A Talk With Him
Everyone was sitting quietly in the hall, lost in their own thoughts. The silence was a peaceful, calming one, though. Twinkle just got up to leave, when Kunj suddenly spoke up.
” Twinkle can’t go. “
” What ?! ” Came the loud response from the three females.
” What I do or not is certainly not your business, Mr. Sarna. So, you don’t have any right to stop me. ” Twinkle challenged, crossing her arms. Kunj raised his eyebrow, chuckling, while the boys gave him a look that said you’ve lost it!
” Well, Ms. Taneja, I’m your doctor, if you’re forgetting. So I have all the rights to stop you from going anywhere. ” Kunj smirked, making Twinkle glare at him. For a moment, they felt that the old times were back! Both continued to stare at each other with arrogance, none ready to accept their defeat.
” Whatever! You’re just my doctor, Mr. Sarna. Remember that! ” Twinkle finally snapped, leaving the room. Vibir looked at each other, before bidding goodbye and moving out of the house.
” Kunj ? Why did you upset her ? ” Akash asked, disappointed. But he was surprised to see Kunj smiling.
” I didn’t upset her, Akash. I challenged her ego. And I could see the old Twinkle in her eyes. I don’t want to give up now, Akash. I want to set things right. ” Kunj smiled at him and Sara, before moving out.
I was just about to move into my room, when I saw Akash’s bedroom door ajar and light pouring out from it. Frowning, I moved inside, only to find it empty.
Some habits just never change!
I moved towards the balcony to see him sitting on the floor, his back resting against the adjacent wall.
” Akash… ” I whispered, but I knew he had heard me, though he didn’t show any movement. Sighing yet again, I moved and sat beside him, keeping my head on his shoulder.
” Why didn’t she tell me ? ” He asked after a while, or more like murmured.
” Tell you what Akash ? ” Even though I knew very well what he was talking about, I wanted him to let it out of his system.
” That she was blo*dy meeting a doctor cause there were signs of cancer cells in her blood!!! ” He shouted, and I was taken aback. The thing which scared me was the hurt in his voice, which he was trying to hide by showing his anger.
” Akash.. Let’s see it this way. She cares for you a lot, especially after whatever happened. She trusts you, but is scared of accepting it. She’s still not over everything that Veer did. She hides her emotions cause she’s been hurt before, she knows what pain is! She knew it very well that you’ll be tensed once you get to know about it all and that’s why she hid it. Cause she cares, a lot. And about the cancer! It’s still not confirmed. Then why the hell are you thinking so negative ?! See, Kunj is trying his best to move on from the hurt. He knows that his past is back, and now he is at least trying to get things back to normal. That’s what you have to do as well! Accept things and move on. Life is too short to hold on to any grudges, Akash. Don’t you want to see your bestie back to her old self ? ” I explained calmly, and all he did was nod.
” So for that you have to be patient and slowly let her open up. Your anger will scare her away, Akash. Win her trust by love, not by fear. She’s your best friend, you know her the best. Just give her some time, that’s it! That’s all she wants. She’s reliving the nightmare which we call our past, she needs support. Being with all of us reminds her of him every single moment. Just be there for her. ” I smiled, squeezing his palm, while we both continued to stare at the cloudy sky.
” How ? ” It was a mere whisper. But the amount of emotions it held shook me.
” How, what ? “
” How can you manage to be so calm about it all ? I mean, I was so angry and still you managed to calm me down. And you explained it all so simply and calmly. How can you be so sure that things are going to be okay ? ” He finally turned towards me, staring straight into my eyes.
” That’s cause I trust you. And I trust Kunj. I know that till the time you both are there, nothing can go wrong. Aur ab to, Kabir Bhai and Viti are also here. ” I replied with a smile, which made him smile a bit as well.
” Thank you! ” He whispered, placing a small kiss on my forehead, which made me close my eyes.
I don’t know what it was, if it was right or wrong! All I knew was, I trusted him. And that’s enough!
My eyes were snapped open as I felt a wave of cold air rushing towards my body, making me shiver.
” C’mon! Let’s go inside. It might rain soon. ” Akash said, getting up and forwarding his hand towards me.
I looked at his hand, and then at his eyes. His eyes held care, trust, and an emotion I couldn’t quite place my finger on. Giving him a small grin, I clasped his hand, as he pulled me up towards himself.
And there was no going back now!
Kabir was lying on his bed, his head on Viti’s lap, as she continued to ruffle his dark black hair. His eyes were closed, trying to find some peace.
” Kabir.. Stop stressing yourself. ” Viti broke the silence, making him open his eyes, vulnerability clearly visible in those deep brown orbs.
” Then what should I do, Vi ?! I’m tired now.. Tired of Kunj ignoring me, saying those hurtful things, behaving as if he doesn’t give a damn if I die! I’m sick of it all. Just once, I want to sit by his side and talk to him just like old times. For once, I want to pat his back and tell him that I’ll be there no matter what! For once, just for once, I want him to call me BHAI again.. ” a single tear rolled down his cheek, while Viti tried to control her own. It was really difficult for her to see the man who was always standing like a shield in front of her, so miserable and… broken.
” You know Viti, when we were kids na, Mamu used to take me and him for horse riding during our holidays. Every time, he used to sit behind me on the same horse, he never even say with Mamu or Dad. When once I asked him why he did that, he just said that’s cause he trusts me the most and knows I won’t ever let him get hurt. That day I promised myself that I’ll always protect him, no matter what! And see now, I broke my promise. I’m the one who hurt him the most! Sometimes I feel that I don’t even deserve him, but this heart is so selfish that it still craves for Kunj and only Kunj! ” Finally after a long time, he was opening up and letting his emotions out.
” Kabir, will you do something if I tell you to ? ” Viti asked pleadingly, making it impossible for him to die.
” Now toh if you even ask for my life, I’d happily five that as well. I’ve no interest in living now! ” He chuckled dryly, making the younger Singhania glare at him.
” Just shut up! And I want you to go and talk to Kunj, just try for one last time. One final try..After this I promise I won’t bother you about this. But just this once, at least try. Please for me… ” Viti requested, as Kabir sighed.
” I don’t know.. But, if you want that, fine then! I’ll go and talk to Kunj right now! And that will decide everything. ” Kabir accepted, making Viti smile at him happily.
” But, if this time also I fail, I’m gonna go back.. and this time, it’s gonna be forever. I don’t want to create any further problems for any one of them! And this time, it’s final! ” Kabir ended, and quickly left the room, not giving Viti any time to protest.
Shaking her head, Viti too moved out of the room.
‘ Why the hell are these brothers so damn stubborn ?! Aahhh!!! ‘ Were her thoughts as she continued to glare at Kabir’s retreating figure.
Twinkle was sitting in her room, quietly looking out of the window. Her mind was at war with her heart. Being here, with the people she cared for, it was damaging the cold hard wall she had built around her heart. The emotions which she had suppressed after that brutal betrayal from her closest person, those emotions and feelings which made her a human, everything was coming back. Her emotions were likes waves, violently crashing against the wall around her heart, and trying to break it down in seconds. This internal fight was ruining her internal peace, as she sighed deeply, closing her eyes.
This needed to stop! She just couldn’t let her heart and mind fight like that. This isn’t what she was here for. She had mastered the art of suppressing her emotions, hiding her feelings. And now, she couldn’t let them out. This wasn’t going to happen.
No. She. Won’t. Break.
With a determined look in her eyes, she got up and moved out of the house.
I was just about to sleep, when a knock on my door broke the silence. I got up, and opened the door only to find the most unexpected person.
Kabir Malhotra!
His eyes held desperation, and lots of concern. But both of us knew this won’t affect me at all. So he sighed, and gestured me towards the balcony. Both of us sat on the chairs, as he sighed once again.
This is the moment when I’ve to take the life-changing decision. Today this talk will either make us or break us. And I feel, it’s about time I get a proper explanation. Since that incident, I was never angry at him for whatever he did, I was hurt because of his lack of reason. No talks, no justification. Nothing. Just nothing. And today, I need my answers. Kabir, I just hope that your explanation will be worth this pain we all have got!
Kabir looked at Kunj, before taking a deep breath.
” Kunj, today I’ll answer all your questions. Everything you’ve been keeping inside, all the hurt, pain, complaints, questions, everything. You can ask me anything you want to know. I promise I’ll answer honestly. “
Kunj nodded, before asking Kabir the question he dreaded the most.
” Is Veer alive ? ” Kunj looked at him with blood red eyes, the anger clearly visible over his face, making Kabir gulp.
” To be very honest, he hasn’t contacted me since…… well, you know. And if he’s alive, which I am sure he is, then he knows that I’m trying to find him. Cause every source of trying to find him has been a dead end. Now I’m not left with any other way to find him. I did everything I could, Kunj. ” Kabir ended, looking forward for another question.
” You knew I love her, right ? You knew everything that day, right ? “
” Yes. I knew you love her. I got it from how you treated her, your care and concern for her. Everything told me how much you loved her. “
” Then why did you let your brother destroy her, Kabir Malhotra ? You knew damn well who your brother was! You knew damn well what she meant to me! You knew damn well what he was doing. You knew so freaking well who he was breaking! Still you let him hurt her, break her heart and destroy her! You are a cold hearted jerk Kabir! Your brother blo*dy played with the love of my life and YOU LET HIM!! ” With a swift jerk, Kunj held Kabir’s collars, thrashing him against the wall, his face red in fury.
Kunj was losing control over his anger, letting his fury on lose. He could hurt Kabir very dangerously, Kabir knew that, and he let him.
” You can hit me if you want Kunj, don’t hold back. I made a mistake, and I’m ready to compensate for that. If you get some peace after killing me, I’m even ready for that. ” Kabir have him a weary smile, and that was it for Kunj.
” Stop with this Kabir! Stop with your emotional drama cause you and I both know that this will melt me. I can’t hurt you! You’re my Bhai!!! I’m not here to hurt or kill you, I need answers damnit! ” Kunj loosened his hold on Kabir, gripping his own hair in frustration.
” Kunj, I don’t have any justifications for my stupid acts. They are my mistakes, and I accept them. I can’t give you any excuses. I thought he loved her, Kunj! She was madly in love with him, and I thought he was changing as well. That player was finally falling in love. And I was blinded by my love for Veer, it made me think that you’re being a hurdle in their love story cause of your unrequited love. And that’s why, I sent you back to India for taking care of Dadu. I am ashamed for letting him break her, Kunj. I’m sorry… “
Kabir was slowly breaking, and Kunj knew that. And so, somewhere that brother in him woke up. He couldn’t see his Bhai crying, it was heartbreaking. And if he looked at it from any third person’s point of view, yes Kabir was not right, but he wasn’t wrong either. Veer did seem to be in love with Twinkle, and Kabir was just being a good brother. And as the say, let bygones be bygones. He needed an explanation, and he got one. Now unnecessarily dragging it will lead to more complications. Kabir was regretting his mistake, and that’s all that matters.
Kunj smiled, making Kabir give him a confused look. Kunj finally had his brother back!
” Kabir, I need my brother back. Please.. ” And that’s all the encouragement he needed, as both the brothers reunited after an year. kunj was finally getting his peace back slowly. Maybe this is what he actually needed. A talk with him, his Bhai!
~Sometimes all we need to get up again in life are the people we love, cause our true strength always lies within those few idiots~
Word Count : 2600 words
Hello dearest readers!!!
Hope you all are safe and sound during these tough times. Take care and stay safe everyone!
So, I’m back to this story after God knows how many months! *Sweat drops*
I’m extremely sorry, but I was just busy with life. I stopped writing, got too busy with personal shit to even look at my pending stories, tenth was a real roller coaster..
But now, I thought I should come back to what gives me actual peace, reading and writing *sigh*
So I’m gonna continue and post regularly, I’ll try my best at least.
How was this chapter though ? I feel like I need to polish my skills cause I’m thinking this one was real shit.
And finally you guys kinda know what happened in the past, AND Kunj and Kabir have sorted everything out
The real fun begins now
Anddddd, did Kunj do the right thing by forgiving Kabir ?
I hope you guys will like the upcoming chapters as well! Thank you so much for all your support. I’m always grateful to you guys!
Next chapter tomorrow maybe.. And I’ve some ideas for one-shots and some new stories as well maybe! So stay tuned peeps
And if anyone doesn’t remember the previous happenings, here is the link of the last chapter. And you guys can check out the other chapters on my account
Lots of love,
The post Bringing Back The Light ~ A Twinj Story (Chapter 11) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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