Sunday 26 April 2020

Beyhadh Pyar…Limitless Love…MayRa SS(Beyhadh2)Part 4

Beyhadh Pyar…Limitless love… Part 4

Maya’s wedding night…
Maya was brought to the mandap.The bride groom Samay’s face was veiled.
Maya’s mind was full of Rudra.She was becoming restless and upset.
She thought:Oh God…why am I thinking of Rudra during my wedding time also?Why can’t I forget Rudra’s face?
Maya-Samay took seven steps around the sacred fire.He tied mangalsuthra around her neck and filled her hairline with vermilion.Maya’s heart pained.
Suddenly the lights were off.
Some people went to switch on the generator.After a few minutes the generator was on and lights came back.Samay was not seen near her.
Samay’s mother Rakhi:Where is Samay?
Suddenly Samay came there running.
Samay:I am here.
Everyone looked at him.
Samay’s father Anirudh:Where were you?
Samay:Somebody kidnapped me.I escaped and came here.

All were shocked.
Rakhi:If you were not here then who married Maya?

Maya,her parents,her grand parents,Rudra’s parents and Preeti were shocked.
Rakhi snatched the garland from Maya’s neck and thew it away in anger.She stared at Maya:Say Maya..who married you?
Maya was in tears:I don’t know.

Preeti rang up Rudra:Rudra..I know that it’s difficult for you to see Maya marrying someone else…so you did’nt come for the wedding.But please come here.Here the situation is very bad.

Preeti told him what happened.
Rudra:I will be there soon.
Anirudh:I am sure that you tricked us.You made your boy friend kidnap our son Samay and made him marry you.
Maya and others were shocked.
Maya:What are you saying Uncle?I don’t have any boy friend.If I had a boy friend I would have married him.Why should I do this drama?
Shashank:Yes,if Maya had a lover we would have got her married to him happily.
Rakhi:Then who can come and marry Maya like this?This is Maya’s secret boy friend for sure.
Maya could not bear it:Please believe me.I don’t know who married me.Samay…Don’t you believe me?
Samay was sad and silent.
Rakhi:We don’t want this cheater girl.
Shashank:Stop it.
Harshwardhan:If you utter a word against my grand daughter I will show the worst side of mine.

Rakhi:We already saw the worst side.
Shashank:We are happy that our daughter escape from a family which does not care about her sentiments.Just leave instead of hurting our daughter.
Anirudh:We don’t want to stay here anymore.We have been fooled by all of you.
They grabbed Samay’s hand and left.
Maya was in tears.
Nandini was sad:I made a big mistake in choosing a life partner for you Maya.Please forgive me.
Maya:No Mom.It’s not your fault.You did’nt expect this.
Shashank:But I can’t understand who married Maya and why he did so.

Rajeshwari:Don’t worry Shashank.We will find out.

One person:What is there find out?Ask your grand daughter.She lived abroad.She must be having many boy friends.One of them would have come to marry her.
Another person:Characterless girl.
Maya was shattered.She burst into tears.

Suddenly somebody slapped that man.
It was Rudra.
Rudra:How dare you call Maya characterless?If you talk ill of her I will not leave you.

That person:We said the truth.
Rudra:Are you not ashamed to talk like this about a woman?Shame on you.
All others were also badmouthing Maya.
Rudra:You all came to attend Maya’s wedding and insulting her now?Shameless creatures..get out.
All the guests walked out.
Mrityunjay:I am proud of you Rudra for behaving like this to that person.
Antara smiled:Yes.How you stood for a woman’s dignity was admirable.

Maya looked at Rudra emotionally.
Nandini:Come Maya..we will go back.

Maya:You go mom.I will thank Rudra and come.
Maya went near Rudra:Rudra..I hurt you a lot.I insulted you a lot.Still you supported me in this situation.Thank you for that.
Rudra:No need of thanking me.However you are I know that you are good cultured girl.That’s why I supported you.
Maya looked at him tearfully.
She thought:Did God punish me for not trusting Rudra’s love and choosing an unknown guy for myself?

Samay visited Diya.
Samay:Diya…our won.My wedding with Maya got called off.Everything went according to our wish.
Samay:Yes.Now nothing can separate us from each other.
They embraced each other emotionally.

Maya was in her room thinking of her wedding.
Maya:Who married me?Why did he marry me?What was his intention?I want to know it.

Maya was determined to find out that person.Suddenly Vikram’s face came into her mind.
Maya:Oh no…Vikram is back.Cunning fox.I will not leave him.

Maya found out Vikram’s house in India and went there.
Maya rang the calling bell.
One old woman opened the door.
Maya:Where is Vikram?I want to see him.

The old lady:Vikram is not staying here.
Maya:Please don’t lie.It’s essential for me to meet him.Where is he?

That old lady started weeping.
She said:Vikram had come here 4 months back.I was happy that my grandson will be with him till my last breath.But the destiny was very cruel.His mental condition was not good.So my son took him back abroad for giving him treatment.3 months back Vikram left for London for treatment.
Maya was shocked.
Maya:Are you saying the truth?
The old lady:I swear by God.I am saying the truth.
Maya thought:I think this lady is saying the truth.That means Vikram was not the one who married me.Then who?I will go to Rudra’s house and talk to him about it.I need his help to find out m unknown cheater husband.

Maya went to Rudra’s house.Nobody was there in the front room.So she went directly to the right room which was slightly open.Nobody was there.There was Rudra’s picture stuck on the cupboard.Unknowingly a smile appeared on her face and caressed that picture.Suddenly the cupboard got openly itself.Maya tried to close the cupboard.But by mistake her eyes fell inside the cupboard and looked at it with a shock.The cupboard was full of Maya’s photographs.

It was also written ‘I love you Maya’ in all the photographs.There was also painting on Maya

where it was written ‘My Maya’.Maya could not believe her eyes.
Preeti came inside the room:Rudra!
Preeti was shocked to see Maya there.
Maya looked at her angrily.
Maya:You also knew everything.Right?
Maya:Look at those photographs and the painting.
Preeti looked at them.

Preeti:What’s new in it?You know that Rudra love you.He had even proposed to you.
Maya:Yes.But I never knew that it was that serious.Seeing these photographs and the painting it’s evident that he is obsessed with me.After I rejected also he is keeping such photographs with him.He is crazy.That means it’s Rudra who married me.
Preeti was shocked.
Preeti:How can you be sure that it’s Rudra?
Maya:I doubted Vikram.I had gone to his house also.But I realized that Vikram is not even there in our country.So the only person who crazy enough to marry me like this is Rudra.I never thought that Rudra can stoop so low.
Suddenly they saw Mrityunjay and Antara standing near the door with a shock.
MJ:What are you saying Maya?
Antara wept:My Rudra won’t do such a cheap thing.
Maya:He has done it Antara aunty.
Antara screamed:Noooo
MJ:Maya….you are misunderstanding Rudra.I have faith in our upbringing.Rudra won’t do that.

Maya:Did you know that Rudra loved me?
Maya:Only now you realized it after overhearing our conversation.Right?That means it’s time to understand the true colour of your son.Believe that Rudra only married me.Because he wanted to take revenge on me for rejecting his love proposal.

Maya-Antara were shocked.
MJ:No Maya.Rudra won’t do that.
Preeti:Maya is saying the truth MJ Uncle.He only married Maya.
MJ-Antara were shocked.
Maya stared at Preeti:So as I guessed you also supported Rudra to take revenge on me by defaming in public through this cheap marriage trick.
Preeti stared at Maya.

The post Beyhadh Pyar…Limitless Love…MayRa SS(Beyhadh2)Part 4 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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