Tuesday 7 April 2020

My desire to make you mine RoNakshi SS Part 1

It’s inspired from the Kannada movie Gowramma which is there is there in telugu as Nuvvu Naaku Nachav and tamil as Vaseegara.Dedicated to Saniya Fathima who wants a KHKT story From me.

Suman on phone call with her best friend Veena:Veena…it’s sad that you cannot come for Sona’s engagement.
Veena:What to do Suman?Even I am sad.But I am not able to avoid certain prior commitments.

But as you know on my behalf Rohit will come there.He will help you in every way.
Suman:I know and I am waiting for Rohit’s arrival.
Veena:As you know,Rohit wants to settle in India.Till he arranges an accommodation will you let him stay in your house?
Suman:Veena…we are best friends.I can’t forget how much you helped me when I was struggling alone with my daughters.Why this formality with me?Rohit can stay here.He is like my own son.
Veena smiled.

Suman entered Sonakshi’s room.
Sonakshi was with her little sister Pari.
Pari:Sona di,you are going to get married to a NRI guy.You should look the best.You need to visit beauty parlours more often.
Suman:Sona does’nt need any beauty treatment.My Sona is a natural beauty.
They all smiled.
Sona:Mumma..is it necessary to get married so early?In fact I don’t even know Sumit properly.

Suman:Sona,you have met Sumit.Right?He is a nice boy.He has a good job abroad.You can also enjoy your life there.You won’t get a better proposal.After marriage you will get to know Sumit properly.So be optimistic about this.Ok?

Sona:Ok mumma.
Sona said in her mind:Why I don’t feel happy to marry Sumit?
Suman:By the way I just spoke to Veena aunty now.Rohit is coming soon.
Sona:Veena aunty’s son Dr.Rohit Sippy?
Sona:I have not seen him since many years.Is he the same funny guy now also?
Suman smiled:We will see.

Rohit reached the Rastogi house.Suman hugged him happily.

Suman:Rohit…my cute boy.You look so different now.You look fit and handsome now.
Rohit:After all I am a doctor now.I have to maintain my health.
Pari:I also like to be fit and healthy.
Rohit:Seeing you at first sight itself I understood how much health conscious you are.
Pari smiled.
Pari showed a room to Rohit.
Pari:This is your room Rohit.
Rohit:Very nice room.By the way where is the to be bride Sonakshi?
Pari:Sona di is in her room.I will call her.

Rohit:No need.You tell me where her room is.I will go and give her a surprise.
Pari smiled:Ok.

Sonakshi was sitting and reading a book.Rohit came from behind and made a sound:Bhlooooooo
Sonakshi got up and turned back with fear.
Rohit was laughing.
Sona:Who are you?
Rohit:Rohit Sippy.
Sona:You mean..you are sent by Rohit Sippy?Why did’nt he come?Veena aunty said that he will come.Guess he is so busy that he sent his assistant here.Is he still fat?
Rohit gritted his teeth angrily.
Rohit:Can you please stop it?Don’t imagine too much.Rohit Sippy can spare time for Suman aunty and her family.By the way Rohit Sippy is not fat anymore.He is a handsome man now.And for your kind information I am Rohit.
Sonakshi was stunned:What?You are Rohit?
Rohit:Yes.Am I not looking cute and handsome?
Sona:Now I believe that you are Rohit as your self boasting habit still exists.
Rohit:I am not boasting.Everyone knows that I am handsome and girls always come after me.
Sona:Not again.I agree that you have lost weight and you look quite good.But you are not any Bollywood star for all the girls to come after you.
Rohit:All the girls say that I look like a Bollywood actor.I even got film offers from big directors.But I rejected all the offers as I am interested only in the field of medicine.
Sonakshi felt like laughing:Oh..not again.
Rohit:I am saying the truth.

Sona:You can never change Rohit.Anyways we will go down.
While walking towards the door Sonakshi slipped and Rohit held her from falling.
Rohit:You know why you slipped?Because you have no balance.Do you know why you have no balance?Because your body has no enough strength.Do you know why?Because you have calcium deficiency.You need to have more milk and eggs.You can take calcium supplements also.
Sona:Oh no Rohit.You are talking like a typical doctor.
Rohit:I am a doctor.So naturally I will talk like a doctor.Right?
Sona:Ya.But stay here as our family friend,not as a doctor.Please spare me Dr.Rohit Sippy.
Rohit:This is the problem.You guys do not listen to doctors and take their advise..But when the health gets ruined they blame doctors.
Sonakshi smiled.

Sonakshi -Sumit got engaged by exchanging rings.
Sumit took Sonakshi to an isolated room.
Sona:Why did you bring me here Sumit?
Sumit looked at her deeply:You look so hot Sonakshi.
Sumit tried to hug her.The shocked Sonakshi walked backward.
Rohit who passed by happened to see this.
Sona:Sumit…what are you doing?
Sumit:Come on Sonakshi..we are engaged now.
Sumit:But what Sonakshi?Be more romantic.We will create a romantic world together..we can romance like Edward Bella and make our love story eternal like Jack and Rose.
Sonakshi gave him a weird expression.
Rohit walked towards them:Hi Sumit…
Sumit:You..?I can’t recognize you.

Rohit:I am Rohit..Suman aunty’s best friend’s son.You look handsome like a hollywood star.
Sumit:Ya..everyone in London says the same.
Sona smiled thinking:Self boasting just like Rohit.

Rohit:Oh really?I got a good company.Come..we will chat.
Rohit dragged him away.Sonakshi smiled with relief.

After the engagement party got over Rohit went near Sonakshi.
Rohit:By the way Sonakshi…you are lucky to have a guy like Sumit.He is so romantic.Usually girls complain that their boy friend or husband is not romantic.But you will not need to complain as Sumit is over romantic.Now itself he has no control.
Rohit chuckled.Sonakshi stared at him angrily.
Sona:Bad joke.
Rohit:His filmy dialogues to you were so cheesy.Very funny.
Sona:Stop joking Rohit.
Rohit:Seriously Sonakshi.He is very romantic.By the way we can’t blame Sumit for getting romantic with you as you looked very beautiful in your engagement attire.
Sonakshi blushed.
Rohit:But I was observing you.I realized that you have Vitamin D deficiency.Morning walk is good for that.Good sunlight is needed for you.

Sona:Not again Rohit.Calcium defiency..Vitamin D deficiency.Don’t make me a patient.
Rohit:But Sonakshi…
Sona:Go and treat your patients.Not me.
She walked away.
Rohit:Why no one listens to my good advises?

A car arrives.A stylish girl comes out of the car.Rohit’s eyes fell on her.
Seeing her Sonakshi came and hugged her:Raima!
Raima:I am sorry Sona.I could’nt attend your engagement as I was out of station.
Sona:It’s ok.But for my wedding you have to be there.
Raima:Sure.How can I not attend m best friend’s wedding?
Suddenly Raima’s eyes fell on Rohit.
Radhika:Who is that handsome man?

Rohit came towards them.
Rohit:See Sonakshi..I told you that all girls praise my looks.You did not believe me.Now do you believe me?
Sonakshi was quiet.
Raima:You are handsome as well as funny.By the way who are you?
Sona:This is my mom’s best friend’s son.He is staying here now.
Rohit:Hi..I am Rohit Sippy.

Raima:I am Sona’s best friend Raima.
They shook hands.
Rohit:By the way you look fit and healthy.Looking beautiful.
Raima:Thank you.
Rohit:See how our friend is maintaining herself.Your marriage is fixed.Still you are not bothered.You should learn from your best friend how to be fit.
Sona:I hate going to gym.
Rohit:This is the problem.
Sona:Stop it Rohit.Why are you bothered about my figure and health?

Rohit:What to do?I am a doctor.So when I see people careless about their health I can’t tolerate it.
Raima:You are a doctor?Cool.
Sona:Whatever!You care only about my patients.Don’t bother me.
Rohit-Sonakshi were arguing.
Raima:If you guys stop arguing can I tell something?
Sona:My birthday is on coming Sunday.You,Pari and handsome doctor also come.
Rohit:Sure.How can I not accept the special invitation from a healthy and fit gorgeous woman?
Raima smiled while Sonakshi did not care.

The post My desire to make you mine RoNakshi SS Part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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