Monday 9 March 2020

Zindaan – The Golden Cage Chapter 17(The Twisted Maze – Part 2)

Thanks to LCharish, Saniya, Niharika, Dona for your comments on last chapters. Means a lot to me❤💕💕

“I told you to bring Raghav with you. We have to ask a few questions” Kshitij said to her. “Don’t involve him in this. He is a child” She replied. “He is a witness too.” He said. “Fine, I will ask him whatever you want and told you,” She said while he nods his head. “What were you doing in this cafe?” He asked showing her footage. “I went there to meet with Swayam. Why are you asking it?” She said “I know that we already dug about that. By any chance, Did you notice juhi there? She was there too on that day” He asked. “No, I don’t have a habit to look check surroundings unnecessarily ” She replied. “We get these much photos of girls who got admitted in orphanages. Look at these, maybe you can recognise ” He said showing her a bundle of photos. “I told you that she has a girl child. I didn’t see Juhi neither her daughter before.” Drishya said.

“How did she know you? Try to remember, maybe you met with her somewhere” He insists while she rolled her eyes. “Do you think that I can forget anything? If I do know how she connected with me, then I won’t be sitting here as a suspect. I told you before only” She said frustratedly. “I really don’t know why you bothering me only. Didn’t you get Shivay’s picture with her? You are not investigating on him because of his mental condition, then let me tell you that Hyperthermesia is also a mental condition. Be fair with everyone” She shouted. “Keep your voice low. Your condition is useful. Don’t compare yourself with Shivay” He said while she glared him. “Who told you it is useful, just because it contributes to intelligence that doesn’t mean it has not any disadvantages” She replied. “Gosh! Can you stop being this much loud” He said while she looks at him angrily.

“Raghav has a sister”, She said after a long pause. ” How did you get to know?” He asked. “He told me in flow yesterday.” She replied. “Why didn’t he register his both children?” He muttered while thinking. “His wife maybe knows everything ” Drishya replied. “We already asked from her by going her place,” Vishal said. “We didn’t get any child there,” Kshitij said. “That’s why Raghav is concerned about his sister because both of them are abandoned children,” She said while they both nods her head. “We have to ask her once again. Last time, we didn’t know about her second child. Let’s go, Vishal” Kshitij said while picking up his jacket. “Can I accompany to you?” She asked while they both turned. Kshitij thinks for some seconds and nods his head while Vishal looks on shockingly. “Sir, She is a suspect” He whispered. “She led way to clues, she is only going to tell the way to culprit also.” He said in low voice.

Shivay was roaming here and there restlessly. How can he do this? Why did he tell Anika about Maya? Why did he felt to share with her? Maya is definitely going to hell mad on him, she doesn’t like people and he told about her to a stranger. These all thoughts are wandering in his mind. He heard a knock on the door. “Yes, Come in,” He said while sitting on his chair and pretend to be alright. “Sir Here is a report of fabrics we are going to use in the next collection. Do make sure to import them” Anika said while keeping a file on his desk. He looks on and nods his head.

“Sir, I want to say something,” She asked playing with her fingers. “Say,” He said. “I get to know from Aditi that you have a mother. Why are you denying your family?” She didn’t know from where she gets this much courage to ask directly. “Some people who lived with you are very far away in reality” He replied while she shook her head in confusion. That only line describes her whole situation perfectly. Where did this similarity come from? She felt that their situation is similar but how? She sometimes thinks that his behaviour is similar to Drishya and the situation is similar to her.

Kshitij ring doorbell for few minutes but no response come. “Sir Here is phantom key,” Vishal said to him while giving him a key. He inserts it and opens the door. “You stay behind, It can be dangerous” He warned her while taking out a revolver and start checking rooms. House is not less than any mess, papers, clothes, empty packets lied on the floor. Seems like, someone searches the house as it was clean yesterday. He instantly runs to check all the rooms while Vishal starts checking the corridor. Kshitij unlocks the door of the main room and witnesses a body. “Mrs Khatri”, He checks her nerves. “Vishal, We need an ambulance urgently” He shouts while they both rushed instantly. “We need an immediate ambulance in Galaxy Villa” Drishya informed on the phone. “Let me check her,” She said while checking her wounded and scratched hands.

Anika was working on the computer. She feels severe pain in the head. She holds her head and stretched her eyebrows. She closed her eyes and some flashes come in front of her eyes. She is not able to figure out what is happening. Different sounds are echoing in her ears, she closed her ears for avoiding them. She opens her eyes with a jolt and drinks water from a glass nearby. “What’s wrong with me today? What’s happening?” She think while rubbing her forehead for reducing pain. She sighed in relief after the pain gets reduced. What are those flashes?

She tried to remember but she can’t see them clearly except two hands covered in blood who tried to reach out toward each other for holding. Most importantly, why is she getting those flashes. Are these her memories or experience or maybe she saw it somewhere in past. Why always she get these type of nightmares and flashes full of blood, accident. Where the hell it is taking her? She stamps her fist on the desk in frustration.

“Sir, Ambulance is here,” Vishal said to him while ward boys move to take her hospital. “Go to the hospital. I will come after looking here” He said. “He searched something but he didn’t get it,” Drishya said to him. “I know but how can be sure that he didn’t get it, ” Kshitij asked. “He didn’t waste time in torturing her if he gets that thing. He probably slit her throat without wasting a second” She replied. “I see, it can be a woman too,” He said. “No, It can’t. I noticed cigarette burns on her hands” She said. “Do you think that mens only can smoke?” He asked raising his eyebrow. “I just felt that it can’t be a woman. How can a woman do this with another one” She replied meekly? “Women are only Women’s worst enemies. Isn’t it?” He said while she interrupted him ” People who believe on this are fools.” He glared her and that’s when she realised what she said. “I didn’t mean that,” She said mentally patted herself.

“Spray Luminol and look for blood marks which get cleaned. Maybe we get culprit’s blood too if victim resisted” He ordered a forensic officer while he nods his head. He sees all around, the whole house was a mess, drawers and cabinets were opened and things inside them are scattered, he suddenly notices the closet which was closed. How strange that culprit closed it even when all the clothes are scattering. Did he really have this time to close closet but not small drawers and cabinets? It’s not making any sense. He moves toward the closet. “What are you looking for. We need to go hospital” She wondered looking his weird behaviour. He opened it and something gets fall with a thud on the floor. They are shocked to see a child. “Oh God! Did he killed her too?” She literally runs toward the girl child. “She is alive but her pulse is dropping. We need medical help immediately” She said while checking her breathing. “Let’s go the hospital,” He said trying to pick up the child. “We don’t have time. Move aside, I have to do resuscitation ” She said while pressing child’s chest. She sighed in relief after looking at her breathing. “Her breathing is still not normal, let’s go to the hospital,” She said while he nods her head while picking up a girl child.

“Dr Drishya, we need to confirm about assault?” One of the nurses informed her who was standing aside. “Where is Dr Rhea and Dr Advik? Tell one of them to look after this case ” She replied. “They both are busy in a delivery” Nurse replied. Before she could say anything, Kshitij interrupts. “Why are you not going? Aren’t you gynaecologist? ” He asked. “I thought maybe you don’t allow as I am suspect ” She replied. He felt like to bang his head somewhere. “There is always a thin line between criminal and suspect. Just because you are suspect, I can’t stop you from your profession” He replied. “Let’s go,” Drishya said while moving with the nurse.

“What is the report?” Kshitij asked her who was reading reports. “It is not assault. But he is someone very inhumane. Someone who like to dominate others, someone who thinks that he got most power” He interrupted her before she could say anything. “Done with your assumptions, Can you tell me clearly?” He said. “He tortured her for that thing which he was searching. He didn’t assault her but he tortured her in every possible way from burning to pulling hairs even throttling her neck. He behaves like someone who often did crimes and torture.” Drishya replied. “I see, He didn’t kill her because we interrupted on time,” He said. “Yes, but he hit on her head for making her unconscious, it can happen that her brain won’t work properly.” She said. “What? She is the last witness. ” He asked shockingly. “You can ask from Dr Roshni. She is neurosurgeon, she will help you ” She replied. “What about that child? ” He asked. “That is not my case. You should ask that from Dr Reyansh. I have another surgery in the lineup. I will met you later” She said and walked out from there.

“So this is another murder in the queue,” Vishal said. “No, It’s not. Do you think that someone who is doing murder for child abuse can abuse a woman? ” Kshitij said to him while giving reports. “What do you mean? Are you saying that this is done by someone else?” He asked in confusion while he nods his head. “My head will burst from confusion. What the hell is going on?” Vishal asked rubbing his forehead. “You remember once I made the assumption that there are two culprits. One who is judging parents for children’s sake and another one who kidnaps Mrs Malhotra and stalk Drishya and Anika.” He said. “You are saying that this murder attempt from the side of that one who stalks Malhotras,” Vishal asked.

“Yes, it is not as simple as it is looking. Probably they want anything from Mrs Khatri that’s why they searched the house. If the reason for this attempt was child abandonment, then he would directly murdered her like in Mr Khatri’s case” He said. “I see, then this thing change the damn motive. All the cases are connected with child abuse but murders are executed by two different people” Vishal asked.  Kshitij is about to say something when his phone ring. “Sir, There is something I need to tell you. Mr Khatri is murdered by slitting of the throat but unusual thing is that distance of writing the revenge and injustice quote is similar in both Juhi and Mr Khatri” Palak said to him.

“You mean that culprit measure the distance before writing quotes on their wrist, ” He asked shockingly. “No, It is someone who usually measures things like tailor, Carpenter or surgeon” She replied while he disconnects the call. “I think you are mistaken. Look, there is a quote on her hand too” Vishal said to him while showing Mrs Khatri’s hands. “Measure the distance,” He said. “What?” Vishal asked measuring the distance. “It’s about 4 cm,” He said while he shook his head. “Someone planned this very wisely. He thought to frame his doings as serial murder but he gets failed miserably here. In both previous murders, there is a distance of 2-2.5 cm and moreover writing style is also different” Kshitij said while matching the handwriting with his phone. “But How he get to know that there is quote written on the wrist of the previous murders. We keep it confidential from media too” Vishal said to him.

“Did you told anyone about these both murders?” Kshitij ask. “Yes to our seniors and chief. I didn’t tell about that white chit with “Flower…” line because it was not a significant proof” He said. “Someone from our department only informs him that’s why he didn’t add white chit because we didn’t tell about this,” He said while reality strikes him. “Not at all, This case can’t go that far” Vishal replied. “Do you ever think that why we didn’t get a search warrant for Juhi’s home. Because there is someone powerful who is pressurising our higher authority. They are the same people who troubled Malhotras and tortured Mrs Khatri for something. When they get to know there is another killer is killing child abusers, they took it as an advantage and tried to frame these charges too on the head of that person.” He said while he replied “Damn! That was well planned. If we didn’t get to know about the measurement, we will surely miss it” Vishal said while he nods his head. “What about Juhi then? Who killed her?” Vishal asked. “That’s we going to know when both the culprit or one of them get captured”.

“I mean more we are trying to find clues, we are getting tangled in this like a maze,” Vishal said. “I guess it is easier to miss what’s right in front of you. We are finding clues everywhere when they are just in front of us.” Kshitij said.” Exactly but What is this measurement. Did that culprit who is killing child abuser measure before writing quotes ” Vishal asked while putting a finger under his chin. “It is someone who usually measures things like a tailor or maybe surgeon ” Kshitij cleared his doubts. “It is Drishya, she is a surgeon, she is involved with children,” Vishal said. “We are going to submit this assumption as proof. Isn’t it? Is she only a surgeon in the whole city? ” He said sarcastically. “Sorry Sir” Vishal replied. “Let’s go,” Kshitij said. “Where?” He asked. “To search that part which remains untouched from starting ” Kshitij replied. “Who?” He asked while he replied “Shivay Singh Oberoi”.

” Why do you want to meet me now? Wasn’t that was enough when you framed for a crime which I never committed” Shivay burst on them after looking investigators there. Anika who was present there looks on shockingly. She is not getting the reason behind Shivay’s behaviour. She can clearly feel hatred toward the police on his voice. Something is very wrong with him or maybe someone did wrong with him. “We have a search warrant, ” Kshitij start saying but Shivay interrupt him in between. “Don’t you dare to touch things in the office. Got it” He said. “Sorry, we are not here to follow your order,” Kshitij said while signing Vishal to search.

“I am telling you to stop. Don’t you get it” Shivay shout while coming between his desk and Vishal? “Why I have to always deal with these type of stubborn people ” Kshitij muttered rolling his eyes and then ordered to search. Looking at his restless behaviour, Anika put her hand on his shoulder “Sir, Let them search. They won’t get anything if you didn’t do anything wrong”. Shivay stares her and then sighed in frustration. ” Sir, These sketches…..” Vishal didn’t complete his sentence when he snatched them from his hand and saw. Kshitij turn toward him and ask while showing “Do you know her?”. “She is Maya” Shivay replied while snatching the sketches from his hand. “Who Maya?” He asked again in disbelief. “My close one like family and friends” He replied. Anika feels like that floor just get slipped under her feet. It does not matter to her how can her sister related to Shivay but she is in shock why the hell she pretends to not know about him. She shows his photo and mentions his name a thousand times but Ishu never reacts. Her mind was not able to register these much fast changes. “Maya” She muttered in shock and sit on the floor with a thud. She never thought that searching his things won’t create a problem for him, instead, it brought storm in her life. “I told you not to believe on her Sir. Look now.” Vishal said while Kshitij looks on.

Precap – Kshitij asks from Drishya about Maya…..Mrs. Khatri regains consciousness.

Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Sorry for late. Get ready to witness unexpected and major twist from next update.



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