Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain 25th April 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The episode starts with Ananya greeting Poonam outside the house. She tells Poonam that Rohit is with Bani for past one hour. Poonam hurries inside. Ana gets a message from Vandy, and replies its ok. She and Cherry are her life-lines and here, full family drama is going on, talk to her later.
Inside, Poonam tells Bani to sort things out with Aarya and go home. Bani tells Rohit to talk to her. Rohit speaks to Poonam that Bani wants to take a break. Poonam asks Rohit what he thinks about the break. Rohit says it will be good, if there are differences between them. Poonam asks well for whom, instead of patching things up they are intriguing them to stay away. Rohit tries to explain. Poonam tells Rohit not to give such nonsense advice to her kids. Rohit says its Bani’s decision, and he is just supporting her. Poonam says Bani is a child. Bani resists, but she shuts her up and continues that taking a break isn’t the solution to every problem. Rohit says even counselor’s advice to take a break if marriage isn’t good, it lends time to rethink. Poonam argues if he thinks living alone is easy. Rohit isn’t living alone, she is surviving alone’ she might be OK, but she doesn’t want this for her daughter. Bani and Aarya aren’t girlfriend/boyfriend, they are husband wife. There are differences in every relation, but committed people deal with them. She blames Bani for discussing the problem with a man who knows nothing about commitment. Rohit says this is Bani’s life, and it must be her decision. Rohit was annoyed and tells Poonam not to confuse their problem with Bani’s. Poonam says Bani witnessed what happened between them. People tend to find solutions of problem, but separation isn’t a solution. She wonders why Bani came to discuss it with a man who didn’t value his marriage. Rohit says Aarya told Bani a disgusting thing, that she can’t live a married life. Poonam replies, it’s bitter but true. She tells Bani to leave. Outside, she thanks Ananya.
At night, Ananya was decorating cupcakes. ROhit comes out and asks what’s wrong with Ananya. People find things to eat from fridge late night, she here opened a whole bakery. Ananya says she couldn’t sleep, was restless. Rohit says when Poonam was pregnant, she used to do this and cook a lot during her insomnia. He had to distribute it in shelter homes next day. He says it’s a month she didn’t test. Ananya says she will do it in a day or two, it’s just three days over. Rohit was ready to help Ananya. She smiles that he looks sleepy, so go and sleep. Rohit says this isn’t a tired face, its ‘i-really-want-to-help-my-wife’ face. She gives him cupcakes to sprinkle some decorations. Rohit tells Ananya he has made a big investment, once is solidifies they will go on a vacation. Ananya was excited to go to Goa. Rohit tells her to think big, New York or Paris. He was sure he will soon be a multi-millionaire. Ananya laughs that firstly, they must do these servant things. Rohit complements that she works really hard. He asks about Harry. Ananya says she overreacted. He behaves really normal, and now felt embarrassed. She behaved like Cleopatra. Rohit says she is his Cleopatra. Rohit asks Ana who would eat all this. Ananya laughs that there is some, she won’t tell. He hugs her.
The next morning, Ananya brings cupcakes to Cherry’s house. She opens the door for her.
Maa comes to Nickie’s room and tries to wake her up. Nickie wasn’t ready to get up. Maa takes her tab. She tries passwords but it was rejected. She tries another password ‘mydaddygreatest’. It was rejected again. Maa was annoyed that she will have to wait for a whole minutes. Dadi now sends a message to Rohit that she needs an I-Pad.
Cherry was crying. Avi asks if they missed Yoga to hear her sobs. Ana tells Avi to let Cherry cry, it will lighten her heart. Ana bucks her to speak up whatever she has in her mind. Cherry confesses she was miserable not talking to her, she would have come with a wine to Ana hadn’t she brought these cupcakes. Avi teases them. Ana asks Cherry what she wants from her, if she wants a setting with Harry. Cherry says Harry is too handsome for her. Avi and Ana says what’s wrong with her. Cherry says she doesn’t feel good about herself. Ana tells her to cheer up, she will speak to Harry.
Aarya was with Poonam. She asks what wrong he said. Poonam says it wasn’t right. Aarya says Bani is so mean to him, so indifferent towards him since her miscarriage. He complains that she went to party with her ex-boyfriend. Poonam explains that she met him in the party by chance, didn’t go intentionally. Bani was coming downstairs, she shouts what Aarya is doing here. She tells Aarya to leave. Poonam says Aarya came to speak to her, and waited for her outside the gym. Bani sends the servant away as he brings tea for Aarya. Poonam says running away aren’t isn’t the solution to every problem. Marriages are for keeps. Bani tells Aarya to leave. Poonam now shouts that this is her house, Bani can’t tell him to leave. Bani was stubborn and tells her to keep Aarya, she would leave.
On the lunch together, Harry asks Ananya if this is a date. Ananya tells him to stop. Harry comments he hasn’t yet started. She clearly asks Harry whenever she laughs at his jokes, does he feel encouraged to flirt. If he thinks she is comfortable, she isn’t. Harry stops her, and says he just likes her. Ananya says we can’t stop anyone from liking us. But she is a happily married woman, and flirting with married women at workplace isn’t fine. That night when he came to his place, he said a lot under sedation. She asks Harry if he hired her for work only because he finds her attractive. Harry says she knows he respects her and her work. Ananya questions why he keeps on disrespecting her. They are friends and frank sometimes, but his flirt makes her uncomfortable. If this continues, she will quit the job. Harry apologizes that she felt bad because of him. He promise he won’t flirt with her anymore, and he backs off. He asks friends? She replies, always. Harry says he likes her as a person, there was no girlfriend/womanfriend in his life like her. Ananya says his collection may well be called beautiful trophies. Harry says he didn’t find someone like her. Ananya suggests him to date her friend, Cherry. Harry agrees. Ananya says she will set it up.
Back home, Satram tells Ananya that Bani is here. She came to live here with her bags. Ananya says alright, she will see. Upstairs in the room, Bani answers her knock. Bani tells Ananya there was a lot of Ananya’s things in her cupboard, she told Satram to take it away. Ananya says she kept her office samples and swatches here, its fine. She asks Bani to tell her if she needs anything. Bani replies she lived here since long before Ananya came. Ananya replies a lot has changed in two years. She is here if Bani needs to talk. Bani clearly states she will always be biased, she can’t catch up with her. Before Ananya leaves, Bani says she came to stay at her dad. She better not interfere. Ananya sends a message, ‘my office at 3 pm to talk about Bani’.
Avi greets Poonam in the office and leads her to Ananya’s cabin till she comes. Ananya was late. She greets Poonam and offers tea or coffee. Poonam was good with tea. Outside, Avi calls Cherry to show Ana’s new BFF. They gossip when this happened. Cherry was nervous about her looks, as she was going on date with Harry. Avi complements her.
In the office, Ananya tells Poonam green tea is really good for skin. Poonam asks Ananya about Bani. Ananya replies angry. She wonders if Bani is angry with her, or generally with life. Poonam says Bani is angry with her as well. She apologizes she left that day and said a lot to Rohit as well, but she isn’t happy about Rohit encouraging Bani. Taking a break from marriage isn’t sensible. Ananya agrees. She says she wanted to ask Poonam how to handle Bani, she has come to live with them. Poonam says she warned Ananya earlier about Bani. She says Bani has always been a stubborn child, since she was four. She never forgive or forget. But relationships don’t work this way, one has to shorten one’s memory. She is afraid it will be late till Bani would understand this. Ananya says if there is no love then… Poonam says Ananya might disagree, but marriage works not only by love, but also trust, understanding. Yesterday she loved Aarya, but today she doesn’t. Ananya says love is also important, no one must live in a relationship where there is no love. Poonam was speechless now.
Update Credit to: Sona
The post Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain 25th April 2020 Written Episode: Parallel Universe appeared first on Telly Updates.
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