Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 19th February 2020 Written Episode Update: AJ apologizes to Bhushan

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 19th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
AJ comes close to Guddan. Guddan says did you feel anything? AJ says no. He says did you feel anything? Guddan says no. He says then why are you asking this question? Guddan says things became serious all of a sudden. AJ says let’s play truth and dare. Guddan says when Ieft did you miss me? AJ says I missed you every moment of my life. When you left I realized I figured I was so dependent on you. I love you. My love for you can never die. Guddan says drunk truth but the truth. AJ says have you moved on? Guddan says I can never move on. My heart is still in the same streets it used to me. My feelings and emotions are associated to you. AJ says prove it. Guddan says aren’t the words enough? AJ says sometimes the words aren’t enough. AJ says kiss me. Guddan comes close to him and falls asleep. AJ laughs. He falls asleep next to her.

Scene 2
Guddan wakes up next to AJ. Guddan says you? He says what am I doing with you? Guddan says my head hurts. What am I doing here? Why can’t I recall anything? Bell rings. AJ opens the door. Media storms in. They report Guddan spent the night with her ex-husband. AJ says shut up. You can’t invade our personal space. The reporter says Guddan is a public figure. AJ says how dare you. The reporter says looks like you had a long rough night. You are having an affair with your ex and someone’s husband? AJ says shut up. I will kill you. Guddan says stop blackmailing you. You can’t create fake news. They say wow you both mind for each other too. Guddan says calm down. AJ takes her hand and takes her outside. He says we won’t stay here for a moment.

Antra gives money to the media guy and says defame her so much that she leaves this city forever. There will be my entry then. The media reports Guddan was found in a hotel with her ex. Saru says wow we have no respect now left in the media. I am going. Durga says what is happening? Dadi says I am so happy. They were together. Laxmi says they would come close now. Durga says can you understand the impact of this news? We are being dragged into the dirt. Durga says what about Bhushan? Bhushan comes to her house.

Scene 3
AJ and Guddan are on their way. Guddan and AJ are coming back. AJ says it all happened because of you. Guddan says if you drink I will drink too. AJ says you are totally mad. I am so stuck with you. Guddan says to wear the seat belt. He says don’t give me the lectures. Guddan takes the keys and says wear it first. AJ tries to take it from Guddan. She falls on him. AJ says so fat. Focus on your weight heroin. Guddan says I am an actress. Acting is done from the mind. He says excuse me, seatbelt.

Bhushan says to dadi how could you do this? Why did you bring my Guddan here. Durga says please calm down. Bhushan says I always respected your family. My Guddan has suffered so much. Revati says please calm down. Bhushan says you stay quite. How long would my Guddan suffer? Do you have an answer. Antra says I have an answer. Dadi says you stay out of it. Ask your daughter for answers not my MIL. Her MIL is here to protect her. Guddan comes in and says papa it wasn’t anyone’s mistake. Bhushan slaps AJ. He says it was my mistake that I didn’t do this four years ago. It was all my mistake. You’re doing the same to my daughter again. Dragging her in the filth and suffering. Guddan says papa please listen. Bhushan says I won’t listen to anyone. Antra says how dare you to touch my husband. I will call police on you. AJ shuts her up. He sits in Bhushan’s feet and says I know you’re mad at my papa. I am ashamed that you’re defamed because of me. Please forgive me. I am very sorry. He goes to his room.

No precap.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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