Thursday, 20 February 2020

Dadi Amma Maan Jao 20th February 2020 Written Episode Update : Dhruv meets with an accident

Dadi Amma Maan Jao 20th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sundarlal and Rekha dance on Marathi song. Anjali says to Aaji they looked so pretty right, Aaji says yes they did and thinks now just wait and watch your Aaji and Ajooba. Aaji and Ajooba perform on old hindi songs, Namrata and Rekha make fun of Aaji, Vikas says now lets welcome Dhruv and Shraddha, Shraddha says I heard your entry is on chandelier, have you practised it, Dhruv says past 22 years, I have always decided to have an entry like this during bhais wedding, Shraddha says you and your over confidence.
Shraddha and Dhruv begin their performance, Dhruv slips off the chandelier. Doctor examines Dhruv says theres no fracture, just muscle sprain in the leg, Dhruv says I will able to dance in barat right, Doctor says just take care of your leg, your stunts may put you in danger, Shraddha makes fun of Dhruv, Anjali covers for Dhruv and cheers him, Dhruv says bhai im sorry your performance got cancelled because of my accident, Anjali says you saved us instead, Shlok cant dance.
Prabhas calls Shlok and Anjali out, and says the client we were trying to pitch has arranged a meeting in Mumbai, Shlok congratulates him and says its Anjalis good charm, Prabhas says Anjali this is good, they want us to come tomorrow, but I have asked for 2 days later, Shlok says no work for atleast 1 month after marriage, mom will go. Prabhas Shlok now focus on career, and your responsibilities, Shlok says chill mama and leave. Anjali hears Rekha and Prabhas talk, Rekha says he will never change I will only go for meeting.
Anjali walks to Rekha and says Ma can I talk to you, Rekha says im happy that you called me Ma, and says my Shlok is very nice person, but such good qualities, also need little realisation of responsibilities, people always take advantage of it, I thought after marriage he will understand it, but he is using marriage as a reason to run away from responsibilities, show him the right track, im not pressuring you, just showing you what are good and bad he has, I trust you Anjali, I know you will take care of him. Rekha thinks of all the insults of Aaji and thinks now Anjali soon will be in my terms.
Anjali thinking about Rekhas words, Shlok goes to have pan at his usual place, and says after marriage uncle I will get my wife too, Anjali makes Shlok a call, Shlok says next time I will buy 3 pans when you will be here, Anjali says Shlok I want you to go to meeting to Mumbai, Shlok says one day before marriage is not possible Anjali, and I don’t want to go away from you at this time, Anjali says what if I will come with you, Shlok gets excited and agrees.

Pre cap : Rekha and Aaji argue over wedding rituals. Rekha says what rituals, Anjali is in Mumbai.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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