Greetings everyone! Ananya here. Thank you all so much for all the love that my stories are receiving!! Initially I had been really worried with the poor response, but recently all three stories are doing well, which is brilliant! You guys are really amazing! Happy reading!
Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2: Episode 8
A quick recap: Simmi’s excitement regarding her gala night, Twinj’s early morning romance that gets interrupted by Amaya, Twinkle’s absence from office and Kunj gets called to attend to Simmi’s tantrums
P.S. There was an error in the header of the previous episode. It was episode 7, not 5
Kunj got to Chinki’s place as quickly as he could. He saw Simmi sitting with her highly angered expression in a corner, away from the rest of the kids. “All the best, Kunj!” He muttered to himself, walking to her. “Hey princess!” He greeted cheerfully, but she didn’t pay heed. “Simmi! Not fair!! Papa has come here for you leaving behind all his important work, and his little munchkin isn’t even saying a hello, let alone giving me a kissie.” He spoke faking sadness, pulled a chair and sat down in front of her. She turned away immediately. He picked her up and placed her on his lap while she tried to wriggle out. He hugged her tight, and asked her what was wrong. To his surprise, she held his hands firmly and began to cry, repeating “Mumma” in between her sobs. Kunj spoke of many different funny and silly things, tickled her and played with her to get her to stop crying, while everyone around stopped working and gathered around, adoring them. “I thought she was crying for her mother” Someone commented, and that was the only reminding that Simmi needed. “Where’s Mumma?” She asked, while Kunj asked everyone around to go back to their tasks. “Dadi called her for some help, baby.. She’ll get here as soon as possible” Kunj told her, patting her back to console her. “Everyone’s mother is here!” She protested, but Kunj knew exactly how he could get her to smile again. He borrowed some decoration material and made funny faces using them and then spun an entire story out of her water bottle and snacks box that lay in front of her, and in minutes she was ready to go and join the other kids, learning how they had to walk the ramp and other stuff.
When Twinkle got there, Kunj was more than happy to see her and gave her a hug immediately. “Thank goodness you’re here! Your daughter is such a drama queen!! I had such a hard time handling her!” He said all in a single breath, while she burst out laughing. “Kunj! She’s a kid. She just doesn’t like the idea that the event organisers don’t consider her a princess like everyone else does. She’ll be fine! Take a chill pill!” She told him casually, never in a mood to listen to any complaints made against her daughter. She then went around, greeting everyone, when Simmi came running and jumped into her arms. She proudly presented her mom to all the other kids, telling them that her mother had been Miss Amritsar in her days, and she had already taught Simmi the secrets to do well that evening, while Twinkle laughed. “Oh! So that’s why she wanted her Mumma!” Kunj exclaimed to Rahul who just sat back and enjoyed the show. “Twinkle was just like that when she was that young, you know? If she wanted something, she had to have it. Right then!” Rahul told Kunj, feeling nostalgic as he recalled their childhood. “Hey! Keep your thoughts off my wife!” Kunj said, smacking him on his hand. Rahul looked at him seriously for a moment before they both burst out laughing. “Look at you! Always jealous of me!” Rahul said, while Kunj made a sad face and then they were laughing again.
At the venue, Simmi took longer than the others to get ready, her choices being picky and very specific. When she was finally ready, Twinkle too got ready and left the green room, placing a loving kiss on Simmi and Pari’s foreheads, wishing them the best. She was the last one to get on the other side of the stage, and Kunj had been waiting for her. As soon as she got to him, he handed a glass of water and said, “You look tired. Had a long day?” She simply nodded, drinking the water in one go. “Wanna tell me about it?” He asked, and she began her rant about how Usha had spoken to the priest and suddenly decided to have the baby shower the next day, and how she rushed around to get stuff done the whole day. Kunj giggled as she exaggerated on some things, enjoying every bit of her explanation. Just as she had finished, Simmi walked onto the stage, looking like a fairy, making everyone go ‘Awwww!’ She walked to the end of the ramp and blew a kiss at her parents, whose outfits were perfectly coordinated with her own. Twinkle caught her kiss while Kunj reciprocated it, making her giggle before she went back.
The event was a huge success, the kids had done exceedingly well, way beyond everyone’s expectations, and had totally enjoyed the huge number of cameras all focused at them. Simmi was now unstoppable. She couldn’t contain her excitement and went on blabbering about who had said what about her dress, her hair, her performance and so on, with Pari adding her own bits every now and then. Twinj exchanged an understanding glance; they knew they had some important work at hand now.
Simmi had just finished narrating the entire story to Twinj probably the hundredth time when they sat down on either side of her on the bed. They had just finished their dinner after Simmi had come along, too lost in her chatter. “Simmi! You must now listen carefully to what we tell you, and understand it, alright?” Kunj began, and Simmi looked at him strangely for a minute before she nodded in a yes. “Mumma and Papa are extremely proud of you, Simmi! We are really happy that you are so good at everything you do, not just tonight.” Twinkle began, smiling at her warmly. “But, there’s something very important that you need to know.” Kunj continued, and Simmi gave him that weird look again. Her father was sounding something beyond her understanding then. Judging so by her expressions, he decided to let Twinkle speak. Twinkle explained to Simmi how it is very important to remain humble no matter how much fame she had gained. She told Simmi that people would only love and respect her as long as she didn’t let the popularity get to her head. Kunj watched his princess proudly as she listened to Twinkle attentively and promised to keep that in mind and act accordingly from that very moment. “Just like Papa handles everything!” Simmi added finally, hugging Kunj. Her parents were moved by her sentiment and hugged her back tight, and didn’t let go until she pushed them away, saying “I’m feeling ticklish!” Twinkle and Kunj chased her for a while before she decided to go to bed and left the room, giving both of them “Sweet dreams’ kissies” as she called her practise of every night.
“You did a great job! We needed to teach her that before she started it the wrong way” Kunj told Twinkle as they stood in the balcony watching the stars with their cups of coffee. They had the occasional habit of star gazing and talking for long hours, and that night seemed to be the perfect time to do so. They talked about Simmi that night, the first time they had seen her, the way she had held Kunj’s finger in her tiny fist for the first time, the sleepless nights she had brought them, Kunj and Twinkle not being able to contain their excitement when she had begun crawling the first time, when she had taken her first steps and then fallen flat on her face and cried. Although they had cried along with her back then, being worried, the memories of it brought giggles to them now. They couldn’t believe their tiny baby had grown up so quickly. With her, they hadn’t realised how time had flown.
That’s it for now, guys. Hope you liked it. I don’t know about you guys, but writing this brought tears of happiness to my eyes. I simply love the way this story has developed. Until next time,
Lots of love!
The post Twinj; When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 8 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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