Saturday, 18 April 2020

Twinj ff – Woh Mera Dil Tha (Episode #07)


A lady is sitting in her room writing something in her diary. What she is writing let’s peeped in it……

Life is so strange where it leads us we don’t know sometimes I feel that still do I love him or would I able to hate him for what ever he had done to me I’m not able to understand till today why… why… after all why what was the fault of my innocent soul yes only mine he didn’t deserve to be called as his. You are the murderer of my baby but I can’t change the fact that you are the one who is responsible for my condition I can’t deny the truth that these three are your part but I know you would have never accepted them when you didn’t believed me on that day then why you would have trusted me again. It’s been fourteen years….. fourteen damn years of my happy life but still I crave your love maa’s love…. why… that i myself doesn’t know. I still can’t forgot the most painful yet stormy night of my life….

Lady lost in her past and closed her eyes remembering something…

Flashback… fourteen years ago…

Uv : yes twinkle I love you not from today but from the day when I first saw you in park.

Twinkle gasp…. uvv…

Kunj started clapping sarcastically….

Ku : wow amazing… just outstanding what an acting… well I must say you both played very well…

Bebe : kunj be quite… what rubbish are you saying…

Ku : what ever I’m saying bebe is not rubbish that is the truth because truth is always bitter. Just see this blo*dy uv he was my best buddy my partner in crime but just because of this girl today he is standing against me. Just see his guts he is proposing her in what circumstances ask him why he is doing like this.

Uv : what the hell thing are you man.
Just ask yourself once kunj what are you doing…
Leave it there is no use to explain you….. Twinkle… Leave him he don’t deserve you…

Twinkle shocked…. uv what are saying…

Ku : yeah yeah he is saying right why not after all your way will be clear i was that obstacle….. taunting.

Twinkle looked at him teary eyed.

Ku : now I’m sure that blo*dy child was your blood only Mr uvraj luthra…

Uv : kuunnjj…. mind your tongue…. blood red eyes.

You know what kunj if you can’t love her then be it at least respect this girl who sacrificed so much for your happiness.

Bebe : kunj now it’s limits last time I’m saying just be quite.

Ku : why bebe why would I be quite…. shouted angrily.

Tw : kunj… I beg you please stop it. If you want you can kill me abuse me but not our baby… please… folding her hands in front of him.

Ku : I don’t want to impure myself by killing you.

Bebe : kunj will you just shut up. Twinkle you come inside…. bebe about to go to twinkle for giving her support but kunj stopped her.

Ku : don’t you dare to enter in my home twinkle Tanja.

Bebe : kunj what are you saying this is her house too.

Ku : no bebe. I can’t tolerate her in my house. Just get lost from here.

Bebe : kunj… about to slap him but twinkle sign her in no.

Kunj hurted…. bebe today you raise your hands on me becauseof her… I’m not able to understand why are you believing her so much bebe.

Turned towards Twinkle and said…
Don’t know what magic you have done on bebe that she is choosing you over me.

Twinkle is still standing on door holding pillar… but tears are not stopping from her eyes.

Tw : kunj I know you are not trusting me now it’s okay I don’t want anything from you except one thing… DIVORCE… yes when we don’t have anything in our relationship then once  n for all end all the ties which bond us together till this date. But remember one thing I had always said that i love you and always be there for you but from now I’m no more with you in this situation also I’m not able to say I hate you don’t know why…

Uv looked at twinkle with hurt in his eyes.

Ku : yeah right… I also don’t want to stay with you… But now I don’t want to see your face.

Uv : she is also not interested to stay with you… let’s go twinkle holding her hands. But twinkle didn’t move.

Uv : what happened Twinkle. Come on lets go I can’t let you down. This man can never deserve a pure soul like you. If you can then please try to understand my feelings for you.

Kunj angrily walk towards door and holds Twinkle arms tightly.

Bebe immediately come there.

Bebe : kunj leave her what are you doing.

Ku : both of you do your this drama somewhere else. Now get the hell out of here… pushing them.

Twinkle falls down and crying in pain.

Bebe : twinkle… kunj you are not doing right. please for me just see her once. Where will she go at this time.

Ku : I don’t care where will she go when she has her boyfriend with her then why should I care for her. And bebe One more thing today you have to choose any one between us me or her if you choose her you will see my corpse in front of your eyes.

Bebe was shocked…. kunj…

Saying this kunj went inside.

Bebe was in delima whether she choose twinkle  whom she considered as her daughter other side her kunj for whom she can do anything bebe also started crying.

Uv : twinkle are you okay… cupping her face.

Twinkle sobbing and nodded in no…

Tw : it’s paining…

Bebe : uv take twinkle to backyard room. Fast.

Uv nodded and picked Twinkle in his arms. Bebe entered  in room with twinkle in uv’s arms who is wincing in pain. Uv made twinkle lye down on bed.

Bebe : uv call the doctor please.

Uv nodded. In some time doctor arrived and prescribed some medicine for twinkle.

Doctor : I have given her anesthesia But she is already going through a lot all I can say is this stress is not good for her health right now. You have to take good care of her.

Uv : bebe I’ll bring these medicines.

Bebe : hmm…
Kunj you haven’t done this right you will regret one day for the sin you have committed today. You will crave for her love for your unborn soul but that’s too late.

At midnight someone footsteps are heard from twinkle’s room. Twinkle gets scared.
(Twinkle is still very weak because of her miscarriage also kunj pushed her that’s why she isn’t able to get up properly. Bebe went into sarna mansion. And uv had gone to medical store. )

Twinkle is half sitting and half lying on bed. Just then someone entered in her room and locked the door. Twinkle shocked to see that person that person was none other than kunj. Not Just kunj but…. ( I’ll reveal later)

One week later Twinkle came to taneja mansion. Daily Leela poured her anger on twinkle for leaving sarna mansion manohar usha and bebe also came for apologizing on behalf of kunj and requested her to not divorce kunj but twinkle was adamant on her decision that she will divorce kunj and it happened other side kunj was happy spending time with siya and planning romantic dates with her. Here Leela’s rudeness increased towards Twinkle. It’s been almost a month Leela never talk with twinkle in normal way just answered her questions in harsh tone.

Leela was talking on phone with her PA …

Leela : yes… oh. Okay… when is the flight… okay… and hang up the phone… Just then  twinkle come there… Leela again dialed a number…

Tw : maa… are you going somewhere…

Leela doesn’t respond.

Tw : maa… Leela showed her hands to stop.

Twinkle eyes welled up in tears.

Leela : yeah…. I’m going to London for a month you all have handle every thing in my absence…. yeah… okay.

Tw : maa you are going to London.

Leela : hmm.

Tw : can I also come with you.

Leela : I’m not going for any sight seeing or vacation I’m going there for my office work. Stay in home no need to come with me….. rudely.

Tw : but maa…

Leela : twinkle I said no it means no now don’t argue with me and go into your room.

Twinkle rushed towards her room and throw herself on bed dig her face in pillow and crying vigorously. Suddenly she runs in washroom and vomit continuesly. Twinkle splashes water on her face and wiped with towel… she looked herself on mirror and noticed a pale color appeared on her face…. she looked upward and again started to cry…

Tw : papa come back please….

Flashback ends…

Back to the present… Lady wipes her unshed tears. She closed her diary. And went in her kids room where two boys of nearly thirteen years old sleeping in one bed and in another bed a cute girl is also sleeping as well who is also nearly thirteen years old. A satisfactory smile appeared on her face and went back to her room and sleep.

Episode ends here only…..


Hiiiiii…….. so here’s next episode. Do tell me how was it…. hope you all like it….. some of you guys asking me to continue this story on wattpad. Actually I have lost the password of id that s why couldn’t post there.

The post Twinj ff – Woh Mera Dil Tha (Episode #07) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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