutching his hair. He shouts.
< FB >
Dhadkan yeh kehti hai
Dil tere bin dhadke na
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
( while dancing, sanskaar and ragini looks at each other but turns their eyes immediately. Swara smiles seeing this.
Uttara is happy dancing with abhay. She blushes. )
Tujhme raat meri tujhme din mere
Lamha ek jiyun na main toh bin tere
Hai tere sath safar
Jaana mujhe hai kidhar
Ke beet jaye tujhme ye umar
( now while everyone is dancing swara whispers something in sanskaar’s ears and he looks on shocked.
Swara : i know you are trying to keep ragini away from me.. but don’t worry now i’ll not do anything. She’ll herself come with me to Kolkata leaving you behind….
He clutches her hand
Swara : aww…. you are angry? Look you have done enough. You have kept my sister away from me for so long. Now i need her and i’ll have her. So stay out of my way. Last time i fell down from the stairs… next time it can be anyone….. anyone….
He pushes her back and pulls her with force. Laksh looks at them, amused. Swara smiles.
Sanskaar gritted his teeth and says something back to her.
Sanskaar : i’ll not let anything happen to her. So you stay out of our lives.
Swara : why are you after her? You wanted your revenge you got that … now let her return to her family.. and you also know she craves to come back to us…
Sanskaar : she has her family here.. she doesn’t need you…
Swara : you are saying this… has she told you this herself? Coz her eyes tells a very different story… and which family are you talking about? Pooja? You ? when you guys don’t have your own family how will you provide her that?
Sanskaar just glares at her.
Sanskaar : why do you suddenly need her swara? You hated her, right?
Swara ;: yes i did. Because of you. You were the reason behind her actions. You’ve done enough damage to her and our family.. now she wont stay with you.. who knows what all you are teaching her.
Sanskaar glares at her while she smirks.)
Ek pal ki bhi ab toh
Doori na mujhko dena
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
Sanskaar : i don’t know what to do? I don’t know what is right and what is wrong? God please help me. You know i just want to protect ginu…. and who knows what that girl is filling in her brain…
“ sanskaar” someone calls him from behind. He turns to find ap there. She has glassy eyes and slowly comes near him. She smiles looking at him. He stands up and moves towards her. He just looks at her.
Ap : beta….
Sanskaar almost cries but controls himself.
Ap : beta i can understand that you are not ready to talk to us … its okay i’ll go…
She turns to go but he holds her hand and stops her. She cups his face and cries. He holds her hand and cries too. He touches her feet and hugs her. They both sit down on the chairs, holding hands.
Ap ; beta… please talk to us. We know we did mistakes and we are really sorry for that. I know we did wrong with you and ragini and we repent it. Please give us one chance to rectify it. Please.
Sanskaar leaves her hand. Ap looks on.
Sanskaar : it’s not easy Ma.
Ap : i know beta.. take your time but please. For once listen to you bade papa’s side also. He’s not bad as you think. He did everything to save adarsh.
Sanskaar ; what about bhaiya? He was not even there.
Ap : now what should i say? He told us before we came here.. on your birthday… some girl named kavita was targeting all the boys of rich families.. and after you, your brother was her target… he just wanted to protect his son…
She cries. Sanskaar is shocked to hear that.
Ap : and after you left home, laksh brought that girl who blackmailed him.. after hearing the truth he was devastated.. he tried to find you but couldn’t. He never slept in those days and his heart problem increased. He did everything he could to find you but couldn’t trace you….
Sanskaar sits down with a thud. It was just too much for him.

Ap ; i know beta you blame us for all your sufferings.. and you are right also but please forgive us…. its been so many years….
She cries…….
Sanskaar ( takes a deep breath ) : badi ma…. i knew about that girl thing.. that’s why i cancelled my plans to destroy Laksh’s life…..
Ap : what??
He tells her how on Laksh’s wedding day he heard ap and dp talking about forgiving sanskaar and that’s when he heard that Laksh had proved him innocent by bringing the girl.
Ap : then why this hate beta?
Sanskaar : really badi ma? Really? What about Kavita and Ragini ma? They were innocent, why you people punished them?
Ap : beta, I know your bade papa was not the reason behind Kavita’s accident. I can see that in his eyes. And about Ragini, we’ll ask for forgiveness beta… and i’m sure she’ll forgive us….. beta, don’t hurt yourself in order to hate us. Please …
Abhay and pooja who came there to call sanskaar listens to everything and goes from there, teary eyed.
On the other hand with swara and ragini. They are sitting in t he small hall which was beside the party hall.
Swara : ragini.. i missed you so much… we all
missed you!
Ragini smiles.
Ragini ; what did you meant by whatever you asked me yesterday? About … ummm… laksh? And sanskaar??
Swara : ragini.. laksh wanted to ask for forgiveness that’s it…. what else did you thought?
Ragini nods nothing.
Swara; and about sanskaar…. on his birthday we all called him.. he talked to everyone very rudely. And when ma and baba asked about you he simply shouted at them and told us to stay out of your life as you don’t want us now… is that true ragini??
sHe makes a baby face with tears in her eyes.
Ragini ( to herself ) : why sansku never told me about this? What was the need to hide such a big thing?? If he would have told me then now i wouldn’t be sitting like this in front of swara…

Swara smiles seeing her lost. She shakes her.
Swara : what happened ragini? Is this true that you don’t want us in your life now??
Raginii just doesn’t know what to say. She mumbles.
Ragini : swara… umm… actually…
Swara : what? Didn’t sanskaar told you about this?
Ragini just looks at her blank. She was actually not understanding what was going on and now where was sanskaar. She was thinking what else he has hidden from her.
Swara : its okay ragini.. well i just want you to know that we all want you back.. i now how much family means to you and im sure you missed us all…
Ragini again just looks on.
Swara : btw how come you are here? I mean you are from bride’s side or groom’s?
Ragini : actually arnav and khushi are sanskuuaar… sanskaar’s friends and he introduced me to them. So we are also friends.
Swara : great.. finally you made some friends i’m so happy for you. And we should be thankful to them… bcoz of them we are meeting otherwise sanskaar would have never let us meet you….
She says this with a laugh at the end. Ragini feels hurt and denied. She just wanted answers from sanskaar.
While they continued their talk, mostly swara talking about their family in Kolkata laksh came there. Ragini got a little uncomfortable at his presence which swara noticed.
Swara : laksh come sit… talk to ragini .. i’ll bring in some snacks…
Saying so she goes from there leaving awkward ragini and laksh alone.
Party is still going on and everyone is enjoying. Maheshwari’s, abhay and pooja are the ones distressed.
Dp, rp and adarsh are busy with some business guests while sujata is with pari and uttara handling addy.
Ap : sanskaar beta…. i know you also want your family back and i know you are hurt but please beta…. you have given enough punishment to us and yourself…
Sanskaar : how do i trust him ma? He never believed me… how do i believe him? And why now??
Ap : beta you know he loves you… fathers are not good at expressing love beta.. i have seen him crying all night for you.. i’m not saying by doing this his mistakes can be forgiven or forgotten….but beta everyone deserves a second chance…. think about rp and sujata only…. i saw you guys tonight…. if you’ll come back maybe rp and sujata will forgive him (dp) and laksh….
Sanskaar : what about ragini ma? What about her? And you know how swara behaved?
Ap : beta swara is going through her own stress… she’s…. she’s pregnant beta…. ( sanskaar looks at her and she nods ) you are going to be uncle soon… she too regrets what she did to ragini… i have seen her praying for her … i know what she did cannot be forgiven but beta… everyone makes mistakes… you guys also did… i know it was a reaction but you did…. and it’s time that we forgive each other…. because beta now we are getting old and we can;t see our family broken into pieces….
She joins her hands in front of him. He holds her hands and nods no.
Sanskaar : ma.. swara challenged me that she’ll take ragini away from me by hook or by crook… what about that? What if she’ll hurt her again?
Ap : beta after marrying laksh… her life was not easy… suddenly losing all her freedom and handling all household work, not allowed to do job and now pregnancy… this all has taken a toll on her mind. We had talked to her doctors. They said she need a happy environment otherwise it can get worse. I know her actions are not justified beta but she feels guilty.
Sanskaar : ma, i can’t forget everything easily. It hd been so difficult for me… and then for ragini. We have had a lot ma. And now i don’t have the energy to take that all over again.
Ap : beta why do you think we hate you? I know we did a mistake and we have been paying for it for so many years. We know you have gone through a lot. But sanskaar you were not alone, we all paid for our sins. We regret our doings. We tried to contact you so many times. I know none of this can justify our mistakes but beta, at the end we are family. And families forgive each other..
Your bade papa.. your mom.. they were the most affected ones. Both are heart patients sanskaar still they are alive to see you, see you forgiving them, see you being part of the family again…
Beta, even Ragini’s family is devastated. They have begged us to contact you for her. You both are people who believe in family, then please just give one chance to your family….
Sanskaar looks at her emotionally. He didn’t knew what to say or do. One side there was Ragini and other side there were his mothers tears. One side it was struggle and pain and on the other hand was guilt in his family’s eyes.
Ap : Sanskaar listen to me… its your best friends wedding. We didn’t knew we would meet here and there will be overflow of emotions. But this is God’s wish.. he wanted us to meet here and solve our differences bcoz this cannot go on forever….. enjoy this wedding… after two days this will be over.. then we all can go back and discuss this with free mind…. please sanskaar… please come with us.. and if it does not work out, i promise you no one will stop you from leaving.

She said this with a trembling voice. She forwards her hand and signs him to promise. With lots of things going on in his mind, he keeps his hand on hers. She hugs him. He looks on………………………………
Laksh : ragini…. look i’m really sorry for what i
did to you..
Ragini it’s… uh .. it’s okay… oh i think i should leave now…
She stands to go but he holds her hand. She looks on shocked.
Ragini : leave… leave me..
He leaves her hand.
Laksh : i’m sorry Ragini. Please just listen to me once…
She keeps standing facing her back towards him. her eyes were filled with tears. He continues.
Ragini, i know i hurted you a lot, played with your feelings, not just once but so many times. I’m really sorry for that. I regret whatever i did to you. I know my sorry can’t bring these months or your happiness back but i really hope you come back to Kolkata … everyone misses you. Ragini, we did some mistakes and you did some… lets forget na and move on. Everyone loves you, ragini. They all do. And i know if you’ll come back then sanskaar bhai will also come back. You are his best friend ragini. You both can again bring happiness in our house. I’m just requesting you.
Ragini : i don’t know what to say.. Laksh. I knew what i did was wrong and that’s why told the truth but i had never expected what happened. Laksh, jo zakhm apne dete hain voh aasani se nahi bharte… ( the wounds given by our loved ones doesn’t recover soon )
Laksh : i know, ragini. And i wont force you or stop you. It’ll be your decision.
She looks at him and starts to go.
Laksh : voh actually ragini… i wanted to give you this… ( he pulls out a box from his pocket. ) i and swara are really sorry for everything. ( he pulls out another box ) and this is from your bhanji ( niece ) or maybe bhanja ( nephew ). Please accept these, forgive us and come back.
Ragini ( turns around ) : what?? It means……
She’s very happy. Swara comes there.

Swara : haw…. laksh it means you told her without me..
Laksh : sorry baba…
Ragini : i’m so happy for you swara… congratulations… why didn’t you tell me before?
Swara : ragini.. i wanted you to first forgive me….
She smiles. Swara calls for a hug. Ragini hugs her tightly. Laksh smiles. As they break the hug, we can see sanskaar standing there, all emotional.
Screen fixes on his emotional face.

“Forgive others, not because they
Deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace!”
Okay! I know it’s an emotional and maybe an unwanted chapter!
I think family is really important for a person and in this story, both Ragini and Sanskaar are people who have been bought up with strong family values. They have been betrayed by them but at the end they are family!
I’m not defending any idea, it’s just my point of view
No RagSan scenes, I know! But you have to wait!
If you like this chapter then please pview Because it really means a lot!
And feel free to point your reviews about the whole family thing, if you wish to!
And people very important, please take good care of yourselves! It’s a bad time, don’t lose hope….. This phase will also pass….. Be strong
Happy Reading
Lots of Love
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