Shakti 5th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Maninder beats up Varun and tells that his old bones are so much strength to save his daughter. He asks Varun to go and tells that whenever you come to me then I will defeat you. Varun leaves. Principal scolds Heer and Soham for their fight and tells that she will call their parents. Heer says our parents are one and asks her to call them. Soham says my mum is dead and father is Varun Singh. Heer is shocked and sad. Principal asks teacher to call their parents. Varun tells Shanno that he went to kill Soumya, but his Sasur Maninder saved Soumya. He says he came to know that he is freed from jail and says it is danger to go there again. Shanno provokes him reminding of past. Varun gets a call from school and says I am Soham’s father and coming there. Preeto comes to school. Heer hugs her and tells that Soham said that his parents are different and that his mum is dead. Preeto asks did you teach you this? Varun comes and asks if you don’t feel shame to teach wrong to kids. He asks Soham to come to Principal. They all go to Principal’s cabin. Principal tells that they will not tolerate misbehavior and fighting in school. Varun says it must be Soham’s mistake as he was raised by his Maasi. Preeto says Soumya loved him a lot. Varun tells that Soham will not do anything in future. Preeto says Soumya gave equal love to all. Heer apologizes to Principal and tells that it is not her brother’s mistake, but it is her mistake. She apologizes to Preeto and Soham. Varun says you people are not siblings. Preeto asks Heer not to call Soham as brother again. She asks Heer to bring her bag. Varun sends Soham to bring his bag. He tells Preeto that his fake love is winning. Preeto congratulates him.
Heer and Rohan come home with Preeto. Heer asks her about Soham’s father and mother who was dead. Preeto tells Soumya’s sister Surbhi and tells that they used to love each other a lot. She tells that Varun is Harman Singh’s brother and tells everything. She says who made Surbhi cry, will made Soham cry too. Heer asks if he is bad? Preeto says he is bad as he troubled Soham’s mother and made her cry. She says he was selfish. We fought for Soham from everyone, so that we can keep him with us, so that he can get good house, siblings and he becomes good like Harman Singh. Heer smiles. Shanno makes faces.
Later Heer asks Shanno to give Varun’s address and tells that she will meet soham and bring him back. She says she will tell Soham that Varun is bad. Shanno says do you know what will happen if Preeto comes to know. Heer says I will handle her and asks Shanno give his address. Shanno writes the address and asks her not to tell anyone. Heer says ok. Shanno asks her to go in the morning and not in night. Heer says ok and goes. Shanno thinks Heer can’t do anything and thinks to do something to her.
Varun brings chocolate milk for Soham. Soham recalls Soumya giving him haldi milk and tells that Maa/Maasi used to give him different milk. Varun says I will tell you the story of two brothers. He says there was two brothers, one was their own and loved by the family. He was married to the girl he liked, but other guy was adopted. Heer comes to Saya and asks her to come to soham’s house. Saya asks her to go with Preeto. Heer says Preeto asked her to let Soham be there and insist Saya to come. Saya agrees and says she will enquire Varun’s address. Heer says she got it. Saya says she is like Soumya.
Update in Progress
Update Credit to: H Hasan
The post Shakti 5th December 2019 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.
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