Friday, 1 November 2019

Nimki Vidhayak 1st November 2019 Written Episode Update

Nimki Vidhayak 1st November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dumri is shocked to see Minto on the doorstep. He says is Nimki here? Dumri screams and runaway. Minto comes inside and looks around for Nimki. He enters a room and Nimki is changing there. She covers herself. Minto says your aunt fainted outside. Nimki runs to her and asks Minto to leave, I wil talk to later, he leaves.

Mishra tells Parag that we can’t break Srivastav’s face as we have to get the government. Parag says I am waiting for my time. Mishra says I want to throw that Nimki out of this. Parag says stop saying rubbish, don’t even say bad words for her. Tunee hears it. Ganga hears it and asks Shankar. Shankar says Parag met Nimki last night and she was with a man Abhi so Parag asked about him. I think he is interested. Ganga says find out about Nimki and her family, only then I can decide what to do about this marriage proposal.

Mauha and Mono come home and see Dumri unconscious. Nimki says she is fine. Mauha wakes Dumri up. Dumri is scared and recalls seeing Minto thinking he is Babbu. She says ghost.. ghost..

Minto tells his friends that I went to Nimki’s house and her aunt fainted so I entered her room without permission. His friend asks why he went there? Minto says Shukla wants me to convince Nimki to vote for him. He calls Nimki. Nimki says why did you come her? Minto says she just fainted seeing me. Nimki says she now thinks Babbu’s ghost is in the house, don’t call me, she ends the call.
Dumri is still scared. Nimki says stop it, you can go back to the village if you are that scared. Dumri says no, I think you are right, I might have been imagining, she leaves. Mauha shakes her head.

Scene 2
Minto’s friend says that we have to talk to Nimki somehow. Minto agrees.

Shankar tells Parag that Nimki’s friend’s name is Abhi. Parag says I am sleeping, don’t disturb me.

Dumri is scared. Mauha asks what happened? tell me. Dumri says don’t tell Nimki. Mauha says I am staying here because I don’t have a place to go but I am not scared of her. Nimki talks about her new home and says soon we will shift.

Minto asks the doctor to prepare for the operation, I will get money, he says you have one week, Minto thinks how to convince Nimki?

Nimki tells her family that Ganga has made me her partner and I am going to become a minister, everything is going on as per my plan, hardwork does pay off. Mauha says you really think she will give you a seat? Nimki says yes, don’t interfere in my life if you don’t want me to interfere in yours.
Dadi calls Nimki and says Minto was tensed, did you talk to him? She says I will. Dadi says how was the gift? She says what gift? She finds a gift in her room and says I am checking it.

Shukla’s man calls Minto and says you have to convince Nimki otherwise my man is ready to go to your Dadi.

PRECAP- Nimki asks Minto to go with her to Mai’s room. Minto says I am not going to meet her till you agree to vote for Shukla. If you don’t vote for Shukla then I will tell Mai everything and that I am not Babbu.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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11/01/2019 06:43:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments