Friday, 6 March 2020

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 6th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Ram ji takes his daughters for enrollment

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 6th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anand comes to drop Bheema at Dhruv’s house. Dhruv refuses to open the door for Bheema. Sleep at your home. You wont come inside and wont let me sleep in the courtyard with you. It is better that both of us sleep at our respective homes. Bheema asks him if he wont feel scared. Dhruv says I will but I wont open the door at all then. Bheema tells him not to be stubborn. Open the door. Dhruv stays put. Anand asks Bheema to come home. Bheema is not convinced but Anand reminds him of Baba’s words. You can get over your fear only by facing it. Bheema tells Dhruv he is going. Dhruv agrees. Come in the morning. You will have milk and I will drink tea with you. I will come over if you wont come. Bheema agrees. He leaves with Anand.

Bhimbai wakes up in the middle of the night and recalls that woman’s words. She steps outside quietly / sadly. Meera watches her from the window. Anand and Bheema come just then. They ask her if something is bothering her. She denies. Meera thinks she knows Bhabhi since years. She sleeps in no time because of exertion daily. What is keeping her awake today? Bhaiya also got a job today. Bheema asks his mother to come inside. You will catch cold otherwise. She asks them why they came back. They share what happened at Dhruv’s place. Bheema says Dhruv wanted to face his fears head on. Baba says the same thing. He asks her to come inside again. You know I cannot sleep without holding your mangalsutra.

Next morning, Ram ji calls out to his girls. Villagers wonder why he is calling out to his daughters instead of his sons today. Wonder what he will be up to now!

Bheema is combing Manjula’s hair. Anand tells him to stop but Bheema says she should look her best in school. Meera seconds her. Manjula checks herself in the mirror with Bala’s help. Bhimbai asks Tulsa if she will leave her hair open. Tulsa asks Bheema to make her hair do. She says I wont cut your hair then. He tells her not to scare him. Who will do it if not you? He sets her hair.

Ram ji asks the girls to come soon. We have to also return from Pune. Villagers overhear it and shoot each other a confused look. Bhimbai tells her husband that Bheema is making their hairstyle. Ram ji smiles. Bheema gets excited when it comes to school. Bheema brings his sisters outside. How do they look? Ram ji compliments them. He holds their hands and steps outside proudly. They hold his hand nervously noticing all villagers eyeing them. Villagers ask Ram ji where he is taking them. Are you going to marry them off? People from nearby villages would not be interested after all. They look so decked up!

Bhimbai warns Bheema not to answer anyone. Villagers taunt / mock them. Tulsa and Manjula look at each other. They confidently walk to where the villagers are sitting. Baba is taking us to Pune to fill the examination form. There are girls in your homes too. Instead of mocking us, it would have been better if you had thought of getting them educated. Sakpal family smiles proudly. Ram ji tells the girls to let it be. They still don’t know the importance of education. He holds their hands again. Sakpal family claps for them. Ram ji leaves with the girls. Bala says the one walking with bowed hand finally rose his head today. Meera nods.

Dhruv comes there with a glass of milk for Bheema as promised. I brought my cup of tea. Anand says what about me. Bala takes him inside. Dhruv and Bheema sit outside. Bheema confirms about the glass with Dhruv. Villagers are unhappy to see Dhruv mingling with Bheema. We cannot do with Dhruv as Seth ji’s son after all. He should be ideally ousted from the village! The old guy says we will do a puja to purify him once Dhansukhlal is out. Dhruv will be a part of our community after that only.

Bhimbai asks her sons to bring jaggery. Bheema goes to bring it. She tells him to come back without wasting any time. He agrees.

Villagers are discussing about Dhruv. One guy says we will focus on that later. We should think about Ram ji taking his daughter for exams. It will disrupt the balance. It will destroy our religion! Will girls study now? They should be focusing only on kitchen. Bheema overhears them. I did not know that they are also different than you like us. Till now I thought we are different from you and lower in your eyes which is why we stay separately from you but I found out today that the girls living in your own house is also from a lower standard than you. You misbehave with them; don’t want them to study so they should remain weak like us. This is very shameful and painful. However, I will encourage the girls to study and find equal grounds in the society. One guy asks him if he thinks they will let them do it. Men and women are different. Bheema says I understand how much you have segragated the society. It is done so you remain on the top. One guys tries to hit him but Dhruv hits him with a stone. Anyone who will try to hurt him will meet the same fate. Aren’t you ashamed of hitting a kid? He tells Bheema to leave. Bheema questions his actions but Dhruv tells him not to lecture him right now. Leave. Bheema complies. Dhruv glares at villagers. He leaves only after making sure Bheema is out of their reach.

Villagers decide to take some action. Our silence will boost them otherwise. We will tell Ram ji clearly. He should either stop his girls from appearing in exams or he should leave the village with his family!

Few girls discuss what Ram ji did. One girl gets sad thinking how their parents, who are way well off than Ram ji, never gave it a thought. It would have been so great if we could also study. One girl advises her not to say it in front of anyone else. Everyone is already miffed. They are thinking of teaching a lesson to Ram ji Sakpal. Another girl says even we feel like studying at times but we cannot change the age old tradition. One girl agrees to remain silent. Bheema says this will continue for ages then.


Update Credit to: Pooja

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