Saturday 2 November 2019

Haiwan 2nd November 2019 Written Episode Update: Ansh and Gia implant doubts in Amrita-Randhir’s minds

Haiwan 2nd November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The teleporter fell down with Ansh over the car roof. Randhir and Amrita ran downstairs. Teleporter had run away. Amrita was tensed that he is bleeding. Randhir convince Ansh to become a Haiwan, Haiwan has healing powers and he will recover soon. Ansh apologizes Amrita and Randhir. Both forgive Ansh, Amrita even apologizes for the doubt. They insist on Ansh to become a Haiwan for their sake. Ansh stands up and turns himself to Haiwan. He turns back into human, all the injuries and blood gone. Randhir hugs Ansh and says he is his friend, and brother. He risked his own life for him. Amrita says she is now sure their old Ansh is back. Ansh smirks as he hugs Randhir. Gia watches him from a distance.

Later at home, Randhir Ansh he remembers everything, every reading of the machine. He will redesign it. Ansh says he trusts him. He asks Randhir when he and Amrita are marrying. Randhir replies may be this week. It will take them too long if they start planning, he decided to give her a surprise. Ansh stammers while he congratulates Randhir. Ansh gets a call and goes to take it. Amrita comes to Randhir and says she is so relieved, she wish nothing ruins their happy life now.

Ansh tells Gia he got nothing even after winning their trust. They are marrying next week. Gia tells Ansh not to find excuses for fury, everything will be according to their planning. She recalls Randhir’s curse that Gia didn’t deserve love. Gia says if she doesn’t deserve love, Randhir can’t as well get love. She says Diwali will change everyone’s life. He will get Amrita, and she must get the red diary. Ansh turns around to find Amrita and Randhir in a hug.

The next morning, a couple was running for wedding. Teleporter flew with the girl while Haiwan attacks the guy. At night, Amrita decorates the lights for Diwali. Dharam comes asking why Randhir is late. Amrita was annoyed that she did her makeup like birthday cake, and Randhir always betrays her. They hear some strange movements upstairs. Amrita goes upstairs with her gun, the lights of the house go off. There were fire crackers blowing Will You Marry Me? Randhir hugs Amrita from back and asks if her reply is Yes or No. Amrita replies Yes. Randhir says he has heard mind blowing proposals have less chances of rejection. They hear cough from the room, Amrita calls Dharam and Dadi as they must be here. Amrita now asks everyone to come downstairs, she cooked a lot. Randhir gets a call from Baby that he has hacked the code, he must come here now. Amrita allows Randhir to go. She says after all Randhir will return to her and they will now celebrate every festival with each other. Randhir promises to make each of their next Diwali better than this one.

In the lab, Baby comes to Randhir that they need to repair the machine. Randhir says he has been working on formulas since last night. He will prepare a solution which will negate the solution which Amrita inserted in his body.

At Grewal lab, they transfuse Ansh’s blood into the kidnapped couple. Govind says this seems to be the best way they can create Haiwan. Chetan wonders why they are wasting on them, they will get the diary in a few days and must wait. Gia slaps him as they must keep on trying. Gia says they might not need the diary if this experiment goes successful. Ansh turns back into human and says he helped Gia only because she helped him, and promised to get him Amrita by Diwali night. Tomorrow is Diwali night. Gia replies their action starts here.

Ansh wakes up as Ansh bent over her. She was terrified. Ansh says he is extremely tensed, his head aches and he has been unable to control his anger and rage. He has been sleepless for nights, and only wish to sleep. He is afraid of turning into a Haiwan if he sleeps. Amrita says he can’t sleep here and must leave at once. Ansh goes to lay on the couch and promises he won’t tease her at all. Amrita dials Randhir’s number but Ansh at once snatches the cell phone. He asks why she wants him to get angry and things getting worse between them. Amrita goes back to her bed. Ansh smiles as he lay down to sleep. In the morning, Amrita wakes up still in sitting position. Ansh wasn’t there in the room.

The experiment on the girl fails. But the guy turns to the old Haiwan. Gia was happy that Ansh will now stay loyal for whole of their life. They feel bad for Randhir. Ansh comes to tell them he terrified Amrita last night. Chetan wonders what the use of it is, but Govind tells him to stay silent.

Dadi brings Ubtan to Amrita’s room so that she takes a bath. Amrita walks to the dressing. She was startled and reacts aggressively as Randhir hugs her from behind. Randhir asks why she reacted like this, if anyone else could be here. Amrita replies there is nothing like that. Randhir asks her to join him for breakfast, and finds Ansh’s perfume in the room. Amrita says Ansh must have left it sometime. She tells Randhir to focus and make Ansh well first.

Gia’s Haiwan was ready. Ansh thinks tonight, Amrita will be his.

After the breakfast, Amrita had freshen up. She takes the Ubtan to bath. Randhir offers to apply it, as how she will do it all alone. They were playful as Randhir closely applies it on her face and rubs his to share the Ubtan. He then applies it on her neck. Dadi comes calling Amrita. Amrita at once cleans her face and Randhir’s as well. Dadi tells Amrita there was a call from office, something was wrong. They watch a news of a missing report. Amrita calls Aditi. Aditi says it’s a missing report. Randhir wonders how two people could vanish. Amrita says in Shimodra there are again reports of kidnapping and killings, like in Haiwan’s time. What if Ansh is behind all this? Randhir says this isn’t possible, they must inquire Gia. The pooja thaal fell down as Amrita turns around. Dadi reacts as it may be a bad omen.

Randhir comes home. Nisha was asking about Ansh as Ansh isn’t home since last night. She accuses Randhir for turning a good and sweet human into a Haiwan only for an experiment. He has ruined Ansh’s life. Nisha calls Ansh and says she rooted a doubt in Randhir’s mind that he might be behind missing people case. Ansh smirks. There, Baby tells Randhir that Nisha might be right. Ansh is still a Haiwan, he turns into evil outside the house. He had seen him leave house at 3am last night.

Ansh was in the terrace. Randhir joins him and casually asks where he had been all night. Ansh asks Randhir if he would now stalk him. Randhir smiles and explains he feels the evil medicine is still in his body. Ansh asks if Randhir thinks he is behind the missing couple case. Randhir replies it’s not like that, sill he wants to know. Ansh says Randhir might not like it. Randhir convince Ansh to tell him, he won’t judge at all. Ansh says he was with Amrita all night. She called him home, but took a promise not to tell anyone; he doesn’t want to go in depth. When Ansh had left, Randhir wonders why Amrita doubts Ansh then, and why she didn’t tell him.

Ansh tells Gia about sowing the seeds of doubt in Randhir’s mind against Amrita. Gia says its now her turn to implant doubt against Randhir in Amrita’s mind.

Aditi tells Amrita the couple married last night and were about to fly. Amrita asks if someone had seen any marks 16 or 17 inches long in the soil. They hear some strange voice and follow it with the team. Haiwan stood there roaring around the girl’s dead body. Amrita and her team shoot him with bullets but useless. They finally back off. Ansh flies for their help and fights the Haiwan. The Haiwan had finally turned into the guy and lay dead. Aditi says this is the same guy who went missing. Amrita says this means someone was experimenting to turn them Haiwan.

In Grewal pharmaceuticals, Gia discusses with Ansh that Amrita will now begin to doubt Randhir. Chetan tries to intervene but was slapped by Gia. Govind sends him to get coffee for him. Chetan hurries back to inform them that Amrita is coming in. Ansh was tensed. Amrita finds Gia. Gia asks Amrita why she came here. Amrita says she must be behind the experimentation on missing couple. Gia says she has nothing to do with Haiwan and the missing couple, they would still need to investigate. Gia asks Amrita if she investigated Randhir as well, he is also conducting experiments to cure Ansh. Amrita says Gia has taken over Randhir’s lab, he can’t experiment anymore. Gia secretly tells Amrita Randhir broke into his lab last night, in spite of her triple protection code he hacked it. Amrita leaves with her team. Ansh comes downstairs and complements Gia to be smart. Gia says doubts turn love into hatred among two people.

In the Diwali party, Baby asks Randhir if he inquired about Amrita. Randhir says she might be on her way. Baby says he thought Randhir would doubt her. Randhir tells him not to be silly. Amrita arrives at the function. Randhir complements moon is here in front of him, that’s why it’s Amavasya. Both had to speak to each other thinking about their own doubts.

Dadi comes to send Randhir and Amrita apply flowers on the main door, its done either by the man of the house, or the lady queen (Lakshmi). Amrita climbs the stool and was about to slip. Randhir helps her. Her blouse gets untied. Randhir offers to help her, he tries from the front standing close to Amrita. Then asks her to turn around and bends romantically. Afterwards, Randhir holds Amrita in the air so that she hands the flowers. Ansh had walked behind them. He clutches his fists and utters they won’t get anything to do together after tonight. He had left. Randhir asks Amrita if there is something else she wants to say. Amrita says there is a question, if he still hides anything from her. If he is doing some experiments to make another Super Human. Randhir questions if Amrita doubts him once again, she would never chance. Amrita says last time, he was actually hiding something. Randhir says he must have doubted her but he didn’t. He walks to the hall. Amrita comes to her and asks him to be clear. Randhir says Ansh told him he was in her room last night, but he never dragged the matter because he trusts Amrita. It’s Amrita who doesn’t trust. Ansh smirks that doubt ruins love.

PRECAP: Amrita tells Randhir from across the washroom door that Ansh is misleading them, he has neither changed nor he will. Ansh appears from inside the washroom and terrifies Amrita not to make a noise.

Update Credit to: Sona

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