Tuesday 7 April 2020




Om was thinking about how to talk to Shreya.

As he was busy thinking, he heard sounds of anklets, approaching him, he looked up and he was shocked to see Shreya walking towards him, she was wearing a light yellow-colored long kurti with jeans, her hair left loose with a few curls, her earrings swinging with her movement.

She was looking at Om, thinking about what was she going to say, she did not know how she was going to talk to him and if he would understand her concerns.

Om was still in his thoughts, how was it possible that he was thinking about talking to her and now here she was walking towards him, he thought he was imagining her and closed his eyes, after a few seconds, he opened his eyes and saw her standing in front of him.

Omkara (thinking): My mind is playing tricks with me…. How can she come here?

He stood up from his place and stood in front of her, all this while Shreya was looking at him not understanding what he was doing, first he closed his eyes and now he was standing in front of her looking at her, she looked in his eyes.

Shreya (thinking): These eyes…. Why do I feel that I have seen these eyes before also…? But when?

As she was lost in her thoughts, she felt his hand touching her cheeks, she felt that she had felt all this earlier also but when and how, Om looked at her, he could feel her soft skin, so she was there, she was standing in front of him, he was not imagining her, she was there for real.

However their trance was broken, as Om’s phone rang and they both moved away, coming out of their thoughts.

Om picked up the call,

Omkara (On call): Yes…. Yes, I remember everything and don’t worry; you’ll get the order on time. (He disconnected the call and kept the phone on the table)
Shreya: Sorry, I hope I didn’t disturb you.
Omkara: No not at all, actually even I wanted to meet you…. After whatever happened at the event…. I know just like me, you might also have many question…. And I think you came here to seek answers to those questions….

Shreya looked at him amazed,

Shreya: How did you know that this is what I came here for?
Omkara (thinking): I know my Ishu very well…. She won’t sit in peace until and unless she gets to know what she wants to know….
Shreya: Are you there…. What are you thinking?
Omkara: Nothing…. Come have a sit…. And I am so sorry, I didn’t ask you…. What will you have…? Tea, coffee….
Shreya: It is okay…. No need of any formalities…. I am fine.

They both get seated on the sofa.

Shreya and Omkara together: So…. Wo….
Omkara: It is okay, you say first.
Shreya: Who is Ishana?

Om looked at her surprised.

Shreya: Sorry if I hurt you and I understand if you don’t want to answer this question.

Omkara: No nothing like that…. Actually…. I do not understand how to tell you who Ishana is (He smiles remembering about his moments with Ishana, Shreya looked at his smile that she could sense that she was someone very important for him)…. Before telling you about my Ishu…. I’ll show you something…. Come with me….

He walked to one of the paintings, Shreya followed him and was looking keenly at the painting, Om removed the cloth covering the painting, Shreya looked at the painting and was shocked, she looked at Om and he understood her thoughts.

Omkara: I know what you must be thinking…. She is my Ishu…. She is everything to me….
Shreya: But her face…. I….
Omkara: I know she looks exactly like you and that is the reason for whatever I said yesterday.

Shreya was still looking at the painting, she touched the painting and closed her eyes, she saw flashes of a girl dancing and someone watching her, they both are smiling, Shreya held her head and Om looked at her worried, she opened her eyes.

Omkara: Shreya, are you okay?
Shreya: I don’t know…. I saw something…. But it was unclear….
Omkara: What did you see?
Shreya: A girl was dancing…. She was happy…. (Om looks at her surprised)
Omkara: Ishu loved dancing…. (Shreya looked at him shocked)
Shreya: Will you tell me more about her?
Omkara: Okay…. (He smiles remembering the first time he had met Ishana)


Om was going to his gallery when he saw a crowd standing on the road, due to the crowd, the vehicles had stopped and there was traffic, Om got down from his car and walked towards the crowd, as he walked ahead, he saw a girl shouting at a man, who was listening to her with his head bent down, others were looking at them,

Omkara (to a man standing near him): What is happening here? The traffic is increasing.
Man: I don’t know Bhai. This madam is scolding this man and they are the reason for this crowd and this traffic.

Om decided to talk to the girl, he walked to her,

Omkara: Excuse me, don’t you understand that you are creating problems on the road, a lot of people have gathered here and this is increasing the traffic also.

The girl turned towards him, Om was lost looking at her, her beautiful black eyes, Ishana looked at him irritated, she clicked her fingers bringing Om out of his thoughts,

Ishana: What did you say?
Omkara: Wo…. I….
Ishana: Abhi toh kuch bol rahe the, now what happened, you forgot…. (Om didn’t know what to say, now everyone was looking at them)…. Because of people like you….our country is like this…. I was explaining this man that what he did was wrong and asking him not to do it again…. But with people like you, no one can do anything…. All you care about is your life and your problems…. Jaroor aapki car bhi is traffic mein fas gayi hogi aur aapko bohot jaldi hogi….. That is why you took so much of efforts, got down from the car, walked till here, saw what was happening, and then decided to talk to me, so that the traffic will be cleared and then you can sit in your car and go wherever you want…. (Om was looking at her surprised, she was talking non-stop not giving him an opportunity to say anything)

As Om was about to say something, when a police inspector comes there,

Inspector: What is happening here? Why you all are gathered here?
Man: Sir, nothing happened, this madam was scolding this sir.

Inspector turned to Ishana-Omkara,

Inspector: Sir, madam, this is a public place not your house, whatever family matter you have, solve it in your house and not here.

He turns to the crowd and asks them to go away. The crowd disperses from there.

Inspector: You both also leave from here.
Omkara: Yes sir, we are leaving.

The inspector also leaves from there. Ishana was about to go when Om calls her, Ishana looked at him,

Omkara: You said so many things but I couldn’t say anything…. (Ishana looked at him surprised)…. I understand that you were doing something right but the way you were doing it….maybe that was not right…. You had created a crowd here and it was not only my problem but a lot of people were troubled because of this…. (Ishana looks ta him surprised)…. So next time, just think about it….

Om turns to go when Ishana calls him,

Ishana: Suno…. (Om looks at her surprised)…. Waise toh I don’t say this often…. But thank you…. You are right…. I should have thought about this first….

She smiles at Om and he smiles back. She forwards her hand,

Ishana: Ishana…. I am Ishana….
Omkara: I am Omkara….

Ishana smiled at him and turned to go, as she was walking, Om looked at her and smiled. Om walked towards his car and sat inside. He drove ahead when he saw Ishana standing near the bus stop. He stopped the car in front of her; Ishana looked at him and was surprised.

Omkara: If you don’t mind, I can drop you.
Ishana: No, that’s not needed.
Omkara: It’s okay, don’t worry, I’ll drop you. Please sit inside.

Ishana thought for a while and then looked at Om; she then sat inside the car. Om drove towards the place Ishana told him. Om looked at the place, he looked at Ishana,

Omkara: Dance academy?
Ishana: Yes, I teach dance here.
Omkara: Oh, Acha.

Ishana got down from the car.

Ishana: Thank you so much.
Omkara: Bye. I hope we meet soon.
Ishana: I hope so.

Ishana smiled and walked away. Om looked at her and smiled. Ishana turned back and saw Om going away, she smiled to herself.


Omkara: And that was the first time I met Ishu…. I never thought that this day would change everything in my life…. That I would fall in love with Ishana and that she would become so important for me….

Shreya was looking at Om; she could see the happiness in his eyes when he talked about Ishana and also the pain he was going through because she was not with him,

Shreya: You love her lot naa….
Omkara: No words can tell you how much I love my Ishana….

Shreya was thinking about something,

Omkara: You can ask me whatever you want, no need to think so much (Shreya looked at him surprised)
Shreya: Actually, I wanted to go to Ishana’s dance academy.
Omkara: If you want to go, I’ll take you there.

Shreya got up from her place, Shreya: Come then, let’s go.

Omkara (shocked): You want to go now; we can go there tomorrow also.
Shreya: I cannot wait till then (She holds his hand) we should go now only.

Om looks at her surprised, Shreya looks at him and understands what she did, she leaves his hand.

Shreya: Please, I want to go now.
Omkara: Okay. Let’s go.

Om and Shreya sit in Om’s car and Om starts driving. They both were sitting quietly, no one spoke a word. They reached the dance academy. Shreya looked at the place; she felt something but couldn’t understand what it was.

Omkara: This is Ishana’s dance academy.
Shreya (thinking): This place feels familiar but I have never come here.
Omkara: Do you want to go inside? (Shreya nods) Come then.

She follows him and they walk inside. As they were walking, a group of children come there and see Shreya,

Child 1: Ishu di, aap, where were you for so many days? We missed you so much.
Child 2: Haa di, we missed you and your dance.
Child 3: Di, chalo naa, come with us. We want to see you dance.
Omkara: Bacho…

Before Om could say anything or Shreya could stop them, the children dragged her with them, Om followed them, trying to stop them. They make Shreya stand in the center and look at her, Om looks at Shreya and her helplessness; Shreya didn’t know what to do and looks at Om.

Child 1: Di, dance naa, we are waiting.

One of the children starts the music.

Shreya closes her eyes and starts tapping her feet, Om looks at her, she opens her eyes, she starts her hand movements and then her legs, as the music moves ahead, she starts dancing to the beats, her body moves as if her hands and legs know what they have to do, she smiles as she dances and Om is stunned seeing her dance.

Omkara (thinking): She is Ishana…. She is definitely Ishana…. No one else can dance like this…. This is definitely my Ishu….

Soon the children join Shreya and she enjoys herself as they dance with her. Om smiles seeing them dancing together, one of the children holds Om’s hand and brings him to dance with them, Om sees Shreya dancing happily and joins them, Shreya looks at Om and smiles, he smiles back, and they continue dancing.
After some time, the children say bye to Om and Shreya and go.

Shreya: I never knew that I could dance like this…. Those kids were so lovely.
Omkara: I know and I am sorry, because of them, you had to…
Shreya: Om, I loved this and please don’t say sorry.
Omkara: If I say something, will you believe me?

Shreya looked at him surprised,

Shreya: You can say it and I’ll believe it. (She smiled at him)
Omkara: I don’t know why and how this can happen but I…. (He stops for a moment)…. I feel that you are Ishana….

Shreya looks at him, not knowing what to say,

Shreya: Om….
Omkara: It is okay…. I know that you are Shreya…. But I said what I felt….

Shreya is about to say something when her phone rings, it was a call from Yash, she picks up the call,

Shreya (On call): Hello Yash…. I am fine; I just came to meet a friend…. Don’t worry; I’ll come back soon…. Yash…. Haa…Haa…. I am coming soon (She disconnected the call)
Omkara: It is getting late…. We should leave.

Shreya nods her head and they both leave.



Om was walking towards his room when Anika called him,

Anika: Om…. (She looks at him and understands that something has happened)… Om, what happened?
Omkara: Anika… (He tells her everything that happened today)…. And I am so sure that she is Ishana…. The way she danced…. Her face, her smile, her happiness, her eyes…. She is Ishana and I believe it completely….
Shivaay: Om….

Anika-Om turns back and sees Shivaay there,

Anika: Shivaay….
Shivaay: Om, if you are saying that she is Ishana…. Then I believe you…. She is definitely our Ishana….
Omkara: Shivaay…. (He hugs Shivaay)

Anika smiles seeing them.


Shreya was sitting near the window thinking about what Om had said,

Shreya (thinking): He said he feels I am Ishana…. Yash told me I am Shreya…. I believe and trust whatever Yash has told me…. I am his sister….. I am Shreya Maheshwari…. But…. Om…. I also feel that he is not lying…. I always get flashes of someone dancing…. Ishana loved dancing….. Ishana looks exactly like me…. I don’t remember anything that happened with me before I woke from the coma…. I don’t know anything about myself…. Am I Shreya or am I Ishana…. As I am thinking more about this…. I am feeling that maybe Om is right…. I am Ishana…. (She thinks more about this)…. I have to confirm this…. I have to know if I am Ishana…..


The post ADHURE HUM, ADHURE TUM – FEW SHOTS – SHOT 3 appeared first on Telly Updates.

4/07/2020 10:57:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments