Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year!! Our telly stars and their New Year Resolutions!!

It’s New Years today and what’s new year without the new year resolutions. Out television stars too took to their social media account and shared their resolutions for this year. While we know, resolutions are hard to keep but let’s read what they aim for this year.

Shraddha Arya

Shraddha Arya a.k.a Preeta from Kundali Bhagya: My resolution for 2020 is to eat healthy.

Nishant Singh Malkani

Nishant Singh Malkani aka Akshat from Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega: My resolution is to be happy no matter what the circumstances are! We cannot control what goes on in the outside, but we can control how we are dealing with it inside. So this year, my resolution is going to be happy and spread positivity.

Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan aka Kabir from Ishq Subhan Allah: For 2020, my resolution is to finish working on a script that I have been developing, so that by the end of the next year, I can direct a short movie of my own.

Manit Joura

Manit Joura a.k.a. Rishabh from Kundali Bhagya: I want to be more committed to what I do. Be it work or my fitness regime or anything else, I want to continue with my process, without hindering it or taking a break. I also want to live life to the fullest.

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