In Amritsar…
A beautiful morning is shown with a beautiful mansion. A lady in shown with a vermilion and nuptial chain in her neck walking upstairs . Entered in a big room which is very spacious and beautifully decorated with many pictures of a beautiful girl hanging on walls. Then she looked at bed where a man in his mid 50’s sleeping clutching a photo frame to his chest dried tears are formed on his face. Looking at him she felt sad and looked at her right direction where a giant picture was hanging on wall of a same girl with a big garland hanging on it. She caressed man’s hairs she smiled sadly.
Lady : kunj…… kunj… wake up you are getting late for office.
Kunj wake up with sudden jerk.
Kunj : naina… you.
Naina : yeah… get up fast its already 08:30 you are getting late.
Kunj : Huhh….. I slept late last night…. composing himself and sitting on bed.
Naina : kunj
Kunj : yeah.
Naina : until when kunj.
Kunj looked at naina with wet eyes.
Kunj : until I’m alive.
Naina : kunj don’t do this with yourself what’s done is done. You can’t blame your self for that kunj and I know that was not your fault you were manipulated.
Kunj : no naina that was my fault only i can never forgive myself for the sin i have committed…. looked at the girl photo which hanged on wall with garland…. she have given me this punishment for breaking her heart by going away from me…. tears were rolling from his cheeks.
Naina : kunj… shh calm down… holding his hands…. I’m with you.
Kunj looked at naina…
Kunj : only twinkle have the right to say this.
Naina : yeah right… leave his hands. And looked away.
Kunj walk towards wall and caressed girl face in photo having tears in his eyes.
Kunj : good morning love.
Naina : kunj you get ready till I’ll make your coffee.
Kunj : okay.
After sometime kunj get fresh up he tried to tie his tye but couldn’t do it. Just then naina come with his coffee.
Naina : kunj… give me I’ll do it.
Kunj looked at naina while she is fixing his collar.
Naina : what
Kunj : nothing. I was just wondering my life was really a mess you handled me when everyone put off their faith in me. Thank you.
Naina : instead I should be thankful to you kunj for whatever you had done for me… for my…. kunj interrupted.
Kunj : our…
Naina : yeah our kids…
Kunj cupped her face.
Kunj : I already told you naina don’t ever think about your past.
Naina : yeah when I have you with me then why I’ll worry about anything husband ji.
Kunj : yeah right my wife ji… pinching her nose…. suddenly kunj face turned into worry.
Naina did bebe took her medicine.
Naina : yeah I gave her.
Kunj sipping his coffee looking at girl photo continuesly.
Naina looked at kunj then at photo and leave from there.
Kunj have tears in his eyes.
Kunj : why TWINKLE why you went away from me leaving me in this sophisticated world. Do you have any idea how badly I miss you daily. Twenty five years have been passed away but my love for you is increasingday by day. Daily I cursed myself but why babaji snatch you from me please come back every one say you would never come back you know everything right my heart knows you are still alive in me. Your absence is killing me. I love you i loved you and I will always love you with all my heart.
Far away in another city. A very beautiful mansion is shown a lady in her mid 40s is shown talking on phone.
Lady : no KD I’m okay don’t worry… yeah but you come soon they are already missing you.
Other side on phone.
KD : and you don’t you miss me.
Lady : now don’t start your flirting… do your work.
KD : come on twinkle I’m still waiting for you and you didn’t even look at me… not fair.
Twinkle : urghh KD will you stop or I will….
KD : okay okay… I’ll stop. Fine.
Twinkle : hmm.
KD : bye…
Twinkle : bye…
Maaaa….. Twinkle heard a loud voice from upstairs…. and murmured…. not again and rushed up stairs.
Twinkle entered a beautiful room where a giant picture is hanged on wall consisting four people one is twinkle on her left side a boy in her mid twenty on her left another boy who is also in his mid twenty and from back a girl which is also in her mid twenty all three are hugging twinkle looking very happy.
When twinkle entered in room she saw trio having pillow fight all feathers scattered in whole room creating a mess.
Twinkle : uday neeru meeshu. What is this… shouted
Trio stopped at that moment and gulped and looked from corner of their eyes.
Twinkle : what you all are doing.
… folding hands on her chest.
Meeshu : maa see these donkeys they are teasing me.
Twinkle : uday neeru now what you both have done.
Uday : nothing maa we just doing our duty right neeru.
Neeru : yeah maa this monkey meeshu also teased us.
Meeshu : don’t call me monkey you donkey.
Neeru : give me respect sista I’m twenty minutes elder than you.
Uday : leave it neeru she has no brain.
Meeshu : you donkeys….. showing them finger.
Uday neeru : what you monkey.
Meeshu : maa see them.
Twinkle : stop it how much fight you will do.
Now get fresh up I’ll make breakfast for you. Twinkle turned… no fighting got it.
Meeshu uday neeru : yeah maa…. nodded like innocent kids.
So let me introduce to you all twinkle kids.
Neeraj taneja twenty four years old.
Elder son of twinkle. A co pilot. Handsome and dashing a black belt very possessive for his mother and sister love his brother sister and mother can do anything for them hates his father. Twenty minutes elder than ameesha and udayveer.
Ameesha Taneja twenty four years old.
A fun loving cute and bubbly girl. A fashion designer. Love’s her mother and brothers very much can do anything for them. Missed her father and don’t know anything about him. Twenty minutes younger to neeraj and udayveer.
Udayveer taneja twenty four years old.
Smart handsome very naughty boy. Short tempered. A black belt. Famous architecture of Delhi. Hates his father to the core. Very possessive for his sister and mother loves his sister mother and brother very much can do anything for them. Always irritates ameesha with neeraj. Five minutes younger to neeraj and fifteen minutes elder to ameesha.
So they three are triplets kids of twinkle….
Shocked? Or confused? Who are they…..
Let’s see….
Now the real story begin….
Please comment and tell how’s today’s episode……
Till then take care stay safe and be healthy….
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