Yash was reading a file when his phone rang; he picked up the call,
Yash: Hello…
Shivaay: Hello Yash…. I am Shivaay…. I hope I didn’t disturb you….
Yash: No, not at all Shivaay…. What happened?
Shivaay: Yash… I wanted to meet you…. Will you please come to Oberoi Mansion?
Yash: Yes I’ll come there now only…. Even I wanted to talk to you…. I’ll come there immediately
Shivaay: Thank you so much…. I’ll be waiting….
Yash disconnected the call.
Yash: Should I tell Shreya about this? No, I’ll tell her after I meet Shivaay and come.
Shreya was getting ready lost in her thoughts,
Shreya (thinking): What should I do…. What will help me in finding the truth…? How should I find the truth…. Should I find the truth…. Why don’t I remember anything…. If I could remember even a single thing about my life before the accident, I would have known something about the truth….But how I will remember anything…. Whenever I try to remember anything, I just see unclear flashes of some events…. I don’t remember anything clearly…. I’ll have to find a way to remember my past…. Yash told me everything about Shreya…. And Om told me everything about Ishana…. But I don’t remember any of those things that have happened…. I don’t remember Shreya’s life or Ishana’s life…. And people related to them have their own point of views…. No one is sure who I am…. Om thinks I can be Shreya…. And whatever Yash told me yesterday makes him think that I can be Ishana…. (She walks to the window and looks outside)…. What should I do that I’ll get back my memories…. I have to try and remember something…. (She closed her eyes and tries hard to remember something, she doesn’t remember anything)…. Why I am not able to remember anything…. Doctor has said I’ll get back my memory but even after a year, I don’t remember anything…. I wish I could remember something….
Shivaay was waiting for Yash,
Shivaay: When will Yash come?
Anika: Shivaay, he’ll come…. Have some patience….
Omkara: Do you think Yash will help us? I mean how and why he will believe us.
Yash: I’ll definitely help you and I believe you.
Shivika and Om see Yash walking towards them.
Shivaay: Yash….
Yash: No need to explain anything Shivaay, Shreya told me everything yesterday only. In fact I wanted to talk to you about this.
Omkara: Thank you so much Yash
Yash: Om, I understand what you must be going through, losing Ishana whom you love so much and then meeting Shreya, I can understand how difficult it must have been for you.
Anika: Even for you Yash, when Shreya told you everything, it must have been hard.
Yash: Actually, there is something else that you all should know…. (Yash tells them that Shreya was missing for almost two years before he had found her that night after the accident)…. When I found her lying near the road, I didn’t know how to react…. I took her to the hospital…. We were so happy to have her back…. I had lost my sister and now seeing her in that situation I didn’t think anything else….
Shivika and Om were shocked listening to this,
Anika: That means she maybe Ishana…. Or she can be Shreya….
Shivaay: Now there is only one way to find out.
Yash: What will we do?
Anika tells Yash about her idea.
Yash: This is a good idea; I’ll definitely help you all.
Shivaay: So let’s get started.
Yash: I’ll call Shreya and tell her to come there.
Omkara: Anika and I’ll also reach the place.
Shivaay: And I know where I have to go.
Yash: So, we’ll meet there accordingly.
Anika: Yes.
Shreya was thinking when her phone rang; it was a call from Yash,
Shreya: Hello…
Yash: Shreya… Actually my car broke down and there is no mechanic nearby…. Will you please come and pick me up?
Shreya: Haa Yash.… Tell me where you are…. I’ll come there immediately….
Yash: Okay, I’ll send you my location…. But come by the route I send you, you’ll get less traffic and will reach soon….
Shreya: Haa okay….
Yash disconnected the call, and dialed Shivaay’s number,
Yash: Shivaay, I have told Shreya to come, you be ready.
Shivaay: Okay good, I’ll also reach there.
Shivaay disconnected the call and called Anika,
Shivaay: Anika, Shreya is coming and I am also leaving…. You both be ready….
Anika: Haa Shivaay, we’ll reach there in sometime, you don’t worry.
Shreya was driving according to the route Yash had told her,
Shreya: I don’t know why but I feel that I have come here earlier also…. But when…. I don’t know anything… I just want to get rid of all these thoughts….
As she was driving, she sees someone standing on the road with a broken car,
Shreya: I think this is Yash….
As she drives closer she sees that it is not Yash but it is Shivaay, she stops the car and calls Shivaay,
Shreya: Shivaay….
Shivaay turns to her and feels happy that she is here at the right place,
Shivaay: Actually my car broke down…. And there is no mechanic nearby…. So I was just waiting for a driver to get a car for me….
Shreya: How long will you wait here? Come, I’ll drop you.
Shivaay: It is okay, I don’t want to bother you.
Shreya: It is fine, come, sit inside.
Shivaay sits in the car and Shreya starts driving.
Shreya (thinking): Why do I feel that this has happened before also? But when, I have met Shivaay only at the award function and then yesterday at Oberoi Mansion…. But maybe I have met him before…. Before the accident…. This has definitely happened before also…. Should I ask Shivaay, but what if I am wrong? No it is better that I keep quite….
Shivaay: Thank you so much for helping me…
Shreya comes out of her thoughts,
Shreya: No need to say thank you…
Shivaay: But where were you going?
Shreya: Wo, actually…. (She tells him about Yash’s call)
Shivaay: Okay
As they were driving,
Shreya: I don’t know why Yash came here… But this place looks so familiar… I think I have come here earlier also…
Shivaay (thinking): Yes, Ishana and I were here only that day…
Shreya: But I don’t remember when…
Shivaay: Maybe you came here before the accident and that is why, you don’t remember anything…
Shreya: Maybe…
She continues driving further according to the route Yash had sent her, she stops the car near a cliff,
Shivaay: Why did you stop here?
Shreya: This is the place where Yash had called me… But why would he come here…
Shivaay: Call him; he might be somewhere near only…
Shreya dials Yash’s number but he doesn’t pick up her call, she sees something and gets down from the car, Shivaay is confused seeing this and he also gets down, and follows her.
Shreya keeps walking towards a small temple near the cliff, she closed her eyes, she sees a car moving, and it falls down the cliff, Shreya is shocked and opens her eyes, she looks around and a lot of images come in her mind, she sees a car falling from the cliff, someone shouting, and a lot of images disturb her, she closes her eyes and sits down, she holds her head.
Shivaay is shocked seeing her like this and gets worried, he immediately goes to her and holds her,
Shivaay: Shreya, what happened? Are you fine?
Shreya: I… I don’t know… I saw something… It happened here… Yes… It happened here only… I am sure, I know it… It happened here only….
Shivaay: What happened here? What are you talking about?
Shreya: That accident… That day… The car fell down from this cliff only…. Yes the accident happened here only… I know… It happened here only…
Shivaay is shocked hearing this, Yash-Anika-Omkara also came there and are shocked hearing this, Anika-Om look at each other remembering the accident day,
Yash: Shreya…
Shivaay and Shreya look at them; Shreya has tears in her eyes as she looks at them, she sits down crying, all are worried looking at her, no one knows how to react, Shivaay sits down beside her and calls her,
Shivaay: Ishana…
She looks at him surprised and she hugs him tightly crying badly, Shivaay feels relieved and caresses her back to calm her down,
Ishana: Bhaiya…. Shivaay Bhaiya…. It happened here only…. The car fell down from here only (All looked at her shocked)…. Bhaiya…. I remember it…. We both were in that car and then….
More tears flow from her eyes as she is not able to complete her sentence, Shivaay looks at Om, who is still standing in the same place, Shivaay signals Anika to tell Om to console Ishana, Anika understands this,
Anika: Om, go to her, she needs you.
Anika’s words break Om’s trance, and he looks at Ishana, he goes to Ishana and sits beside her, he placed his hand on her shoulder, Ishana looks at him with tearful eyes, he wipes her tears.
Shivaay goes and stands beside Anika, they smile at each other.
Ishana hugs Om tightly and tears flow from her eyes, Om covers her with his arms and brings her closer to him, how much they had missed this closeness, how much they had craved for this moment, how much they had missed being with each other, how much they had wished to be with each other, Ishana had lost her memory but Om, he remembered each and every moment he had spent with her, how much he had cried in these years, how many sleepless nights were there, how many times he could feel her near him but she wasn’t there, and how he felt when he saw after two years, she didn’t remember him, she didn’t remember their love, their relation, and how this hurt him more than anything, and now today, here she was so close to him, she was there with him.
After some time Om calmed Ishana, he makes her face him, she looked at him,
Omkara: Ishu (He smiles at her and she smiles back)…. Please don’t cry anymore…. You know naa I cannot see you like this…. Don’t cry…. I am there with you….
Ishana: Om…. I never thought that after that day, we would meet like this…. When the car was falling, all I could think was that I would not see you again…. I thought how you will be shattered with my death….
Before Ishana could say further, Om kept his hand on her mouth,
Omkara: Don’t you say anything like this again…. Don’t even think about all this…. You are with me here and that is all that matters to me…. I love you Ishu…. I love you a lot….
Ishana: I love you Om….
Ishkara get up from their place, Ishana looks at Yash, who was standing there seeing everything silently, Ishana walked to him, he had tears in his eyes,
Ishana: Yash…. I don’t know what I should say to you…. Whatever you did for me…. I don’t know how to thank you…. If you didn’t see me that day, I wouldn’t have been here….
Yash: Shreya…. I am sorry…. I mean Ishana…. I already told you that you are my sister no matter what happens and I did what a brother does for his sister…. I have already promised you, I’ll always be there for you…. So never think like this again….
Ishana hugs Yash. Shivika and Om smile seeing them.
Shivaay: I think we should go back home, all must be waiting for us and all will be happy to meet Ishana.
Omkara: You are right Shivaay, but what about Shreya’s parents? How will we tell them?
Yash: Don’t worry about them Om…. I’ll call mom-dad to Oberoi mansion, we will tell everyone everything together.
Ishana: Yash is right…. We’ll talk to them together….
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