Monday 18 November 2019

KDB Journey Of Destined Love and REVENGE Episode 3

The episode starts with Srishti getting shocked at knowing the existence of Bulbul. “What?? What do you mean by that?? Why dadu?? after so many years I came to know that I have an older sister called BULBUL, and your saying I can’t meet her!!” Srishti holds Bg’s hands and continues “I have full rights to meet her!! Please promise me you will meet me to my Bulbul di!!” Bg struggles to deliver her reply back to Srishti.  ” Now its too LATE..” Srishti says, ” NOTHING IS LATE DADU!! And nothing is over either!!” Beeji shouts in grief ” Why don’t you understand Srishti!! It’s not possible, Bulbul is no more…” Bg is taken back by her own words realizing what she just confessed, while Srishti bursts into tears with disbelief. “You’re joking right?? Sorry dadu but this was a very disgusting joke to make!!” tears are flooding down BG’s cheeks and it falls on Bulbul’s photo, Srishti wipes them saying ” Dadu you’re each moment of silence is killing me!! Fine, you won’t tell me where she is then I will ask MAMA myself!! BG stops Srishti exclaiming, ” MY Bulbul was just like you Shrishti!! Very Stubborn.” Srishti shouts in ANGER ” DON’T CHANGE THE GOD DAMN TOPIC!!” SARLA comes there leaving BG and Srishti both shocked.

In LUTHRA Mansion,

Raakhi comes inside her room locking the door behind her, and she sits on the edge of Mahesh’s bed, she weeps after seeing his critical condition. ” Why are you sleeping?? Is this the time to sleep when your both sons need you the most!! One is Karan who doesn’t know himself what he is doing!! My Karan forgot to RESPECT WOMAN!! And On the other hand, is my Rishabh who is completely the opposite!! He keeps a happy face in front of everyone, but he is not happy on the inside!! I’m his Mother!! My both sons forgot to smile Mahesh Ji and learned to hide pain! Now you must do something to bring back OUR SONS HAPPINESS!!” Rishabh knocks on the door, Rakhi wipes her tears and asks ” Who is it??”… “It is me Rishabh!!”  Rakhi says, ” I want to stay ALONE, please GO, I know you have brought food along with you!!” Rishabh requests her, ” Please open the DOOR Mom!!” Rakhi doesn’t respond and starts crying again, She finally agrees to open the door when Rishabh says ” If you don’t open the DOOR then I will also not eat!!” Rakhi unlocks her door and opens it, she gets emotional seeing Rishabh and hugs him tightly. Rishabh hugs her back.

In KAREENA’S ROOM, Luthra mansion

Kareena is thinking of WAYS of how she can persuade Karan to agree to marry MAYRAA when she gets worried for Sherlyn recalling when Rishabh was asking about her while having Breakfast, Kareena decides to call Sherlyn.
Meanwhile, SHERLYN is driving and gets happy recalling her romantic moments with Prithvi and thinks, ” My life has become so BORING ever since marrying this businessman Rishabh Luthra!! I want to have fun AGAIN and miss my old self!!” Sherlyn gets a call from KAREENA, she gets happy thinking ” It must be PRITHVI calling me as he is really missing me!!” But she later gets frustrated at knowing it is KAREENA who is calling her ” OH GOD!! This Kareena doesn’t have any other work but to keep pestering me, before I was indecisive about what I should do after gaining all the Property!! BUT now I will make sure this Kareena is thrown out of Luthras Mansion first!!” Sherlyn doesn’t pick up Kareena’s call and throws her phone in ANGER. Kareena wonders, ” Sherlyn has NEVER declined my calls!! What happened today to make her reject me?? I will ask Sherlyn when she comes back home, and she has to give me a proper answer this time!!” Sherlyn turns on her music and cheers up, but later gets shocked seeing Preeta with Karan at his training and wonders, ” What is she doing here??” Sherlyn calls Prithvi but he doesn’t pick her call up. Sherlyn thinks, ” When I have something important to say, he never attends my CALLS!! Looks like I’ll have to go to his house to give him this ‘great’ news.


SARLA is LEFT confused at seeing Shrishti and Beejee’s shocking reaction to her late arrival. Sarla asks, ” What happened?? why are you two looking at me as if I caught your robbery!!” Beeji clears her throat and tries to avoid Sarla’s question, ” It’s nothing Sarla, why did you wake up?? SARLA replies, ” Beeji I’m feeling much better NOW!!” BG orders her, ” Just 2 days back you were unwell and now you’re saying I’m fine?? GO BACK TO SLEEP NOW!!” Sarla is adamant, ” Beeji, I said no, I’m feeling much better than before!! And besides, you know how I am, I can’t tolerate too much rest!!” Beeji crosses her ARMS and forces her, ” Sarla if you don’t go I will CALL Preeta!!” Shrishti says, ” if MAMA doesn’t want to rest, then don’t force her DADU!!” Beeji thinks,” Oh GOD!! Sarla is adamant not to go and Shrishti is looking like she will bring Bulbul’s topic up today, Help me, god!! I can’t see my family breaking in this AGE”. Srishti says, ” Srishti comes to Sarla and asks her, “I have to ask you something MAMA??” Sarla says, ” why are you looking so stressed?? what’s the matter??” Srishti continues, ” If I ask you will you tell me the truth??” Sarla gets worried and nods her head, Srishti shows her Bulbul’s pic,” Who is this girl??” SARLA gets shocked while Shrishti eagerly awaits for her question to be answered. To be continued…

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11/18/2019 05:33:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments