Sunday, 2 February 2020

Haiwan 1st February 2020 Written Episode Update

Haiwan 1st February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raghbir packs his bags. He speaks to Baby that it’s a moment he has waited for whole year. His life started with the moment when Amrita had accepted his love, he wants to keep it in front of his eyes even when he dies. Dharam comes to Randhir and offers his help in the mission. Randhir requests him for prayers. Dharam says Amrita knows Randhir is her husband. Disha told her that she is her elder sister and got her hypnotized.
There, Amrita was still chained. She wish Randhir realizes somehow that Ashwini isn’t any scientist but he is Ashvadhyama.
Randhir watches a photo of Ashvadhyama and the visiting card of Ashwini, Amrita’s words echo in his mind who tried to hint on him. Randhir tells Dharam that Amrita had tried to point towards some connection between Ashwini and Ashvadhyama in her last call. Baby suggests about checking the CCTV footage of the whole house.
Ashvadhyama was in the room. He says soon, he will get his Ratan back with all his powers. Disha jumps into his room. Ashvadhyama was angry and asks why she took such risk to come here. Disha replies she loves to take risks, the family is already silly. She encircles his neck with her arms and says she wants to accompany him on the journey and wish to see him get his powers back.
Dharam and Randhir play the footage of Disha and Ashwini together in the corridor, then Disha jumping in the window of guest house. Randhir was cautious and says it’s possible that Ashwini and Ashvadhyama are name of same person.
Disha says soon Ashvadhyama will turn to a God. Ashvadhyama was determined that once he gets the powers he will make the God’s world suffer. It was the God who cursed him and left him to suffer in the forests with wild animals. They hear someone cry outside. Ashwini goes to check outside. Downstairs in the hall, Dharam cried in pain. Baby requests Ashwini to come and help Dharam as he had a muscle strain. Ashwini comes to help Dharam and was indulged.
There, in the room Randhir comes behind Disha with a syringe of anti-hypnosis serum. Randhir questions Disha what connection she has with Ashwini, he just saw them together in the CCTV footage. He warns her not to perform hypnosis over him as he has already prepared for it. Disha fights Randhir with expertise of a gymnast. Randhir twists her arms behind her and injects the serum at the back of her neck.
Downstairs, Ashwini hears Disha’s cry. Baby says the frequency of the voice must have changed and it is surely Dharam. Ashwini applies the balm, then runs upstairs. Disha wasn’t there in room. Ashwini comes downstairs but Dharam and Baby weren’t there. Nain Tara tells Ashwini that she spot Dharam, Baby and Randhir go outside. Ashwini follows. Later, Dharam appears from behind the couch and thanks Nain Tara. Nain Tara says she is only interested in the person who gets the Ratan, she would save her daughter from her craziness then.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Sona

The post Haiwan 1st February 2020 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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