Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Beyhadh 2 31st March 2020 Written Episode Update: Maya gets Vikram on his side

Beyhadh 2 31st March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Maya is sitting next to a pram. Vikram joins her. Why are you sitting here? She says this is where my revenge began from. It started with my kid. She tells him everything. MJ won my trust. He told me that he is leaving his wife and I slowly let him enter in my heart. Flashback shows MJ proposing Maya with a ring. She continues with her story. MJ snatches my baby from me! He gave me a wound after which I can never become a mom. Vikram asks her why. She says a mother protects her baby whereas I let my baby die. They kept hitting me and I dint do anything! Ananya’s father and another guy throw Maya from a height. She falls in the muddy water. She cries thinking about her baby. I waited for 10 years to take revenge. You came back when my time to take revenge came! You wont let me take revenge till the time you are with me. I will not become a mother till the time I fulfil the promise I made to my baby. I don’t deserve to be a mother! Vikram insists that she has a right. We have a right. Our baby will be the emblem of our love. She stays put. I wont become a mother till the time I kill every single person responsible for my baby’s murder! She pushes the pram angrily surprising Vikram.

MJ tells Rudra Maya is not in that house. Only Shambhu can take us to her now. Rudra asks him why he went to her house when the handwriting dint match. I only want you to tell me the truth. Our relation turned sour 10 years ago because of what you did. I don’t want to repeat history. Tell me the truth. MJ lies that he only went there to satiate his anxiety. Rudra asks him to swear upon it. Maya is my enemy. She will die by my hands only. Swear that you went there only to satiate your curiosity. MJ keeps his hand on Rudra’s head and lies. Rudra leaves. Aamir asks MJ why he swore upon his son when he knew he was lying. MJ says this isn’t a daily soap but real life. Only I can save my son from that Maya.

Maya says I again remember my helplessness, my pain, everything. I realised how alone I am! Vikram tells her she isn’t alone. I am with you. She asks him how it will help. I am incomplete till the time I take my revenge. He says your revenge is my revenge. I will do it for you. You will just tell me who, when, where and how. I will handle everything. Just promise me you wont step out of the house. She promises him and rests her head against his hand. She next rests her head in his lap. He says now I will take your revenge. Once your promise is fulfilled, we will have our baby. We will start a new life. She smiles at him. You will support me but my revenge is only mine. He shakes his head. This isn’t just your fight. Make me your weapon. You are not alone in this. We are in this together. Please Maya. Maya smiles. You will help me? He nods. Always. She says I would like to spend my future with the one who will support me today. He nods. She says there are some sinners who had hurt your princess. Will you kill them? He readily agrees. Just tell me their names. I will kill them one by one. She has put photos of all her enemies on a board. She starts with Antara. She insulted me in a way which I can never forget. Flashback shows Antara caling her trash in front of MJ.

She speaks about Jogi next. I called him my brother. He is the one who had kicked Maya in her stomach when she was pregnant. Sudhir (Ananya’s father) cheated me. She takes MJ’s name in the end. He stole everything from me! Vikram says they will all die. After their death I will give you one more gift – by killing Rudra! She holds him by his collar angrily. You wont do anything to him! She lets go of his collar. It is because I will kill him myself but he will be the last one. He has hurt me the most. Vikram asks her if she can promise him. She agrees. He kisses her on her head but she looks away. He goes out of the room.

Maya looks at the photos. You too have to die Vikram but you will have to be my puppet before dying. You will move just as much as I want you to. You killed my mother and Rajiv. You thought about killing my Rudra. Now you must die! Rudra may think whatever he want to, he can hate me as much as he wants but I wont let any harm come to him. Only Maya will reach you.


Update Credit to: Pooja

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