Helloo my dear readers,
Thanks alot for expressing ur views.
Your amazing comments drive me and make me smile.
So lets see what happens next……
Twinkle is sitting on her bed in hospital
She is going through old pictures stored in gallery of her mobile
She comes across her pic with Kunj
Twinkle’s pov-I don’t know what happened to u Kunj, During last few months of our college u started avoiding me,u left without informing me and bebe also didnot give me ur contact details. You deactivated all ur social media accounts too.
Kunj i feel so lonely
I miss u lots n lots
U were my bestest friend
In flight kunj’s eyes open suddenly
As if somebody pricked him or something
Kunj’s pov-Again the same restless feeling.
Scene shifts
Twinkle is sleeping
Nurse comes to her room with medicines and juice
She wakes her up.
Twinkle-which juice it is??
Nurse-Pineapple juice
Twinkle remembers that yuvi used to like pineapple juice alot
Flashes of she and yuvi drinking juice from same glass comes before her eyes
She starts breathing heavily
She gets hyper
Twinkle (fuming with anger)-I don’t like pineapple juice I hate it .just take it away
Nurse (harshly)-ohhh madam this not ur home or restaurant It is a hospital. You will have to consume whatever u get .
She forcefully tries to make twinkle drink the juice
Twinkle in anger
throws the glass
Juice spills on nurse’s dress
Nurse (yells)-heyy you psycho , mad,crazy
Twinkle gets up in anger-I am not mad
Twinkle is yelling
Nurse pushes her away
She is about to fall
But lands in strong and protective arms of Kunj
Kunj holds her firmly
By now Twinkle is scared n like a timid little child hugs Kunj tightly
Kunj (firmly)-how dare you? ?what kind of behaviour is this? ?I will ensure to get u fired from this hospital
Nurse walks away
Twinkle looks at him lovingly
Her eyes glitter with joy
She rubs her eyes
She pinches herself
Twinkle (gleefully )-Kunj, Kunj, Kunj u are here
She hugs him once again
This time it is more firm hug
Both have terribly missed each other
Twinkle (lump in throat )-How could u leave me like this n go Kunj.Do you have any idea how much everyone has troubled me
Tears fall from her eyes
Tears roll down from his cheeks
“Aee Dil hain mushkil “plays in Bg
As Twinkle and Kunj are hugging each other
Leela comes
She smiles looking at twinj
Kunj greets her
Leela emotionally thanks him for coming
Twinkle (euphorically )-ma .ma ma see my best friend my Kunj is here
Leela smiles happily looking at Kunj
Scene shifts
Twinkle and Kunj are sitting near window in her room in hospital
Twinkle-Kunj u pls help me,pls pls pls explain yuvi that I genuinely love him alot.why did he do this to me.I just cannot……
Twinkle cannot speak any further
She hugs Kunj
N starts crying inconsolably
She is sobbing loudly hugging Kunj
Kunj is tensed and perplexed.
Leela comes in
Leela -I will call the doctor
Doctor Injana comes in quickly
Twinkle is not leaving Kunj
N crying n crying
Dr Injana tactfully injects her arm
Kunj too feels the pain of prick
Twinkle starts feeling drowsy
She rests her head on his lap n falls asleep
Kunj lovingly yet sadly wipes her tears.
Scene shifts
Kunj is in Dr Injana’s cabin
Dr Injana-See Kunj She is suffering from bipolar depression since past five months and day by day her condition is going from bad to worse.
Tears wellup in his eyes
Dr Injana (continues)-I will explain u basically in simple words she has gone through some trauma a bad experience.From her talks it is evident that this all is happening due to her break up with her boyfriend yuvi
Kunj bangs his fists on table
Dr Injana asks him to calm down
He drinks water.
Dr Injana -I know right now u are feeling very angry but for sometime control ur emotions and try to understand her condition
So she has extreme mood swings
Most of the times she is in normal mood
But sometimes some trigger
The past comes before her
Disturbs her
She becomes hyper
Sometimes she starts crying non stop, sometimes she gets very very angry.
Kunj-but how did it all start
Dr Injana-I know Mrs Taneja, she has organised many events in my family. So I was acquainted with twinkle since her childhood. One day almost five months ago I got a call from twinkle.She told me that she wanted to meet me.
She came all the way from Amritsar to meet me.
She confided in me that she was going through sleepless nights ,negative thoughts, lack of interest etc etc she told me that yuvi started avoiding her and called off their relationship stating that he dislikes her childish and immature behaviour
She wanted me to prescribe her sleeping pills
I immediately informed her mother
Then after a month or so
Leela and twinkle came together over here
They told me they had shifted from Amritsar
Initially I gave twinkle mild anti depressants
Also her attended some Counselling sessions
But then suddenly she started harming herself
She has attempted suicide too
Since past ten days she was acting very violent so I advised Leela to shift her here
Tears fall from kunj’s eyes
Dr Injana pats his back-I assure u she will be fine she just needs someone to listen to her to understand her to be with her.
Kunj nods.
Scene shifts
Kunj and Leela are talking
Kunj-Aunty Dr told me everything, you should have contacted me before itself.
Leela -beta a couple of times I tried to take ur contact details from bebe but felt she didn’t want to give
Kunj-I really don’t know why bebe did all this
Fact is it is all my fault I too didn’t call twinkle.
But Aunty pls pls pls tell me what exactly happened between yuvi n twinkle
Leela ‘s eyes well up with tears
Twinkle -Kunj take me outside u remember I had taken u outside when u were hospitalised
It is night time
Twinkle and Kunj are walking in garden
Twinkle is entering into thoughts
Kunj holds her hand
Kunj starts talking to her about Canada
He diverts her mind.
Thanks alot for reading
Take care
Pls be safe.

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