Thursday 5 March 2020

Zindaan – The Golden Cage Chapter 14 (Cage of Illusion – Part 1)

Thank you to LCharish, Niharika, Ninika, Saniya, Khushi on last chapter. Glad you are liking it, it means a lot. Keep reading 💕💕.     I see that mostly people are confused over that Drishya and Maya are same or different. So, I chose same actor for playing both as they share same face. You can imagine your favourite actor for characters. I have no problem😘😘

(Summary –  ‘Zindaan’ word stands for ‘cage’ . Everyone is captive of something but what happen when someone get trapped in himself. This is my first psychological thriller. Story revolve around three individual Shivay, Anika & Drishya. They are bound to each other in an unexpected way. Shivay who falls in love with Anika get biggest shock of his life when he met her sister Drishya who is look alike of his only friend Maya. What will going to happen when they found that numerous incidents of past bind them together?) 

I am sorry for not replying to your comments, AcruallyI am not getting enough time from my exam schedule. I will reply as soon as I get time. I forget to post this summary in starting, so you can see that Drishya and Maya have same face and that’s the mystery Why?  The plot revolve around are they connected with each other or not. 

Drishya felt that floor gets slipped under her feet. Her mind went black, she is not getting what should she do? She starts panicking and then she reminds of Raghav. What if someone kills that small boy like his father? She took out her phone and inform the police. She moved more inside and checked the room in order to find Raghav.

“Kshitij, I am going on crime scene,” Palak said to them. Before she moves, he stopped her. “What happens?” He asked. “That is not our case, Let her go” Vishal interrupt. “We get a call from Drishya Malhotra about some murder” She replied while he becomes alerted hearing her name. “This is related to our case only. Let’s go” Kshitij replied while taking his car’s keys and moved out. “How dare you to interfere in the crime scene? What are you doing inside?” Kshitij asked to her who was standing there numb. Vishal start examining the body while Palak was taking photos of crime scenes. “Take the body for an autopsy, ” Palak said to ward boys. “I informed police ” Drishya replied. “You should wait outside only. What are you checking out inside or trying to remove clues?” He shouts. “If I am here to remove any clue, then I never inform police” She counters back. “He is right, you shouldn’t roam in crime scenes. It can be dangerous. Please wait outside” Palak said to her while she nods her head while walking out.

“What about the identity of the body?” He asked. “Vikrant Khatri, He is a computer engineer,” Vishal replied looking at his Id card which he found in the house after searching. “Anything else? Any controversy or any involvement in illegal things. Maybe somebody kill him because of enmity ” He asked while Palak and Vishaal looked at each other face. “What? Now say what you want to? ” He asked. “Look at this” Palak said while showing photos. He sees some words were written on his wrist with the same writing style. He read out the words “Delay of Justice is Injustice.” He shook his head in frustration. “Seems like it is serial killing. I found same chit too” Palak said while giving him a white paper on which same line “Flowers…..deserved to pull out” is written. “Murderer leaves the same kind of clue, definitely these both murders are chain murders,” Vishaal said to him while checking drawers and almirah.

“What’s the motive behind the serial killing and moreover what’s the relation between victims” He questioned while they both shrugged their shoulders. “Search each and every corner of this place. We will surely get fingerprints or some other clue” He asked while moving outside while crossing the seal. “How do you get to know about the murder?” He asked. “I ring the bell but no one responds. When I knocked it, it was already open.” Drishya start saying while he cut her in between. “Didn’t you feel weird that door was open by itself? ” He asked while she looks on. “Let’s ignore that, Keep going,” He said. “When I enter, something like water drop on my head. His body was there when I looked up” She replied. “Why didn’t you run from there?” He asked. “What?” She asked confusedly. “Anyone else in your place would run from there after looking Blood and murder,” He said. “As a Doctor, I am used to see blood in my life. Moreover, I stayed there to find Raghav” She replied. “Raghav??” He looks on. “He is the son of Mr Khatri. I visit here because of him. He is a victim of depression but Mr Khatri cancelled his counselling. I am here to make him understand the importance of counselling for his condition” She said.

“How are you related. Seems like you are more interested in other doctor’s patients.” He asked crossing his hands. “He is a child and there was no need of being a doctor for getting close to any child. Is getting close to children or helping them also a crime for you? ” She replied. “Are you taunting me?” He asked. “If you tried to investigate about culprit instead of suspecting me then another murder never happened” She replied. “Shut up! I have no interest in suspecting you. It is you who was somehow involved with murders or crime scenes ” He said.  “He was murdered probably in the night. We will get to know the whole thing after autopsy” Palak said to him. “Search the possible near places, he had a child too,” He said while she nods her head. “Maybe he also gets murdered or maybe he gets kidnapped because he was a witness,” Kshtij said and move from there for searching each apartment of that building. “You can go, we will tell you if we get that child, ” Palak said to Drishya while she nods her head.

Anika was trying to concentrate on her work while sitting there. She was searching about new fashion trends on internet and highlighting them on a paper. She doesn’t want to think about how her life took a u-turn in past days. Her life which was full of fun and happiness suddenly changed into an unsolved puzzle and the worst thing is that she herself is unable to collect its pieces. Indeed she wants an adventurous life but she doesn’t know that it becomes this much darker where she can’t see any light. Is this only reality that the things which seem perfect have void inside like her. She is now realising the void in herself which was buried inside her perfect and carefree personality.

She wants to scream in frustration, she wants to break the things which create the illusion of her life being perfect, She wants to confront her loved ones. She leaned back on her chair while thinking and tears unknowingly slipped from her eyes. She can only cry as she never handles her breakdown before even she never thought in her dreams that carefree person like her also has a breakdown. It was Ishu who handled her whenever she gets little hurt, but when she needs her most, she is neither understanding her feeling nor clearing truth. She always heard that it is the future which only matters not past. No, that is wrong, past is that thing which led to the way of future. She is not the person who lives in past and ruined future,  but the tragedy is that she doesn’t even remember her past, then how she going to overcome and face it for her bright future. When her past is in a pit of darkness, then how can her future become bright. This time she is not going to depend on someone for her past, she will find about herself. She thought in determination and move toward Shivay’s cabin while picking up the highlighted paper.

Anika knocked on the glass door but he seems lost somewhere. She is going to knock again when she sees him sketching something through the glass door. She moves the door slightly and enters inside. She won’t know what makes her this much curious but she wants to see that sketch. Taking a few steps ahead, she gets to know that he is sketching some girl. He was this much busy that he didn’t notice her presence. Before she moves further, she gets imbalance because of her whole concentration on that sketch. Her heels get tilted and she falls down,  her elbow gets hurt from the edge of the couch. Shivay looks on the sudden sound of a thud. “Anika, Are you alright?” He gets up and moves toward her while leaving the sketch incomplete. “Yes, I am,” She said while he holds her and makes her stand.

“How can you be so clumsy and careless? Did you get hurt somewhere” He asked looking at her wound. “Don’t worry, it’s not hurting at all” She replied while tried to take her hand out from his grip. ” It may not hurt, but it will leave a scar,” He said worriedly while she looks on. “Scars are temporary, it will vanish gradually” She replied. She won’t know what comes in her mind but she wants to listen to his reply. “I am talking about scar which it will leave on your mind. You will never go to forget that once you get hurt here” He replied and move toward his drawers for bandages. “I keep forgetting things. When I don’t remember about my childhood, how I am going to remember about the mere wound?” She blabbered slowly but he listen to it. “You don’t remember about childhood,” He asked amazedly while cleaning her wound. She nods her head and he put a bandage on her elbow. “You remember about your childhood….Right. How beautiful experience is to remember how you used to play, how you used to cope up with things in childhood” She asked unaware of the fact that everyone childhood is not full of shine.

Children are like stars which deserve to shine, but not every star meant to shine, some are meant to get broken down. “This is the worst feeling that I have no idea about the most beautiful phase of life,” She said unknowingly to him. “Somethings are not meant to be remembered. All glitters are not gold” He replied while she looks on in confusion. ‘Why everyone needs to talk to her like this? First Ishu and now him’ She thought. Just then she realised the similarity between Ishu and Shivay, not a way of talking, but in hiding emotions. Both are introvert and highly skilled in hiding emotions of themselves. Even She can feel the emotions too behind their both every word but never get meaning behind it.

Kshitij was writing similarities between the two cases. “Sir, Here I find everything about Mr Khatri. His wife report for domestic violence but that matter get suppressed” Vishal said giving him a copy of the report. “I see that’s why his son is depressed. Children get affected with those things which they saw in their home ” He replied reading it. “I told you to bring photos of the children who recently admit in orphanages,” He said. “Sir, There are photos,” Vishal said keeping down photos of children. “Call Miss Malhotra and told her to come here for recognising Raghav,” He said while he nods his head while dialling the number of Drishya.

Drishya was washing her hands after a successful delivery. No matter what’s going in her life, how much she is in pain, she has to treat her patients keeping everything aside. This is the duty of Doctor and words of the hippocratic oath which were like the world to them. No pain is more than not saving any of their patient lives for a doctor. Suddenly her phone starts ringing and she received it. “Yes, I am coming in a while” She replied and move toward parking area while picking up her coat. She reached at the detective agency and move inside. “We call you here for recognising Raghav’s picture? ” Kshitij said to her. “Didn’t you get his pictures in his dad’s documents?” She asked amazed. “He didn’t register any child on the name of his, it’s you who told us that he had a son” He replied while she looks on. How can anyone abandon his own child, it is more worse than abandonment.

Imagine you are living with that person whom you call father but he is not accepting you? Can anything is more painful than that your family keep you like a showpiece? All these thoughts revolve in her mind, Isn’t she is in the same condition. Whom she called Dad, he never treats her like daughter. “Where are you lost,” He asked while she nods her head negatively. “Khisitij, Juhi’s autopsy result…..” Palak can’t complete her sentence when he said: “Let’s go”.  He held her hand and moves inside of forensic department while she kept standing there. ” Juhi got murdered. Did they are talking about her autopsy” Drishya think and look here and here but everyone was busy. She followed them in the same direction after not getting any place to go. “You can’t go inside” One of the members of the team stop her while she nods her head. Her sight falls in Juhi’s belongings over the racks there and she gets identify it because of chit on that transparent packet. She takes a few steps ahead and looks at it.

It consists of a dress, a watch and a chain. She gets understand that these things are the last ones. There is nothing new in that packet until her sight catch the crayon marks. She picked it up and take out the dress from the zipper and looked at the pattern on the dress. It was made by crayons of different colours and there are some words also written in pieces. Despite of the broken pattern, she gets understand that what was the person trying to write. No, a person can’t write in this handwriting,
it was definitely of a child. “What’s your problem? Did I told you to come here” Kshitij asked in frustration after looking her there. “You can’t get anything once.” He asked dragging her outside. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you can wait here instead of roaming?” He asked.

“She had a child,” She said ignoring his words while he looks on as he doesn’t like that she ignores his warning. “Who?” He asked rubbing his forehead on her behaviour. “Juhi” She replied. “What rubbish? If she has any child then we can get any clue of that in the home” He asked. “Can I look at her body once, I am a gynaecologist and I can tell you by looking at her that she give birth to a child once or not?” She asked. “No need, our forensic team is enough. You just do that work for which you are here. Look at the photos ” He said after keeping a bundle of photos. She looked after scattering them on the whole table and said “Raghav is not in these photos. “You can take his photo from Dr Anjali as she was his counsellor” She suggested while he nods his head. “Do believe me Juhi has a child? ” She said while he felt to bang his head somewhere. “Shut up! You can go now” He said. “Listen to me once….” She request. “I said out.” He shouts while she picked up her bag and walked out. “Gosh! Such a stubborn girl” He shook his head in disbelief.

Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Don’t forget to read next part of it which will be posted tomorrow. Thank you and Keep smiling 💕💕



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