Saturday, 21 December 2019

Choti Sardarni 21st December 2019 Written Episode Update: Yuvi and Param expelled from the school

Choti Sardarni 21st December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Meher recalls what HArleen said. She is upset. Meher says I won’t give up on my child. She hugs her dad’s photo and cries.
Param and Yuvi are in school. Yuvi says my dadi says who is feared dies. Param and Kulwant come to the teachers. The teacher asks Param is this your brother? Param says yes. She asks who is Kulwant? Yuvi says something in his ear. Param says what do you care? Long live Kulwant Kaur. Yvui says she is my dadi. And his nani. No one can touch us. You will get slapped. The principal says peon take these kids out. These kids can’t stay in this school. Call their families.

The principal calls Harleen. Harleen says to Meher you’re so proud that you will make Param well mannered? He is expelled from the school. All because of you. Sarab says but what happened? Harleen says this Meher and her family are to be blamed. Yuvi took the phone to the school and when teacher complained, Kulwant slapped the teacher. Yuvi taught the same ill-manners to our Param and he misbehaved with the principal. People think of us as they think of her family now. Meher leaves. Meher says I am going to talk to Kulwant. Sarab says don’t need to go there. Harleen says you worry about your child not Pram. I am there for him. Meher says let me go to school. Sarab gets a meeting fixed with the school board. Harleen says all of this affects your public image Sarab. What else is left to see now?

Scene 2
Yuvi throws his bag. Amrita says pick your bag. Jitto says you have an exam tomorrow right? He says I have no exam now. Amrita says what are you saying? I will slap you. Yuvi says dadi slapped Anita madam. She slapped her in front of the whole school. Now she will know what happens when you mess with me. She asked me to never to come back to school. Amrita slaps him and says how dare you. You won’t go to school? You think all of this is funny. She hits him. Jitto tries to stop Amrita. Jagga comes and says what happened? Amrita says he is expelled from the school.

The kids say Param is a bad boy. His nani slapped the teacher. param says no I want to study. I am not a bad boy. He cries. Meher hugs him and says you didn’t do any mistake. We will talk to the principal. You’re not a bad boy.
Meher waits for the principal. They say he is in a meeting. The peon says he left for the board meeting. Sarab calls Meher. He says come to home. Meher says I wanted to talk to the principal. Harleen says don’t do this drama and bring Param here. Param says I am scared, mama. Meher says I told you what do do when you’re scared. He says to go to the temple.

Meher and Param come to the temple. Jagga sees her. He says Yuvi is expelled from the school. Meher says Param is expelled as well. Yuvi says to Param there is a crowd on two shops only Param medicine and wine. I will open a wine shop. Jagga says shut up.

Dolly says to Harleen wow all this happened? Meher comes in. Harleen says where did you take Parma? She says we went to the temple. Dolly says your mother slaps people and then you go to the temple. Harleen says your mother said Yuvi considered you a mom. Stay away from Param. I don’t want him to become like you people who lie and do violence. He is my responsibility now like he used to be.

Precap-Jagga says to Kulwant you have to apologize in the school. Kulwant says my foot. Sarab comes in and says you have to.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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12/21/2019 11:53:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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