The episode starts with Disha in state of shock after listening to Sunny’s revelation, she raises her voice in anger and asks him, “What did you just say SUNNY???” Sunny is embarrassed to look into her eyes, looks down and says, “That I AM THE CHIEF COSTUME DESIGNER OF FUSION BEATS!!!” Soon an open-handed blow reaches on Sunny’s cheeks. He doesn’t react back. Disha catches his collars and screams, “Why Sunny??? WHY????” You are the best in your profession, and could have easily got ANY GOOD POSITION in any of the top fashion enterprises of INDIA, yet you chose FUSION BEATS, when you know that……. Disha stops herself cautiously. Sunny with tears in his eyes continues, “When I know that FUSION BEATS is owned by Mr. PURAB KHANNA, isn’t that right, Ma???” Disha screws her eyes shut, and closes her fists tightly. Sunny continues with a sad smile, “You are feeling insecure that I will choose that MAN in future over YOU, right MA??? All because Mr. Purab Khanna is my FATHER, right!!!” Tears roll down Disha’s cheeks on hearing those words. She opens her mouth to say something, but before that Sunny continues, “That man, lost the right to be called MY FATHER, the day he chose ALIYA MEHRA over you, Ma, and today he has ANOTHER SON, who has HIS NAME, HIS STATUS AND HIS FAMILY, he doesn’t even remember he has another son too, so HOW CAN YOU THINK THAT I WILL CHOOSE HIM OVER YOU MA??? I had chosen Fusion beats because……Sunny stops himself, before revealing his entire REVENGE PLAN against his DAD and his BROTHER, he continues, “Because it was the first offer I received, and wasn’t it you WHO TAUGHT NEVER MIX PERSONAL AND PROFESIONAL LIFE!!! So why should I deny working there, all because it is owned by MR. PURAB KHANNA.” Disha tries to object, “But, Sunny……” when Sunny catches her hands and starts pleading, “Please Ma, don’t object to what I’m doing right now, because I know what I’m doing …” then he folds his hands in front of her and continues, “And please don’t disclose to anyone, that I’m SUNNY, because everyone in Fusion beats knows me as SUNIL SHARMA!!!” Disha looks displeasingly emotional in front of her son, but then gives in to his demand saying, “Alright, if it is your WISH to work in your dad’s….” Sunny shouts, “MA!!! He is not my DAD!!! He lost me twenty-one years ago when we left MEHRA MANSION!!! He will just be my boss always, nothing else than that!!!” Disha eyes fill with tears and she hugs Sunny. Sunny’s eyes too fill with tears as he hugs his mother tightly thinking, “Sorry Ma, I could not reveal everything to you, but mark my words, I will make that MAN and his SON pay for what we went through all these years!!!”
Aryan comes with Mishti to a footwear shop and asks her, “Is this the place you want try out the sandals you are wearing for the FASHION EVENT!!” Mishti smiles and nods affirmingly. Aryan checks out the time and gets annoyed. He asks Mishti if he needs to come as he really don’t know anything about LADIES STUFF. Mishti catches his hand and pulls him, “Come on Aryan, now come and help me to select the right slippers which will go with my dress.” Aryan displeasingly goes along with her thinking, “It’s already late, will I be able to join Ranbir, Prachi and……” he heaves out a long sad breath thinking of Shahana.
Ranbir comes to Prachi’s house, when both Prachi and Shahana come and greet, Shahana eyes searchingly looks outside, when Prachi asks, “Where is Aryan???” Ranbir replies, “Since, Mishti is also participating for the FASHION EVENT tomorrow, she needed HELP, so Aryan is with her, he might join us LATER!!!” Shahana gets dejected on hearing that and gets reminded of Aliyah’s words regarding Aryan and Mishti’s relationship, and her hands starts trembling, with her constantly pulling her dupatta between her fingers. Prachi notices it and asks her, “What happened Shahana???” Shahana shakes her head denyingly, when Ranbir turns their attention asking, “Wow that’s a delicious AROMA!!!!” He catches Prachi’s hands and asks her naughtily, “Cooking special dishes for your BOYFRIEND, huh???” Prachi puts down his hands and says firmly, “Well it’s not me, but his LAZY BUM, Shahana, who hates even to put her one foot inside the kitchen, went inside and made RAJMA CHAWAL (Kidney bean rice)” Ranbir surprisingly asks, “Rajma chawal??? Well, Aryan, should have been here, he hates ALL INDIAN FOOD, as his mom had always been feeding him western culture food, but when it comes to Rajma Chawal, he can’t stop himself from having just one plate of it!!!” Ranbir and Prachi laugh, while Shahana gets lost in flashback of one of their college moments when Ranbir sitting with Prachi, Shahana and some of their other friends around them, is forcefully trying to stuff parathas into Aryan’s mouth. Aryan shouts saying “Being my chaddy buddy, don’t you know how much I hate OILY AND SPICY INDIAN FOOD!!! Ranbir tells him, “But just try one bite Aryan, Beeji made them, It’s really tasty!!!” Aryan says, “NO!!!” Ranbir then opens another tiffin box and asks him, “Then what about this, don’t you want to have this also???” Aryan looks into it and delightfully shouts, “Rajma Chawal!!!” He snatches the box and relishes it, Fb ends. Ranbir snaps at Shahana and asks, “Now you have made such a delicious dish for your jiju, won’t you serve it to him???” Shahana nods affirmingly giving out a sad smile.
Aryan gets more and more desperate to leave, while Mishti is constantly pestering him regarding his choice. He keeps looking onto his watch. Sanju enters the same shop where Aryan and Mishti have been sitting, he sees them and gets reminded of the Diwali incident and hides thinking, “What is this Aryan doing here??? Did he know that I have come here and come to give me the remainder of what he had left during the Diwali Party!!!” I have to stay cautious. Mishti says to Aryan, “It’s done, let me go and pay the bill, you wait here!!!” Aryan nods. Mishti goes near the bill counter, when a man comes and looks at her legs lustfully. He starts teasing, “Ma’am your feet are really beautiful!! Shall I help you to choose the right footwear for them!!!” Mishti gets annoyed and sharply tells “No!!!” Sanju notices the two from a short distance and whispers addressing to the stalker, “Arrey ho, shut up and stop showing your thirty-two teeth to her, MAN!!! Neither of them will be present in your mouth, if Aryan sees you teasing her. The man continues his tactics and comes and stands near Mishti, Sanju bangs his forehead with his hand. Soon, Aryan notices it and comes in between the MAN and Mishti, the man is surprised while Mishti smiles thinking, “Oh Aryan, you are so PROTECTIVE about me!!!” When the man pushes Aryan down, snatches Mishti’s purse and runs. Aryan gets hurt on his shoulder, but tries to get up and follow the MAN, but Mishti stops him saying, “Leave it Aryan!!! You already are hurt, don’t get hurt more following that man!!!” Aryan looks exasperatingly towards the way through which the man had exited. While, Sanju slyly goes out and goes in the direction in which the man had gone.
He goes forward to a much greater distance and reaches a bridge, he gets tired thinking, “Now where did he run off to, like a wind??? As he looks down, he notices the man smirking over the money he got from Mishti’s purse. Sanju comes towards him, the man looks up, when Sanju says, “I can give you more money, if you do the same thing, which you tried to do to that girl in the shop with the GIRL I ask you to!!!” The man smiles and nods excitedly. Sanju smirks.
To be continued.
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