Friday, 17 January 2020

Vighnaharta Ganesh 17th January 2020 Written Episode Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 17th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with mahadev explaining ganesh & all how the evils had clutched indra’s son by planning of soorasahi with her children’s who had cluthed yamraj & rishi who had also killed her father asoor raja.
Evil soorasahi is explaining yamaraj & rishi what you did of killing my father like-wise I’ll be doing with you more than that. She had also clutched daughter of rishi so she tells her to make my her enjoy with you & her father becomes scared. She also plans to affect indra’s son too & indra understands that my son is under clutches under this evil. Mahadev tells indra not just your son but all gods too are in her clutches.
Sooravansh goes to scare indra’s son & other gods in their custodial place to harass them.
Mata says then it’s time for kartik to act fast & mahadev explains kartik by what powers he needs to fight with them & kartik gets ready & takes blessings from mahadev while mata paravati also blesses him with her weapon to fight strongly. As he makes himself ready to go then ganesh comes to tell him I am also coming then he stops him telling him you are still not telling me complete truth as you keep secrets with you then ganesh feels is brother kartik understood this or should I tell him about his marriage so he tries to convince him but then too kartik does not listen to him & leaves alone. Indra god comes to tell kartik i praise for you coming for help then kartik convinces him to not to worry as your son will come safely & indra feels happy about him.
All asoor children’s are rigorously treating the gods in their prison by telling them to use your powers for their evil plans to happen & they do as they all are harassed while indra’s son is watching this. He too works for them by serving & making them happy while they are also harassing him to make him serve for them. The evil’s son soorvansh is treating him by scaring him & making him to act & pray to him as per his orders as he feels very happy but one of his guard comes telling him that devraj indra is coming here itself so soorvansh says alone so let him come as he also will serve me with his son here & the guard says he is not coming alone but with a big sena who is lead by an young person. Indra’s son is smiling while he sees him & tells him to stop feeling happy. His senapati tells him to not worry as their small sena can be easily destroyed & he is harassing indra’s son while indra understands that the evil is harassing his child so stops & tells kartik about it then dev rishi comes telling them that now he can use the weapon as gajmukh & they fall in confusion how to tackle gajmukh as it can happen only tackled by mahadev.

Precap: The evil sooravansh is thinking this task can be completed by gajmukh. The arrows are being shot so kartik is retaliating towards the arrows for destroying.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Vighnaharta Ganesh 17th January 2020 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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