Saturday 4 April 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan ( Chapter 26)

Episode 26:-

Everyone is playing their game ! 

Trisha ( Nia) takes her car’s key and comes down. She gets Dev’s location on her phone. She is furious. Roma Raichand is sitting on the couch. Roma Raichand- “ Where are you going alone ? You were going to attend a wedding function along with Dev. Right? “ Trisha- “ I had plan to attend wedding function but I think next year this day I will get to attend somebody’s death anniversary “. Roma Raichand gets shocked. Trisha walks away. Roma Raichand ( in mind) – “ God knows what is she upto?”

Project land , Apartment, room.

Sameeksha (Alisha )and Dev (Arjun)is sitting without looking each other. Sameeksha turns to Dev & speaks – “ Atleast just on your torch on your phone, it’s getting dark “. Dev – Are you afraid of darkness?” Sameeksha –   “ Ofcourse not .  Are you in love with darkness?” Dev – “ No, situations can bring darkness in life”. Sameeksha – “ Situations are being created most of time as a result of your karma. Result of your Karma won’t leave you , it will follow you even if you hide in the most safest place”. Dev looks on. Dev on the torch light of phone. Sameeksha – “ Take an example , we got in this situation because of your carelessness. Simple. And I got stuck  here because I believed you. My mistake “. Deep gets miffed. Deep – “ I admit my mistake, but even you could have saved  your phone’s charge . Don’t blame me for everything. Even you did mistake “. Sameeksha – “ Even I admitted my mistake too, that I believed you. You aren’t someone to be trusted”. Dev – “ What do you mean?” Sameeksha – “ You behave strange, talk strange things, and does stupid things. How did I made such a mistake to understand that you are such a weird and stupid person who can’t even use his brain properly “. Dev – “ Excuse me. I admit that you are our company’s to be investor , but that doesn’t mean that you can say anything about me..” Dev gets a call and he picks it up. Sameeksha signs him to put in speaker mode. He does so. Dev – “ Hello, Watchman can you hear me ? “ Watchman – “ Yes ! “  But this isn’t audible to Dev and Sameeksha. Dev- “ If you can hear me, help us . We got struck in an flat which is at second floor , which is on the right side of the stair. Door got jammed. Get something to open. We got struck in a room”. Watchman hears them. He see around the apartment. Dev shows his phone’s torch light towards the window. Sameeksha – “ Thank god! Finally”.  Watchman comes to the apartment and opens the door. They get out of the room. Watchman- “ Oho , Sir. How did you got struck here? Who is this?” Dev – “ She is a big business woman . I was showing her the room , door got closed. Maybe because of wind. How come you called me? “ Watchman- “ I just went to my home, as my mother wasn’t feeling well. When I came here I saw your car , so I just called you to know about it “. Dev – “ Ok . Fine. Please do go somewhere by giving duty to someone else atleast”. Sameeksha is feeling hot. Sameeksha – “ Let’s leave now?” Dev – “ Ok”. Sameeksha walks and Dev follows her. Dev turns back to Watchman and shows thumbs up. (Fb:- Dev giving money to him telling him- “ Tomorrow, I will come here with someone do my work without getting caught”. Watchman nods. Then when Dev took Sameeksha to show Washroom,  Watchman comes there and closes the door. He looks at watch and calls Dev as per his instructions.) Dev smiles. He goes with her. They reach ground floor . Sameeksha gets stumbled over something and is about to fall . Dev hold her and she falls in his arms. ( Instrumental music of Ishq Mein Marjawan song played) They look each other ( not in a romantic way). Trisha comes there and witness this . Trisha gets angry. Sameeksha stands straight and Dev see Trisha in front of him. Dev gets shocked seeing her. Sameeksha see her too. Sameeksha looks at her. Sameeksha – “ Are coming from any wedding function?” . Trisha gets miffed. Trisha ( looking sternly at Dev and talks to Sameeksha) – “ Was going for one , thought that you people may need my help . So I came here, I was mistaken . You both are enough to help each other”. Sameeksha –  “ Not at all, you are at right place but not at right time “. Trisha- “ Yeah , true. Even I felt so”. Trisha walks away . She is upset watching them together. Dev worriedly goes behind her. Sameeksha remembers her seeing Trisha coming towards searching for them . She looks down and stumbles purposefully . Sameeksha smirks . Sameeksha makes her hair proper. She walks . Dev – “ Trisha ..” Trisha doesn’t respond . She goes near her car. Dev goes near her. Sameeksha calls him- “ Mr. Dev Raichand,  where are you going?  Won’t you get me back to my place?” Dev turns to her . Trisha- “ Don’t you hear? Drop her back ,she is waiting.First do your most important duty “. Trisha sides him and gets inside the car. Dev gets worried. Sameeksha is waiting near his car. Dev comes there . They get inside. Sameeksha – “ Anyway, you both are made for each other. Strange couple. Both of you behave strange”. Dev gets irritated. Dev ( in mind ) – “ Today I could sense Samika in your talks”. Dev – “ Even you behave strange, feels like you are hiding something always”. Sameeksha looks at him and smiles. Sameeksha – “ Yes, Iam not an open book. Afterall I believe that one should never show your true self to anyone before their end. Otherwise you may get trapped “. Dev – “As if you had an experience “. Dev looks at her in between. Sameeksha smiles – “ I never let anyone do that , I like to do tough things like hunting. Being get hunted is an easy job . That’s definitely not my cup of tea”. Dev  looks at her. Sameeksha – “ I think we must stop talking, you are losing your concentration on driving. Entangled words and too sweet people is not less than an illusion “. Dev ( in mind ) – “ I can feel pain and anger hidden in your words . Brain is telling that you are Sameeksha but heart isn’t agreeing. Whenever heart interfered in brain’s work it was for a reason “.  Sameeksha ( in mind) – “ You are not knowing that I am now controlling your thoughts. You are thinking what I want you to think. Just wait and watch Mr.Dev Raichand what is stored for you. It’s just started”.

They reach her office. She gets down . Sameeksha – “ Just get checked whether every doors of your flats are in good condition . Iam not free tomorrow. I think we must stop this survey for now. Get me some ppt instead Day after tomorrow “. Dev – “ So you are done by today. But I have kept my word and brought you back safe. Anyway I am sorry for the trouble “. Sameeksha – “ Ok. That’s good to accept your mistakes. Bye “. Dev – “ Bye”. Dev leaves . Sameeksha goes towards her car and see a small velvet bag  hanged on her  door handle. She looks and takes it. She opens it. She see a perfume bottle  & a note. Note reads as – “ For someone who have brought fragrance in my life – Daksh Raichand “. Sameeksha ( in mind ) – “ He won’t reform ever “ and she keeps inside her car. She drives to her home.

She reach her home . She goes inside her home . Mr. Chowdhary- “ What happened? Roopa told me that you told her that you will be back after 2 hours and

you didn’t. Sameeksha explains the incident. Mr.Chowdhary – “ Iam suspect Dev Raichand’s foul play in this “. Sameeksha – “ I don’t suspect but I know that it was all Dev’s plan . He forgot to recharge his phone , no range, jamming of door, etc. was all part of his plan. I expected it & got sure as soon door jammed. Dev does everything with a purpose “. Mr. Chowdhary- “ Then why did you ..”  Sameeksha – “ If I didn’t acted innocent he would have suspected me… I just want to keep him busy thinking about me . I have given him something for that today”. Mr. Chowdhary- “ But you should make sure that you are safe “. Sameeksha – “ Sure. I am feeling pity for Trisha and Dev . Trisha would have started acting mad”.

Raichand Mansion.

Trisha is breaking things in her room. Dev is trying to calm her. She takes out a knife from a drawer. She goes to stab him but stops. Trisha- “ I can’t kill you as I loved you always , I stayed by your side always “. Dev- “ Just listen to me..” Trisha- “ What should I listen to? You promised me that you accompany me for the function and you were romancing her there”. Dev – “ Are you out of your mind ? I spent time with her to know whether ..” . Trisha – “ She is Sameeksha or Samika , Right?  But now Iam sure . She is Samika . That is the reason why you are after her. Before I suspected that you are waiting for her these years now I am sure that my doubt was right. I won’t be surprised if it is revealed that you saved her that day”. Dev  gets angry and holds her angrily. Dev – “ Really! You think that I saved her .. and Iam cheating on you. How dare you say that ? I always felt that you are just silly and protective about our relation. Now I feel that I did fault in choosing you. It would have been better if I would have choosed Samika instead. She trusted me blindly . I don’t expect blind trust but I deserve little trust from you”. Trisha- “ She was an emotional fool that is the reason why she believed you . I know about know you very well and It’s only me who loves you unconditionally. See , now you said that you regret not to choose her. You proved me right”. Dev leaves her. Dev – “ Trust is important in a relation, Iam fed up of explaining you. Believe me if you want”.  Dev angrily leaves the room.  Trisha smiles & say – “ Sorry, Dev . I had to do this . I can’t lose you. I want you to assure me that you are always mine . You should think about me whenever you see her. I know it is weird but I will do every possible thing to hold you back with me. I was angry but not much as I know you went there to know about her identity”.

Daksh Raichand is looking at Sameeksha’s photo in his phone. Daksh- “ You are really tough. But I like to conquer tough people. I will make you fall in love and …” He smiles . Roma Raichand comes to his room. Roma Raichand- “ Daksh , can you spare some time for me now “. Daksh – “ Yeah sure”. Roma Raichand- “ What is your plan ? Are you planning to live your like this only? Girls and Pub ?” Daksh – “ Mom , What happened now ?” Roma Raichand- “ I want you to join our business, it’s high time for you to be serious now “. Daksh- “ Oho! Mom I don’t think that I am meant for this business “. Roma Raichand- “ Ok fine , you want to work somewhere else?” Daksh – “ Seriously, you think that I will work under someone. No way !” Roma Raichand- “ So that means you are not ready to work and will remain as spoilt brat and won’t leave your playboy lifestyle “. Daksh- “ You know that I am good as Iam. I love my lifestyle”. Roma Raichand- “ Iam fed up, I won’t say anything from now . But make sure that you won’t get trapped in girl’s matter in future”.

Dev is in his room. He sits on a chair and closes his eyes. He remembers something about Samika. (Fb:-  Dev and Samika is standing near snow cliff. Dev – “ Samika, tell me what can you do for me?” Samika smiles- “ Anything”. Dev – “ You are joking , really anything?” Samika- “ No , Iam serious. My love for you is true and I mean what I said . I can do anything for you. Ask me anything, I will do for you”. Dev – “ Then Jump from this cliff “. Samika looks surprised and moves little back.

Dev – “ See now , you got scared. That’s why I told you that you can’t do anything random for me”.  Samika smiles and try to jump. But Dev hold her and save her. He gets shocked and gets angry. Dev- “ Are you crazy ? If you had fell down you wouldn’t have survived. I was just joking “. Samika- “ I love you and I will do anything for you. I was so sure that you will save me if you love me truly . I trust you more than myself”. Dev hugs her . Dev- “ Suppose  if anyone tells you that Iam cheating on you , will you believe?” Samika- “ No. I will only believe when you confess same to me. Why did you ask that ? “. Dev – “ Just to know how much you trust me”. They look each other. )

Dev suddenly opens his eyes. Dev- “ I have to solve this puzzle very soon . I should get more time to spend with Sameeksha to know her well”. He thinks for a while. Dev – “ I have to do this for my family. I know my demand will create problems now but to save everyone I have to do this”.

Precap:-  Dhruv Raichand comes to Roma Raichand. Dhruv- “Why did you do this to me Mom?” Roma Raichand- “ I can explain..” Then he sees Dev and holds his collar & Dhruv – “ What else you are planning to take away from me ?”

Sameeksha is standing outside her office. Daksh Raichand comes there and tries to flirt with her.

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